If you are looking to use essential oils you can find my young living shop HERE! Would love to have you along on the journey!
One of the most frequently asked questions that I have received since going public with my various health issues is whether or not I use essential oils. To be frank I avoided the question for a while because my "beginning" journey with essential oils was very rough. I also avoided the topic because I want to be sensitive to everyone's journey in their fight for their health. To give a little background (and perhaps to encourage those who have experienced similar "well-meaning advice") I wanted to share a little bit about my story and give my perspective on the essential oils debate.
Four years ago (almost to the date) I was driving home from where I was teaching in Georgia to my parents home for a long weekend, talking to one of my best friends when I experienced (on a busy highway) what I thought was a stroke. It was incredibly scary, extremely frightening, and I literally thought I was dying. To be honest, this was one more strange and scary symptom in a list of symptoms that I had begun to experience three years prior to that. (At the time we had no idea that I was fighting Advanced Late Stage Lyme Disease or what my oncologist now believes were the beginning stages of Cancer.) For the next twelve months I lived with worsening and intensifying strange and scary symptoms before being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. I started to receive treatment for both of those things in the winter of 2012, but my health, continued to worsen.
In the summer of 2012 I had two friends who came to visit me in upstate NY. Both of these ladies had been walking the journey of my health with me for a couple of years at that point and one of them mentioned to me that I should start using oils. She was very enthusiastic with her knowledge and had many stories of those healed by oils and truly believed that there was an oil for every single ailment that I was experiencing (and anyone experienced). I have to admit that I was skeptical. By that point in my journey I had started to have allergic reactions to a variety of different things (including new homeopathic treatments I was trying) and I was very nervous to try anything new. (We had no idea that Lyme had caused me to have Mast Cell Disease at this point in the journey, but my sixth sense of knowing that something was very wrong was well-founded.) This lady shared that she really believed that I needed to "release fear and have faith" and use the oils. She had even brought a couple of them with her for me to use. I was grateful for her consideration and thoughtfulness but was still very skeptical. She again encouraged me to "have faith" and so I tried the oils later that evening. I had a reaction (I developed a rash) but decided to not share this because I didn't want to offend this friend. Honestly, I hoped the subject might be dropped so it wouldn't affect our friendship.
As the months passed and my health worsened and I started going to the hospital for one issue after another my friend continued to encourage me through text messages and Facebook messages to "have faith" and try more oils. Some of the oils that she suggested were a "blend" that included lemon, which I am allergic to. When I shared this, I was once again encouraged to "have faith" and that it would help me. Once, after I had an anaphylactic reaction to rice and had texted my friends asking for prayer because I couldn't stop throwing up in the ER and they couldn't get an IV inserted into a vein, she texted back asking if I "really wanted and believed that I could be healed" and later texted saying, "you should be using oils to be healed".
To be honest, for a long time, I felt that oils were the cause for the disintegration in our friendship. I now realize that is not the case, there were other issues, BUT for a long time I was annoyed and disgusted with oils. And sadly, I hear that this story that I have shared has happened to a lot of other people in a variety of ways. Sometimes, in the midst of the discussion about oils, those who decide not to try and use them (for many legitimate reasons) are "judged" due to this decision. I literally could share hundreds of stories of emails that I have received on this issue.
I also could share hundreds of emails that I have received that have stated that if I would just use "this mixture of oils" I would be healed from Lyme Disease and my other health issues. It seems like in recent months there has been an explosion of oil posts, essential oil facebook groups, essential oil meetings, etc. Honestly, everywhere you look someone is talking about oils.
SO... where do I come down on the debate of essential oils? My personal opinion is that for many people who are "typically" healthy oils can be a safe and natural alternative to taking a bunch of over the counter medicines. Instead of popping a pill, essential oils can provide natural relief that is much better for your body than taking another over the counter medication, but I still encourage everyone to consult with a qualified medical practitioner.
