Happy Thursday friends! It is hard to believe that we are at the last day of April! In some ways the days seem to move so slowly, and then other times it feels like they fly by. Today I am so excited to share my book, movie, and TV review with y'all for April! Before I start though- if you have any suggestions for me for October please let me know! I am constantly looking for new ideas so please pass on your suggestions!
{one}Becoming Us
I have shared so many times here on the blog about my love of Robin Jones Gunn's writings and so when her newest book was released last year. I read the book this summer and fell in love with it so deeply that I decided to read it again this month.
I am so glad I did because in my opinion this book was one of the best ones that Robin has ever written. I took away so many precious nuggets from the story, cried and laughed through it and was completely encouraged. My tender heart walked away full and I can't wait for more of the books in this series. You can find it to purchase HERE.
Similar book recommendations that I have read and would recommend to this book:
Also by Robin Jones Gunn, this series (not written in first person *smiles*) is incredibly sweet and encouraging. You can read the books in any order but they do loosely follow and build on each other if you want to read them in order. And guess what? Hallmark is releasing the first book in the series (Secrets) as a Christmas movie this December! I am SO excited!
{two} Reshaping it All
I came across this book and was curious to read something light-hearted and encouraging. I found the book to be both and a very easy read with some lovely easy recipes. I would say that if you are looking for a book that makes you feel that you are sitting down and having a cup of coffee with a friend this is the book to read. Candace's story (of which she is incredibly honest) was interesting and encouraging. If you want to check it out you can find the book HERE.
{three} Balancing It All
This book was a disappointment to me. After reading the book above I went in search of another book of Candace's and honestly came away disappointed and a bit bored. I tried it several times and just was left wanting more. I ended up skimming through the pages and just felt like the writing was a little ...boring. I hate saying that about any book because as an author I know how hard it is to put your words from your heart into writing, but I honestly couldn't recommend this one. Anyone else feel this way if you read this book? If you want to check it out you can find the book HERE.
{four} Choosing Life
I originally bought this devotional back in 2013 and have returned to it off and on over the years. I have always admired and appreciated Dodie's testimony of being miraculously healed of Cancer and her faith is so inspiring. This past month I decided to use this as my devotional again and I have been so gently encouraged. There is a devotional for each day and I find them to be simple and yet so full of truth! I definitely recommend this one! If you want to check it out you can find the book HERE.
{five} Choosing Life
I originally bought this book back in 2013 when I was first very very sick. It had a profound impact on my life then, but reading it through this past month ... after the loss of my dad was heart-wrenching and deeply healing. I took my time re-reading it and wept through it in many parts. Pete Greig expressed in more eloquent words than I ever could so many thoughts and feelings that I have had and struggled with and I can't recommend this book enough. I plan to do a whole post on it again but in the meantime - get the book. It is worth every single penny. If you want to check it out you can find the book HERE.
Movies & TV
Life has been so busy despite the quarantine that we haven't spent a lot of time in front of TV. When we have though we have been very purposeful to choose things that are light-hearted or funny or that are inspiring.We are still in the middle of somethings so I am going to save those reviews for next month y'all!
If you are curious about other book reading lists I have done in the past you can find those posts below:
Happy Thursday friends! Thank you so much for reading today! What about you- what have you been watching and reading that you would recommend?
Your workplace is supposed to be a safe space and that responsibility is something that’s shared between you and your colleagues but predominantly by your employer. It’s important you are doing your bit to ensure that you are kept safe and that your health is a priority. And if it isn’t, then you have the ability to change that. Here are some tips to look after yourself in the workplace.
Get A Workstation Assessment
First things first, if you haven’t had a workstation assessment or don’t get one on an annual basis, then it’s necessary to speak to HR or anyone who deals with the health and safety of the workplace. A workstation assessment is necessary because it can help you to ensure your surroundings where you work are safe and that it’s supporting you in whatever way it should be. For example, when you’re working at a desk, you want to make sure that the seat you’re on is supporting your body and that your desk, monitor and other equipment is all at the right level for you not to strain yourself in any way. This should be an extensive checklist that you fill in and have as evidence for yourself and also to have a copy for your HR department. It’s then up to your HR department or individual to make the necessary changes or adaptations to get your workstation up to the level it needs to be.
