It has been a really humbling wonderful couple of days for me. I hope that you had a wonderful Monday, yesterday I had lab work done and blood work done and check up on things. It was humbling to get lab work back that is in the normal range. I honestly just had tears in the car. It was YEARS without that. My bloodwork was totally out of control. It was a scary time fighting Lyme and Cancer. To receive this news leaves me speechless.
As you know if you have been around for a long time this has been a LONG time coming. It is humbling, overwhelming, and completely leaves me speechless. As I continue to completely heal from such a long battle and continue with some treatment, it is such an encouragement to see that I am continuing to heal.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support on this journey. Your prayers over all of these years leave me completely speechless.
You can read all of the updates over these years HERE!
Something that many people don't know (or is lost in the "messiness" of my health story) is that I was in the midst of obtaining an advanced degree when my health & life shattered due to Lyme. For the 1st year home I continued my studies, completing assignments, papers, and projects from my bed, doctors offices, or the hospital. Eventually this became impossible to continue due to how sick I was and the extreme treatment.
In tears (and with the sincere well wishes of the leaders of the program I was in) I made the difficult decision to withdraw from the program, in the middle of a semester in 2014. It was one more "loss" in a series of numerous "deaths" in the health journey. And it was one that I don't often talk about as it was an extremely personal painful season for this gal who loves learning.
For years I have dreamed about going back to school for my doctorate and the timing has just never been "right" for a variety of reasons with my health or other personal reasons. After applying to various programs this year and being accepted to a variety of different things, I was humbled to accept a place in a program that started yesterday.
10 years ago (almost to the date) I had accepted an advanced degree program position not knowing that my health would shatter and it would be another decade before starting...
9 years ago this week I was finally and correctly diagnosed with Advanced Late Stage Lyme Disease and multiple other illnesses and told that I most likely had months to live and would never see my 40th birthday because some of my organs were failing...
8 years ago this week I started with the medical team that saved my life and began the SLOW & LONG process of healing and withdrew from my studies
6 years ago (yesterday) #nicthepicc developed a serious blood clot that would cause a huge change in treatment and the introduction of #courtneytheportney
4 years ago this week I went into surgery where I was told that there was a high and probable chance that we would find out I had Cancer (again) this time stage IV as it was impossible to tell much from the size of the mass that was showing up during scans...
And yesterday I started the doctoral program...
To be at this stage of healing is a gift that leaves me speechless...especially when at one point I had doctors from some of the most well-known medical clinics/hospitals in the world telling me there was no hope.
I know some of you are at those places I was years ago...where the losses and "deaths" are overwhelming. I hope that sharing this part of my story is an encouragement to you. It may seem that there is no hope for these "deaths", but there is and I promise things can get better. Hold on and keep dreaming and planting your future dreams even through the tears. To each of you: may light flood your journey in new ways so the darkness disappears. You've got this!
Our story demanded that we change and so we did // donald Miller
As some of you know, this summer I accepted a teaching position at a local school!! To be heading back again after NINE long & the most extremely painful years away brings a wave of various emotions with lots of thankful & overwhelming tears.
To be at this stage of healing is a gift that leaves me speechless...especially when at one point I had doctors from some of the most well-known medical clinics/hospitals in the world telling me there was no hope for life, walking again or eating normally (without a feeding tube) let alone that I would never be able to return to a school again in a teaching position. (One doctor called this dream "ridiculous in thinking".)
Walking into my classroom on Monday, my precious daddy's birthday, was truly a full circle moment as he fought so hard to get me to this place. I stood in my room & wept. I know he is rejoicing right now & cheering me on.
I also humbly remember so many of you who have been walking this journey with me for 9 incredibly long years. It may be me holding this sign with happy tears, but to each of you who have faithfully prayed over the years, stood by me & my family in this journey, to the nurses at UVM - "Courtney" & I weep with gratitude, to those who have donated money to various go fund me campaigns over the years, to the letters, emails, texts, & "just the right" words at the right time, the list is never ending & to each of my doctors ...& to my main medical team all of y'all - I love you...Dr.J... I am indebted forever for you helping save my life. Thank you.
Thank you for rejoicing in this new season, for your continued prayers for me & my health
"The people who survived the wars have found favor in the desert. The Lord said, "I love you with an everlasting love...once again I will build you up & you will be rebuilt my dear people...once again you will take your tambourines & you will go dancing with happy people...once again you will plant...I will satisfy you with abundance"
speechless and amazing to think that 6 years prior to this picture/moment he needed to carry me out of my bed in order for me to leave it, push a wheelchair at points in this journey, and help me for a couple of years when I couldn't even walk down the hallway of our home to get to the bathroom, and then help me learn to walk again.
I am so glad that my dad got to see those huge beginning steps of healing before he died...I remember breathing so hard when this picture was taken I could hardly catch my breath and he said "one day you'll make it to the point walking/running"...I laughed (it's a mile away)but he was serious and said he would be cheering me on...but this morning...two years later and four years after getting #courtneytheportney for extreme and more intensive treatment (then I have often talked about) I made it to the point.