However, on the flip side, I strongly encourage those who are struggling with a chronic illness/serious illness to consult with a physician, a qualified ND, or health practitioner who is familiar with your disease and essential oils. Oils, like herbs or any vitamin or natural supplement, are potent and you want to consult with someone who understands your illness and the oils. Unfortunately (and I think a VERY scary issue) many oil ambassadors (like my well meaning friend I mentioned at the beginning) are not qualified health practitioners and may not understand the complexity of what you are dealing with when handing out oil advice. I can't even begin to count the amount of times I have cringed when reading advice that people are giving when they have absolutely no idea the medical nature of some illness and how oils may affect an individual person. It is very ironic to me because these same people will claim that oils "are very strong, very potent" but don't seem to want to acknowledge the affect that it could have on a seriously ill person.
Do I think that essential oils can help with certain symptoms and issues? Absolutely. Last year, right after I had fired my original Lyme doctor and before we had found my amazing medical team that I am currently with I was having horrible digestive issues. The year before that my entire digestive system had crashed and it looked like I was headed back down that same route. I asked my best friend (who used oils but had always been incredibly respectful of my health issues and hesitancy) for her advice and to see if there was anything that she would suggest. My best friend did a ton of research for me to come up with some suggestions that I discussed her findings with a couple of medical practitioners that were apart of my team. I started at a VERY low dosage, was diagnosed with Mast Cell Disease (and am receiving treatment) and over the ensuing months (and to this day) I have built up to where I use some of these oils every single day and now I have added a couple of new ones into my daily routine. I have personally found that these oils have made a huge difference in helping my symptoms of Lyme Disease. My routine has not been for the faint of heart because it took over two years to get a "normal persons dosage" on these oils. There are still two oils that I am working up to the correct amount of drops! These oils have helped me avoid taking some over the counter medications, which allows my body to have less toxins going in to it. For this I am so incredibly grateful. I can personally testify that I don't have to use as much pain medication, over the counter medications, etc. As you saw in my daily routine I use oils throughout the day. I have carefully spent time with my medical team devising a schedule where oils will be the most effective for me with my health struggles.
BUT... and this is a question that I get all of the time by those who know that I use oils... Do I think that oils alone can cure diseases? No. Please listen before I get a ton of emails angry with my response. If you have been around here for any length of time you know that I love the Lord with all of my heart. I truly believe that HE is the great healer and complete healing comes from Him. I also believe that the Lord uses doctors, medical professionals, and many other qualified practitioners here on earth to help us beat horrible diseases like Cancer and Lyme Disease. Believe me, I wouldn't be spending the $1200 a month on vitamins and herbs if I didn't think that they were helping me win this battle. And I certainly wouldn't be asking my best friend to continue to send me oils if I didn't think that they had a purpose. They do... but in all of the research that I have done on Lyme Disease, I can't find one "long-term" success story (by long-term I mean past five years with no relapse). I have found a LOT of short term success stories but no long-term ones. (For clarification I am only discussing stories of those who ONLY used oils and nothing else!)There have been great success stories with oils helping every day ailments so that people can live a more full life. All of this is wonderful, but I cringe when I hear an oil ambassador stating that "oils will heal you of __________" when they have no expertise in the matter and can't back this claim up with long term data. So, to me, oils alone are not the answer. I do believe that oils have helped with other ailments, but I still caution those to do lots of research on this issue. MANY MANY MANY times as you read oil success stories they are accompanied with a complete life style change (i.e. detoxing, food/diet changes, etc.) and oils are one of many helpful things.
If y'all have been sick or had a friend or loved one with a serious illness then you know that there are often times "hot debates" about how best to treat the illness. Usually it comes down to a three separate groups: (1)- completely all natural, (2) completely all medication/scientific decisions, or (3) an integrative/combined approach. The third group is where I fall in. As you look and read through my blog and read my daily routine you see that I am doing a completely integrative approach and using ALL different things to heal my body and beat this disease. I respect everyone no matter what "group" they fall into on their personal health journey to get well and beat a disease. It is a battle like no other and if you haven't lived it then it is a completely different world. It takes strength you never knew you had and a determination that has to be rock solid. If you know me than you know I often say, "I pray all the time for healing and I fight like crazy to live out those prayers". For me, fighting like crazy is using all available resources and one of those are the oils. For me, the oils allow me to focus NOT on symptoms, but to focus on beating these diseases. If you are a Lymie and are interested in hearing about oils specifically related to Lyme Disease I am going to share my thoughts about that next week!