First things first, if you haven’t had a workstation assessment or don’t get one on an annual basis, then it’s necessary to speak to HR or anyone who deals with the health and safety of the workplace. A workstation assessment is necessary because it can help you to ensure your surroundings where you work are safe and that it’s supporting you in whatever way it should be. For example, when you’re working at a desk, you want to make sure that the seat you’re on is supporting your body and that your desk, monitor and other equipment is all at the right level for you not to strain yourself in any way. This should be an extensive checklist that you fill in and have as evidence for yourself and also to have a copy for your HR department. It’s then up to your HR department or individual to make the necessary changes or adaptations to get your workstation up to the level it needs to be.
Have The Necessary Protective Equipment
As well as your workstation being assessed, your company should be providing you with any necessary protective equipment. You could be working in outdoor environments where music concerts are going on and you need to wear protective headphones to ensure you don’t damage your ears. There could be uniforms and equipment that you need to protect yourself when operating machinery. There’s a lot that you need in order to keep yourself safe and as an employer, it should be provided by them. If it’s not, then it’s definitely important to bring it up with your superiors. The last thing you want is hearing loss communication happening because your workplace didn’t provide you with the right protection.
As well as your workstation being assessed, your company should be providing you with any necessary protective equipment. You could be working in outdoor environments where music concerts are going on and you need to wear protective headphones to ensure you don’t damage your ears. There could be uniforms and equipment that you need to protect yourself when operating machinery. There’s a lot that you need in order to keep yourself safe and as an employer, it should be provided by them. If it’s not, then it’s definitely important to bring it up with your superiors. The last thing you want is hearing loss communication happening because your workplace didn’t provide you with the right protection.
Officially Report Concerns Or Problems
When there’s something wrong, whether it’s to do with you personally, your work area or the building, it should always be officially reported and logged. This is helpful not only for you but for the company you work for. If a company is working together to ensure the safety of the building is kept in check, then less colleagues are likely to become injured or experience problems in the workplace. Keep an eye out in the area around you and if you’re having any problems, always make it official so that the company has a log of it and that you’ve gone to the extent of putting it on the record.
When there’s something wrong, whether it’s to do with you personally, your work area or the building, it should always be officially reported and logged. This is helpful not only for you but for the company you work for. If a company is working together to ensure the safety of the building is kept in check, then less colleagues are likely to become injured or experience problems in the workplace. Keep an eye out in the area around you and if you’re having any problems, always make it official so that the company has a log of it and that you’ve gone to the extent of putting it on the record.
Regular 1-2-1 Meetings With Your Manager
It’s important to have a good relationship with your manager because whenever you are going through something tough or having problems, it’s helpful to feel you can go to them. Try to build a relationship with your manager if you haven’t already got one and if you don’t do it already, have regular 1-2-1 meetings. This should ideally be set up by your manager, but you can take the step in recommending it. Having regular meetings can ensure you’re keeping them up to date with things that are going on and to also discuss any problems or issues that you might have within the working environment. Always try and make time for these meetings as they can be helpful to both your quality of work and your well being also.
It’s important to have a good relationship with your manager because whenever you are going through something tough or having problems, it’s helpful to feel you can go to them. Try to build a relationship with your manager if you haven’t already got one and if you don’t do it already, have regular 1-2-1 meetings. This should ideally be set up by your manager, but you can take the step in recommending it. Having regular meetings can ensure you’re keeping them up to date with things that are going on and to also discuss any problems or issues that you might have within the working environment. Always try and make time for these meetings as they can be helpful to both your quality of work and your well being also.
Take Breaks Throughout The Day
Taking breaks is an absolute must when it comes to your working day because so many of us will have a working lunch and eat food at the desk. This is not giving yourself the opportunity to reset the brain and to relax. If you need to take breaks throughout the day, then do it. Get up from your desk every hour or so just to take a walk or make yourself a drink. Try to go for a full hour of lunch if you’re offered it as part of your working day.