I have fallen in love with starting to learn to run again and all I can think is ..."thank you, thank you, thank you" to everyone who has been part of this journey. *tears*
For a girl who was told by some of the most well known medical doctors and hospitals in the world that I would never walk again let alone run (or dance again).I can't wait to revisit some of them and share the miracle.
Don't let anyone ever tell you something can't be done. It may take WAY longer than you could imagine (it was a more than a decade long battle for me) but don't ever lose hope. Miracles happen every single day...I am living proof and my precious daddy is cheering me on with a huge smile. #loveyoudaddy #takethatlyme
After making such health gains, this news was a bit discouraging, but I am leaning into and trusting the Lord that He promises that all things work together for His good and that this is just a helpful step in this complete healing journey after all of these years.
I would covet your prayers and for wisdom my medical team and the surgeons as we progress forward. I also would appreciate prayer for pain relief as it is quite intense and extreme (very normal with this type of procedure). My little heart so appreciates this sweet community and all of your care and prayers.
"Tell those who are terrified, be brave and don't be afraid, your God will come... He will come and rescue you."
To be heading back to start a new school year after EIGHT long and extremely painful and difficult years away brings a wave of emotions with lots of tears.
To be at this stage of healing is a gift that leaves me speechless...especially when at one point I had doctors from some of the most well-known medical clinics/hospitals in the world telling me there was no hope for life, let alone that I would never be able to return to a school again.
As I consider this past week and this new adventure, I am reminded of what my dad said to me for these years that I was literally sidelined from life..."these are just new marching orders Rebecca with a purpose and a plan for His glory"...and so as tomorrow starts a new set of marching orders starts with a variety of emotions I remember this simple and profound truth...that in each new set of marching orders the Lord himself is with us and is leading for His glory.
Thank you for rejoicing in this new season, for your continued prayers for me and my health, and for this time. I have received a lot of questions asking if I will be continuing the blog and YES definitely yes! I look forward to continuing to share about our Alaskan Road trip, the cruise that we took in August, and also many more future adventures. Thank you so much for your continued support of this blog and space!
“…a new set of marching orders. That is what always follows loss of any kind—a mother’s loss of her child, a wife’s of her husband, a lover’s of his beloved, a man’s loss of his job, his health, his self-esteem, his home—if only we have ears to hear those orders, eyes to see the gain God intends to bring out of our loss. Even when trouble stops our ears and clouds our vision, He goes on working in secret and perhaps years later reveals what we had not faith to lay hold of.”
How do you sum up the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, & YEARS of some of the hardest & most difficult moments of your life into a little square? I honestly don't think that you can...BUT what I do hope is to encourage those in the dark that there is light & hope.
That while I still have some treatment left (for other health issues & recovery from the damage) healing is possible, because the healing that so many of you have been praying for more than 1/2 a decade is truly happening & I know complete healing is coming.
The picture on the left was snapped years ago, before I started with my current medical team. I was once again in the ER & had just been told by 3 well known medical facilities that there was "no hope" for my case. I had also been told that I should be prepared to die in the next months.
7 months after that picture was taken, I found my current main medical team & in my first conversation with my kind doctor I told her that if I was going to die to let me know. I felt at the end with no hope. She looked at me& firmly said, "You won't die. We will fight to not only save your life, but get it back." I immediately broke down in sobs. She went on to tell me that it would be the hardest fight of my life that I ever had & it was/has been.
I have been offered several times to write a personal book of my story &maybe someday I will but it feels impossible to share the details of those dark & hopeless days...It's been 5 years of intense treatment, thousands of oral meds, hundreds of shots (both & homeopathic), months upon months of IV antibiotics, hundreds of nutritional IVs, thousands upon thousands of vitamins, oils, & supplements, 1 PICC line, 1 Port, countless doctors appointments, excercise therapy, thousands of alternative treatments (including HBOT, acupuncture, reflexology, detox, - the list is incredibly long, etc.), hundreds of smoothies & daily cups of greens (something at one point I was told I would never be able to eat again), lots of tears...lots of laughter in pain...emotions & discouragement beyond words, thousands upon thousands of hours of prayer....but in the darkness there has been so much grace...
The kindness of loved ones, of amazing parents, of my family, of the best doctors, nurses, MAs & staff that you could even imagine...of financial donations that allowed me to get treatment at the sacrifice to themselves, laughter, & most of all hope.
I recently got a 2nd opinion on one of the health issues I am still needing treatment for (Mycoplasma Pneumonia) and this well known doctor told me..."I'm sorry I don't see much hope for your case..." I looked at him and actually smiled. I said, "I know you don't & 2011 Rebecca might have agreed with you but 2019 Rebecca is here to tell you I will visit you when I have beaten it." Don't let ANYONE tell you healing isn't possible.
Thank you for your prayers which has gotten me to the picture on the right (taken recently)...A girl who is still in treatment but truly healing & has seen the goodness of the Lord. I weep as I know what it is to be cared for tenderly by God. "The Lord has done great things."