So there is my humble opinion, about the essential oils debate. *smiles* What about you? What do you think of essential oils? I would love to hear your thoughts on this debate!
If you are looking to use essential oils you can find my young living shop HERE! Would love to have you along on the journey!
{Disclaimer: The information included in "Thursday Health Thoughts" and on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her health care provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. Reading the information on this website does not create a physician-patient relationship.}
{Disclaimer: The information included in "Thursday Health Thoughts" and on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her health care provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. Reading the information on this website does not create a physician-patient relationship.}
Well, we have officially entered into the frozen movie. If you haven't heard, some of the south was hit with a winter storm and here where I live, we are literally still "trapped" in our neighborhood. Because of the hills and the decision to not treat "sub roads" we are stuck.
To be perfectly honest, not much has changed in my life because I am primarily housebound, but I can see by the number of walks that my neighbors are doing that they are starting to get antsy to return to "normal" life. *smiles*
Honestly, I am so incredibly grateful that while we did lose internet power for a couple of days, we have not lost electricity! SUCH a blessing that we are thanking the Lord for!
The view outside my window has been gorgeous. I have spent hours marveling at the Lord's creations and the beauty that has surrounded us. It looks like we are embraced with a glittering and crystal woods. It is simply gorgeous.
I will definitely share with y'all additional pictures taken on my camera, but in the meantime now that we have power I just wanted to say a quick "hello" with y'all!
I hope y'all are having a wonderful day and are staying warm!
Happy Valentine's Day sweet friends! I hope that you are having a lovely weekend! I am so excited to share with y'all today a custom order from a couple of months ago!
I have said this before, but one of my favorite items to create in the shop are the "altered travel journals". There are different options available including, altered city travel journal, altered state travel journal, altered country travel journal, and I recently added the altered 1,000 Places to See Before you Die Altered travel journal. They are a wonderful keepsake or a perfect gift!
This custom order was from a Jamie who wanted me to create an altered travel journal for her brother as a Christmas Present. As we discussed the things that she wanted in the travel journal I thought an altered 1,000 Places to See Before you Die Altered travel journal would be perfect! This allowed me to alter and highlight time that was spent in South America that they had plus give them a keepsake that they could use in the future.
Jamie, who I knew in high school, was such a delight to work with! I was THRILLED with the final results and loved this color combination and definitely plan to use it again in the future!!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to create this for you Jamie! Thank you so much for your kind and wonderful shop review also! You are a blessing!
If you are interested in purchasing an altered 1,000 Places to See Before you Die Altered travel journal click HERE! Or hop on over to check out more items available in my shop!
I have said this before, but one of my favorite items to create in the shop are the "altered travel journals". There are different options available including, altered city travel journal, altered state travel journal, altered country travel journal, and I recently added the altered 1,000 Places to See Before you Die Altered travel journal. They are a wonderful keepsake or a perfect gift!
Jamie, who I knew in high school, was such a delight to work with! I was THRILLED with the final results and loved this color combination and definitely plan to use it again in the future!!
Date: February
13, 2015
Contact: Rebecca VanDeMark
“Prayers for the Single Journey” released
Prayers for the Single Journey, by:
Rebecca VanDeMark, MPA
How do singles navigate the single journey
while their hearts long for their other half? How do they live fully in the
present while they long for a future day? These and other questions plague the
single along with a host of different emotions and situations. This book is
designed to encourage the single, lead them to scripture, and remind them that
they are not alone in this season.
“Prayers for the Single Journey”, written by
Rebecca VanDeMark, is a fifty-two topic prayer devotional for those who are
walking the single journey. Spoken from a heart of compassion and
understanding, Rebecca lovingly addresses many topics that singles deal with
each and every day.