Taking breaks is an absolute must when it comes to your working day because so many of us will have a working lunch and eat food at the desk. This is not giving yourself the opportunity to reset the brain and to relax. If you need to take breaks throughout the day, then do it. Get up from your desk every hour or so just to take a walk or make yourself a drink. Try to go for a full hour of lunch if you’re offered it as part of your working day.
Looking after yourself in the workplace is essential, especially when there might be times where the concern for your health and safety might not be supported as well from your employer. Use these tips to look after yourself and ensure you are keeping yourself safe.
*contributed post*
There are a lot of dangerous jobs in the world. Some involve going up to high places, while others will have you working around strong chemicals, and there are loads of other examples of roles which can present natural risks. Of course, along with this, you also often get roles which can have danger appear along the way, even when the job is supposed to be safe. Do you have to put yourself in danger for your job, though? This article will be exploring some of the common dangers which will find their way into a normal job, giving you the chance to think about them before they’re thrust upon you.
It’s very common for employees to do driving jobs for their bosses, even if it isn’t something which is included in their job description. While this is usually very safe, it’s worth considering that the more time you spend on the road the more likely you are to find yourself going through an accident. Within the last 15 years alone, more than 27,000 people died in work-related traffic accidents, and this shows that there is a significant risk when it comes to driving for your job. If you can avoid it, it will be worth keeping your time in the car for your commute.
The Public
Most stores and other customer-facing businesses will usually work extremely hard to keep their customers happy. This can be achieved through a number of different methods, but it would be wrong to say that things don’t go wrong from time to time. Members of the public can become aggressive, and this can put employees at risk. If you ever find yourself feeling threatened by a member of the public, it will be worth asking your manager or boss to kick them out. You should never have to be hurt to do your job, but it’s also worth thinking about verbal abuse, as this can also be dangerous when you are exposed to it in large amounts.
Using Computers
Everyone knows that computers can put your digital life at risk, but very few will consider the harm that regular computer use can do to their body. Using keyboards and mice all the time will impact your wrists, arms, shoulders, and back, often causing long-term health issues which don’t go away with time. Both moderating your time and using the right equipment when you’re at the PC can help with this. Wrist rests and proper posture can help to eliminate the pain caused by typing but none will offer a solution which entirely cuts out the damage caused by using computers.
Putting yourself in danger for your job is rarely worth it, unless you’re going to be able to help other people in the process. Getting injured by any of these things can leave you unable to do your job properly, and many people find themselves in this position at some point in their lives. You shouldn’t have to hurt yourself to earn money, but you can often work on these risks in other ways.
*contributed post*
If you love traveling, the world may seem a little dreary right now. There are numerous restrictions in place that currently make traveling near to impossible. Even traveling between different states could be problematic because there are currently different lockdown rules depending on where you are. The question on everyone’s mind right now is when are things going to change. When can we travel once more and when will it be completely safe to travel.
When Will It Be Completely Safe To Travel?
Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will be completely safe to travel until several months into 2021. This is the earliest that a vaccine is expected to be ready for mass distribution. Some researchers have suggested that antibody passports could be a viable solution. However, the WHO has warned against this. That’s due to the fact that there’s no clear research to suggest how long a built-up immunity will last. There is also evidence to suggest that antibody tests are limited by vaccines. Of course, it’s not all doom and gloom. Recently, it has been revealed that there has been a positive impact of one drug that is typically used to treat ebola.
Of course, some people may be comfortable traveling again before it’s completely safe to do so, as long as the right measures are in place.
When Could We Realistically Start Travelling Again?
This will largely depend on where you want to go. Some countries are absolutely adamant that they will not be kickstarting the tourist season at the beginning of summer. Spain has ruled this out and Germany has extended travel restrictions until at least June. Furthermore, certain countries and locations have suggested that there will be a ban on other countries, depending on what their current situation is like with regard to the virus. For instance, the UK has been called into question due to how late they locked down.