Oh...and Lyme Disease Awareness month? My prayer is to live in a world where it is not necessary because healing has come. #takethatlyme
You can read my entire Lyme Story HERE or if you are interested in one of my Lyme Disease books you can find them on Amazon or where books are sold by clicking the links below:
// Praying through Lyme Disease //
Remembering the miracles of the past gently reminds me of the miracles in the works that are to come.
These past 730 days have been a beautiful gift that I don't take for granted. Everyday is truly a gift that I treasure. This health journey has continued to remind me to value each moment, love big, and live in grace.
"Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight, At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more, When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death, And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.”
-CS Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia-
"The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength."
-2 Timothy 4:17-
I took the picture above when I was in Lake Placid last week in the very wee hours of the morning. I was standing on the road- all by myself amidst the beauty and thought- the winding road is ugly and beautiful all in one... there is beauty to be found here in this part of the story and I will fight to find it and hold on to it fearlessly.
It's a strange dichotomy because there are so many beautiful healing things that have happened and in many ways slowly and surely I am still moving forward... but this last issue does have to be addressed and dealt with so that the healing foundation that we are building continues to grow and not go backwards.
So... on one hand I am working full time here on the blog and with my shops and as a writer and am applying for some work positions, while on the other hand am a bit stuck in limbo from being able to move fully forward with life in every aspect as I hope to. There is a lot of learning experiences after being sick for so many years on how to balance my energy levels with the realities of things that are "everyday components".
Let me say this- I know that is confusing and before I receive a ton of emails asking for details I am going to ask that instead of questions you just pray. If you have questions please know that while I appreciate them this is one time where I have decided to just lay this out without a ton of explanation for reasons that are quite personal. Thank you for your kind understanding.
It probably sounds strange - I still love that I can start doing some of these things but there is also the reality of cleaning the car that is way different than I dreamed from my bed years ago. *smiles* In some ways I struggled deeply with a survivors guilt over this and have been struggling the last several weeks until I had a wonderful and frank conversation with my medical team and my closest loved ones. Their words were beautiful and freeing and a gift as I continue to heal and fight to get my life completely back.
In the midst of this and life I have also been continuing treatment and preparing for this next round. For clarification just because I call it a "treatment round" doesn't mean that I am ever off treatment- these "rounds" are just more intense and are added to the continuous treatment I am on. Years ago I started naming different "rounds" a number as a nickname when there is a SERIOUS and INTENSE push at alternating times. There is NO time off in Lyme world so there is never a break- there is just more times of intense treatment.
I clarify that because someone recently emailed me and told me that if I would "stop traveling and taking time off then I would get better more quickly". Years ago I may have cried at the insensitive comment, but now I sadly smiled. I hope and pray that no one has to ever walk this road that those of us with Lyme have to, but I also hope and pray that there will be better information about Lyme and the reality of treatment in the future.
Most of us, including myself, are desperately trying to pay for treatment, bills, etc. and the way that I do that is through my books, etsy shops (december caravan) and (december lane) , and this blog (which is partially a travel blog). In the midst of all of this, I never stop treatment- I continue it every single day- even when I am traveling. I wish the cure would come quicker... not only for me, but for all of my Lymie friends. Someday... someday I pray someone figures out a cure.
So... treatment #5... This medicine is.... rough. It is difficult. It is scary. It comes with a whole host of side effects that I don't want to think about, and in many ways I wish we could just fast forward the weeks on the calendar till this round is done.
In addition to this new IV med (which will be the main component of this treatment round #7) I have continued with other IV therapies, oral meds, supplements, homeopathic and herbal components, detox therapies, exercise therapy, alternative treatments, etc. I will also be adding in three additional drugs that will hopefully (and prayerfully) go to work on rebuilding while at the same time killing the infection.
"The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength."
I admit... I am a bit weary from this incredibly long journey and this will be the third specific round for this one infection and so I am cautiously hopeful about this... the disappointments from the last three rounds have been crushing and a tiring blow so prayers for my heart and for this medicine to work would be greatly appreciated. We are needing this to work... and again... thank you for praying
(2) For prayers for pain.
(3) For Nausea to be relieved and my appetite to return
This treatment round will make me quite sick and my appetite has been completely wiped out and unfortunately is predicted to get a bit worse. I would appreciate prayers for this area.
(4) For prayers for my parents.
(5) for finances
(6) For unspoken prayer requests of the Heart
"In the morning I lay my requests before you and watch expectantly". This verse from Psalm 3 has been on constant repeat the last several months. I am waiting and watching expectantly for different ways that I am confident the Lord will work.
"Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "the Lord has done great things for them"."
"They may weep as they go out carrying their seed to sow, but they will return with joyful laughter and shouting with gladness as they bring back armloads of blessing and a harvest overflowing!"
"The people who survived the wars have found favor in the desert... once again I will build you up and you will be rebuilt, my dear people... once again you will take your tambourines and you will go dancing with happy people... once again you will plant."
-Jeremiah 31:2-5-