Rebecca states in her introduction, “The book
that you hold in your hand has been written from my heart. The topic of
singleness is a subject that is near and dear to my heart as a single lady
approaching her mid-thirties. There are a lot of wonderful and well-written
books on singleness, but very little on the subject of prayer specifically
related to walking the single journey. My hearts desire was to offer scriptural
encouragement through the many difficult and changing emotions of walking the
single journey no matter the age of the reader.”
“Prayers for the Single Journey” can be
purchased where books are sold, including Amazon. "Prayers
for the Single Journey" (ISBN: 978-0692380024)
is a 134 page prayer devotional. Rebecca VanDeMark can be found
at her website: www.rebeccavandemark.com,
her blog: www.caravansonnet.com,
and on social media. Rebecca is also the founder of SEEN Gathering, a chronic
illness ministry, which can be found at: www.seengathering.org.
- ### -
Even as I am sitting here writing this I am humbly thanking the Lord for His strength in helping me complete this project. This was a book that resonated deep in my heart and was written out of a love for those walking the single journey. I started writing this book over five years ago, about a year after the break up of my ex-fiance' and I. I had never realized how much of a "couples world" this life could be until that point. Throughout the past five years I have written this book slips of paper, napkins, notes in my journals, and even in some of my teaching books when I was learning something! It has been written in a variety of different places, but all close to my heart. Finally I combined everything into a book that is a heartbeat and passion of mine ... prayers for the single journey.
This little book is designed with 52 topics that singles live with and includes verses to meditate on and pray through in times of difficulty and in good days. This book is meant to be a companion and an encouragement to all who are walking the single journey!
I am SO excited to announce that it is OFFICIALLY released!! You can purchase it in book form or on Kindle where books are sold and you can find it on Amazon by clicking HERE to purchase it!
Thank you so much to ALL of you that have been walking this journey with me in prayer! TRULY you are a blessing!!
With Love,
If you have been around this blog (or my instagram) for even a minute you know that my favorite place on earth is upstate New York (specifically Lake Champlain and the Adirondack Region). My brother once said, "it is written in your soul" and I couldn't think of a better description of my love for this area of the world that the Lord created.
Since I became ill I think I have fallen even more in love with it (if that is possible). The majestic beauty that shouts on sunny days as well as cloudy days to my heart sings of God's majestic power, His creativeness, and His love.
While I have hiked a few of the Adirondack mountains I am in no way a "46er", although I would love to be someday! In the meantime I will marvel at the beauty that I see. *smiles*
In early January when we were in upstate NY my mom asked me if I felt well enough to take a trip to drive through the mountains. I was anxious to get out of the house and felt well enough to ride in the car. It was beautiful. We drove several hours to a region that I hadn't been to before- the Hurricane Chapter and as I mentioned on instagram, I fell even more in love with this area of the world.
As I look at these mountains I am reminded of beautiful scripture promises that speak of God's love and protection for His people. For me, every time I see this area of the world I am not drawn to beauty for just the beauty, but I am drawn closer to the heart of God as I remember His promises.
"As the mountains surround Jerusalem, So the LORD surrounds His people From this time forth and forever."
-Psalm 125:2-
"Before the mountains were born Or You gave birth to the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God."
-Psalm 90:2-
"For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, But My loving-kindness will not be removed from you, And My covenant of peace will not be shaken," Says the LORD who has compassion on you."
-Psalm 54:10-
Aren't those verses so powerful as they speak to the Lord's precious love? I hope that today as you read this and look at these pictures you are reminded how precious you are to God and that no matter the circumstances, He is surrounding us. His peace will not be shaken or removed!
Happy Monday friends!
Before I became seriously ill and had to move home to my parents home for help I had always viewed myself as a very blessed lady. The Lord had blessed me with an incredible family with loving and supportive parents who love the Lord and new and old friends who I had met and grown closer to over the years. I have shared the unfortunate (and realistic) lesson that I had to learn the very hard way with illness: that many people walk away (including people you never would have suspected) but there is also an incredible unexpected blessing of illness.