Most people are suggesting that travel for tourist reasons likely won’t be possible until towards the end of the tourist season. However, this will have a crippling impact on the economy. So some governments are hopeful this can be pushed forward.
What Restrictions Will Be In Place?
Finally, if you explore coronavirus tips, you will see that social distancing isn’t going to vanish. It’s expected to be part of what officials are calling the new normal. For instance, there have been suggestions that airlines must keep the middle seat free and put up screens between seats as well.
Temperature checks are also likely to be in place before you enter a public area like a theme park or even board a plane. Be aware that these checks take about ten minutes and will take the time it takes to board a plane or access an area like this a little longer.
You will also have to obey the current regulations that exist in the area that you are traveling to. Again, these could be different depending on where you go. Right now, countries are not in agreement as to whether the public should be wearing facemasks when outside.
*contributed post*
Happy Wednesday friends! As I shared several months, I am excited to re-share some of the most popular devotional posts that I wrote in 2017-2018 (if you would like to see the complete list you can find it HERE!) and am excited to share this one this week! I hope that this continues to be a beautiful blessing even several years later!

One of the most lovely and fun aspects of When Calls the Heart Season 2 was watching the relationship between Lee and Rosemary begin to grow. The humor and the quick banter between the two of them drew so many #hearties into their story (including myself) and I have loved watching the relationship between them deepen and grow throughout the last several seasons. At the beginning though, this exchange between Lee and Jack in the 2nd episode of Season 2, shows a timeless truth for all of us to consider... the blessing that comes with knowing someone deeply.
When I watched this scene the first time I giggled a bit, along with lots of viewers I am sure, but as I sat down to write this chapter I started to think about the depth of what is conveyed here. Often times when we meet someone new (whether it be a new romantic relationship or a new acquaintance that we hope to have a deeper friendship with) we are interested in all of the details about that person. Our hearts want to know more and more about this new person and we often focus on finding out lots of details and information. Every little conversation holds significance and as Lee said, "we want to figure the person out".
But often times (and I am just as guilty of this as anyone) this desire to really know someone changes. As we get to know someone or they become a regular part of our lives we lose the "allure" of what first drew us and instead get annoyed by the "drudgery" of getting to know another flawed human being.
Instead of being intrigued we grow bored. Instead of putting our phones aside and focusing solely on the person in front of us, we pick up our phones and aimlessly scroll through social media, choosing to not engage with the one in front of us. Instead of asking detailed questions we don't put the energy into those types of conversations. Instead of carefully listening and learning about the person, we assume we know "enough" and don't take the time to truly listen to the answers.
Instead of viewing the person we once wanted to know everything about as a fascinating creature who is unique, we often reject them because we assume we know enough to not put the detailed work into continuing to know them more deeply.
But here is the thing. There is a certain blessing that can only come from knowing someone deeply... the blessing of depth and true relationship that is forged only with time and work. In these types of relationships we learn how to listen. In these types of relationships we learn more about grace. In these types of relationships we learn about what true friendship looks like. In these types of friendships we learn about what love really is.
We learn about another person and in many ways we grow and learn about our selves. It is only in the relationships where we take the time ... which is really a lifetime to really get to know someone deeply. Our investment is never in vain because love... love never dies.
Today, let us dare to reach out and get to know someone deeply. Let us ask the deep questions that take us into murky waters where some may not want to go. Let us forge into the darkness of a person's journey knowing that listening and love can restore a lost voice. Let us venture boldly, knowing that sacrificial love has the power to change the world. And mostly let us hold fast to the hope that there is a unique and special blessing of knowing someone deeply... the blessing of true love.
"Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut, Doesn't have a swelled head, Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always 'me first'...
It takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back, But keeps going to the end.
Love never dies."
-I Corinthians 13, The Message-

Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut, Doesn't have a swelled head, Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always 'me first'...
It takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back, But keeps going to the end.
Love never dies."
-I Corinthians 13, The Message-

*original post written in July 2017 prior to Lori Loughlin's departure from the show*
Looking for past From Hope Valley Devotionals? You can click HERE to find a complete listing of all of the devotionals!
I have received several emails asking me about the books by Janette Oke that the series is based on. You may remember that I mentioned in my very first From Hope Valley Devotional post that I had read Janette Oke's series back when I was a teenager. The original book series, "The Canadian West Series" was based on Elizabeth's aunt and her adventures (she also married a Mountie). Here are the listing of the books from that series (there are six) in order:
In the last several years Janette Oke released a new series entitled, "Return to the Canadian West" which you can find listed below in order:
I receive several emails a week asking where you can watch older episodes of "When Calls the Heart". If you have a Netflix account you can find seasons 1-3 there or you can purchase them on Amazon. You can purchase and watch all of the seasons and episodes by clicking on the links below:
*Please note that the quotes used in these weekly devotionals are the sole intellectual property of Hallmark Channel, WCTH, & Crown Media, LLC. These on-line posts are in no way supported, endorsed or affiliated with WCTH, Hallmark Channel, or Crown Media. They are simply encouragement inspired by Janette Oke and this precious show.*
Toothaches can take you by surprise when you least expect it. You wake up one morning, and everything feels sore. Unfortunately, toothaches can creep up on you so that by the time you notice, it’s already too painful! The first and most common thought is to check for cavities. However, when you can spot a hole in the surface, you can find yourself wondering if you’re imagining the pain.
Thankfully, a quick search on Google can give you plenty of home remedies to cure the soreness. However, if you’re going to figure out the best way to manage your toothache, you need to understand what is causing it.
The dying lament of a tooth pulp
Tooth death sounds like a scary phenomenon. In reality, it is relatively common and can be caused by a variety of factors. Severe tooth decay is linked to damage to the tooth structure, which can happen in a diet high in sugar. Decay typically causes cavities, but the dental plaque can also get to your tooth root through the gum. Additionally, tooth trauma, such as receiving a blow, can also affect the tooth pulp – aka the inside of the tooth. You should spot signs of inflammation around the area, such as swollen gums. When the tooth pulp is affected, you need treatment to save the tooth by removing the pulp. You can find out more about the procedure and the cost of a root canal by contacting a dental office. It’s a standard treatment that can save your damaged tooth.
Stress makes you grind your teeth
Stress can cause toothache. Indeed, when you are going through a lot of pressures or chronic stress, your body can find it hard to relax at night. Stress can lead to grinding your teeth in your sleep, which can cause pain. Your dentist can provide helpful devices to reduce grinding habits at night. However, you will be more successful in engaging in stress-relief activities. Mindfulness and workouts can work wonders to find your inner peace.
Your stomach is causing your troubles
Stomach acidy is a frequent complaint, especially after a large meal. Acid reflux is, unfortunately, a common occurrence under lockdown. Indeed, quarantine home cooks can become a little enthusiastic in the kitchen, meaning that families are likely to consume more food than they would otherwise. Additionally, your gut reacts to stress levels to create cramps and acidity. As such, you might struggle with gastric acid that can’t be neutralized before it reaches your teeth. The acid can lead to tooth erosion, which makes your teeth more sensitive.
You’re a vigorous tooth-brusher
If you’re taking brushing your teeth seriously, you might be putting too much pressure on the brush. Using a hard toothbrush can damage the fragile surface of your teeth and create sensitive areas. Switching to a soft or medium toothbrush can help to reduce the issue. You can also look for a toothpaste that helps rebuild and protect the enamel. Beware, however; nothing can bring back broken enamel. However, a weakened surface can be strengthened effectively.
Toothache can be the result of many things. When you can find any cavity, you need to start thinking outside the box. Your teeth are exposed to many threats, either from a bacterial nature or enamel-related pressure. Identifying the source of your problem is the quickest way to resolve your toothache!
*contributed post*
Happy Tuesday friends! I hope that you are having a wonderful week!
Today I am excited to share with y'all a bit more about the #ADK50falls challenge and specifically about Anderson Falls, a waterfall that we visited several weeks ago.