Serious illness (as in my case) leaves you incredibly vulnerable to the relationships that you have in your life because you have nothing to offer. You aren't well enough to do things that you might have done "normally" before (like attend special events or birthday parties). You aren't well enough to often remember the days of the week let alone remember important days in others lives (like birthdays, anniversary dates, etc.). You often don't have the strength for regular phone conversations (or meeting for coffee). And you often are trying to use every single spare energy you have to get better that "real life" disappears into a "fog" of "what was".
You realize with startling reality that the many of the relationships that you have were built on what you have to offer another person instead of love. And the sad reality is that many, many, many people walk away when you have nothing to offer. A sweet friend of mine who is fighting Ovarian Cancer recently asked me if I thought illness caused division and was the cause of people leaving. I have thought about it for a while, and the truth is that I don't think it is. Yes, illness is messy and hard and filled with tons of pain and yuckiness. BUT. I truly believe that illness just shines a spotlight on the issues, the reality, and the character of who we are and those that we are friends with. I truly believe that if it wasn't the situation of illness that caused the "fracture" in relationships, it would have been something else eventually.
BUT in the midst of all of that, there is an unexpected blessing of illness if you look for it. In the midst of the difficult, the messy, and painful, there emerges a group of people that become "your family" or "your team". These are the people that instead of walking away when times get tough they continue to love on you even though there is absolutely no benefit and no gain for themselves. They quietly and sacrificially love you, walk with you, and model Christ's love beautifully. They are the unexpected blessing of illness and I have realized that even more than before I am a very blessed woman.
If I tried to list everyone who has played a part... who has been my heroes in this journey, the list would be to long. BUT I do want to share some incredible people with you today and try to (inadequately) share how much y'all have touched my life.
My parents have been beyond amazing. They have not only taken me, carried me down the hallways when I couldn't walk, and bring joy to each and everyday by helping me laugh, but they have cried countless tears with me, prayed thousands of hours with me and for me, and quietly and courageously behind the scenes lived and modeled Jesus' love. They have sacrificed beyond measure and never once made me (or Scamper *smiles*) feel like a burden as they help me with the most mundane tasks. They are amazing. I love you mommy and daddy.
My beautiful sister has courageously, selflessly, and joyfully adapted to having a sick sibling as many things have changed over the years in the need to accommodate my health. From parking her brand new car outside in awful weather just so the garage door wouldn't wake me up for months on end, to beautifully adapting to making "sister travel weekends" to a fun place like we had done in the past to being curled up on the couch watching Amazing Race (my favorite TV shows) she has never once complained, but adapted so seamlessly that the many times that I have broke down crying over "one more change" and I am "so sorry Emily" she has looked at me and said, "for what?". Your love is a gift Hoopster.
My amazing grandmother, Ba, has been absolutely amazing from listening to me and crying with me, to sacrificially offering thousands and thousands of prayers. I love you Ba!
Jen, you have been a treasure to me since we first connected so many years ago. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. My life is so incredibly blessed by you and your friendship, love, and all of the prayers that you and Ryan have prayed on my behalf. I am so grateful for you and thank the Lord every day for your friendship.
Katie (and Ethan), time and time and time again you have listened, prayed for me, and walked this journey with me encouraging me each step of the way. No one would guess the hundreds of hours that we have messaged one another or the grace that you have shown me and the encouragement that you are to me. THANK YOU sweet friend for everything. You are such a blessing to my life!
Kaara, you have been a gift since my days back at WCA with laughter, joy, and encouragement. Your love and faithfulness in calling me throughout these years, being a true and faithful friend, and your love during this difficult season has been such an incredible blessing. Thank you for all of your prayers, all of your support, and all of our love. I am so so so grateful for you.
Virginia and John, although I didn't know you hardly at all during my time at FCS, you have become some of my dearest heroes in this journey. Your love, your financial support (which has often been the ONLY reason that I can continue treatment) has humbled me, and even as I write this has brought me to tears. How do you say "thank you" to people that you can offer nothing accept gratitude in return for? For the rest of my life I will continue to thank the Lord every single day for you. I am so incredibly humbled and grateful.
Sunshine, is there any better gift that you can give than the gift of sacrifice and understanding? I think not. I still well up with tears at your incredible understanding when it was impossible to come to your wedding this past summer. You once again reminded me of what is most important in life- people. I love you Sunshine, I miss you so very much, and I pray that the Lord brings us together on this earth very very soon.
Beautiful- thank you for all of your precious text messages, your sweet facebook messages, and for a wonderful weekend of hosting me during this journey. You and your family are such a gift to me and I am so grateful for each of you. I love you so much!
Mandy, your kindness and compassion has touched my heart on so many levels. Thank you so much for your precious gift of caring.
The Visy Family- THANK YOU so much for all of your messages, all of your financial support, and your incredible gift of paying for so many things to make it possible for me to come to Kristen's wedding. From the day that I started teaching at WCA you were supportive of this very young teacher. I don't remember ever a cross word on my many "goofs" only incredible support. That has only continued as the years have passed. I am so incredibly grateful for you.
Zoey, words can't express my gratitude for you. YOU have been such a blessing to my life and it is a joy to call you a friend. Thank you so much for all of the ways that you have reached out, encouraged me, loved on me, and walked this journey with me. I love you sweet friend!
To my precious cousins, Ron and Jeanne Weiskotten and your family- thank you thank you thank you for your kindness and compassion in this journey. You have been such a blessing!
To so many sweet blogger friends who have kindly sent me such loving messages of support, I am so incredibly grateful for you.
To the WCA family ... I remember once being told, "once you are apart of this community you are linked forever"... how true this has been. As the years have passed the sweet fellowship and support has been an outpouring of love from former students who have lovingly stepped into this journey (Hilary you are such a BLESSING!!) to those that have written letters, cards, financial support, and most of all offered up countless prayers on my behalf. So many of you have said, "you are not alone" and you have graciously and lovingly blessed my life beyond measure. I think of you fondly sweet friends and hold you in my heart. (Philippians 1:7)
Liz, from the day that I met you you welcomed me into FCS with love and support and you have been such a blessing with all of your prayers and sweet messages. You have modeled to me in a thousand different ways Christ's love. What a blessing you are!
Cindy, thank you so much for all of your sweet prayers and support! You have been a blessing!
Caroline, thank you for your sweet support, your kindness in your messages, and your sweet thoughtfulness in hosting a fundraiser for me this past summer. You have blessed my life immeasurably and I am so grateful for your friendship!
The Wissmann Family, you have blessed my life in so many ways, including your music that I have played and re-played through many difficult nights of pain (and through treatment). Each of you are a blessing and I am so blessed by y'all. I can't wait to see y'all again in just a few short months!
Adrienne- THANK YOU so much for your precious message that touched my heart beyond belief this past summer. You blessed me more than you will ever know!
Ali- I am so glad that the Lord connected us! What a blessing you are friend in this journey!! Thank you for all of your support and your love (and your mama's too!!) Love you friend!
Terry, thank you so much for all of your messages on my Facebook wall and your continued prayers for healing. You are such a blessing!
Amanda, thank you so much for your sweet encouragement and the thoughtful cards that have always come in the mail at the right time. I am so grateful for you and all of your prayers!
Emily, thank you so much for your prayers and your support of my little Etsy shop. You have truly been a blessing!! THANK YOU for your thoughtfulness in so many ways!
To the sweet and amazing friends that wish to remain anonymous that have paid for so many things behind the scenes like the going to Disneyland, artistic supplies, gift cards to craft stores, and the Cruise. Many people never consider the "emotional" side of illness and your thoughtfulness, your love, and your blessings in this specific area have helped me fight for my health again and again. Thank you so much for reminding me that I am a "whole person" away from illness and your love that has showered me beyond blessing. You have demonstrated the Lord's love in a different way than I ever thought possible. I am so incredibly grateful for you.
To so many of you that have been a blessing behind the scene with a sweet comment and encouraging word, you are such a blessing to me. Thank you so much for your love and support through this journey. You are the unexpected blessing!!
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