Today I am excited to share with y'all a bit more about the #ADK50falls challenge and specifically about Anderson Falls, a waterfall that we visited several weeks ago.
If you aren't familiar with the #ADK50falls challenge, you can read about the places that I have been going as part of the challenge HERE (I started last year) or read about the entire challenge HERE.
Simply put there are 50 waterfalls that you hike and visit (5 require proof with photo that you were there) to complete the challenge. For those of you who love hiking and being outdoors this can be a great suggestion during this time with the COVID restrictions of hiking certain mountain trails. It also can show you unique parts of the Adirondacks that you may have never discovered. I definitely have been feeling that with the waterfalls that we have visited and explored the last several weeks and look forward to sharing more!
Simply put there are 50 waterfalls that you hike and visit (5 require proof with photo that you were there) to complete the challenge. For those of you who love hiking and being outdoors this can be a great suggestion during this time with the COVID restrictions of hiking certain mountain trails. It also can show you unique parts of the Adirondacks that you may have never discovered. I definitely have been feeling that with the waterfalls that we have visited and explored the last several weeks and look forward to sharing more!
If you would like to know just basic facts about the falls please just scroll down to the bottom of the post where I will be sharing basic information to help those who want to know more specifics about each of the falls in the challenge.
Anderson Falls is located right in the heart of Keeseville in upstate New York and is approximately and hour east of Lake Placid and about an hour and half north of Lake George.
Anderson falls is a 10 foot high waterslide cascade (as you can see in the pictures above) and is famous because it is the first waterfall encountered after the two branches of the Ausable River meet.
The falls were named after John Anderson who was a lumberman and an early settler in the Keeseville area. Actually there was a time where the village town was also called Anderson Falls. The name changed in 1812 but for the history teacher in me, it is interesting that this spot was considered a landmark.
The falls are very easy to spot and you can see them when you cross the main bridge in town.
I have to be honest... this wasn't my favorite waterfall in this challenge. It was nice, but if you are looking for a "nature/woods" adventure this would not be the waterfall to go to see. On the other hand it was incredibly disability friendly and does allow for people who may not be able to hike to see this waterfall.
PS- If you are interested in reading more about each of the waterfalls - I recommend reading Adirondack Fifty Falls (click HERE to purchase) which lays out all of the falls in a concise and easy manner. It also groups the falls in the challenge by area so that you do not have to do that research!
When I was extremely sick I used to grieve not being able to be outside in nature as much as I wanted to be and if this is where you are at due to health reasons I hope that the information I provide about each of the falls in this challenge will encourage you to explore as you are able.
Located in the heart of Keeseville (approx. 1 & 1/2 hours north of Lake George // 1 hour east of Lake Placid)
10 foot waterslide cascade falls
the main bridge in town will allow you to see the falls
Several places to park in different parts of the town
None. If you park you can walk to see the falls from the bridge or you could choose to walk down to a park that overlooks the falls. This area includes some benches to sit on.
Yes. You could even see the falls from the car if you did not want to get out. If you are wanting to see some of the other #adk50falls that are also disability friendly I would check out my page dedicated to the waterfall challenge by clicking HERE!
Thank you so much for reading today friends! Please let me know if you have any questions about the challenge or Anderson Falls! I am happy to answer and can't wait to hear about your waterfall adventures! And again, if you would like to read about other #adk50falls that I have written about on the blog click HERE!
Have a wonderful day!
Sometimes doing nothing can be worse for your stress levels and particularly in these unprecedented times, it can be hard to find motivation. Many people are dealing with anxiety and worry right now and it’s important not to let this stress take over. With almost everybody stuck at home, it’s tricky to find things to do. It’s not as easy to rely on friends and family to distract us from stress and negative thoughts, and getting overwhelmed by it all becomes inevitable. The best ways to deal with stress are by keeping active and occupying your mind with other things. This can be done using relaxing techniques like meditation, or instead creative and stimulating activities. Find what best works for you. Here are five suggestions to help you relieve stress at home.
The art of mindfulness is trending at the moment and it’s easy to see why. This meditation therapy is based on slowing down and clear thinking. It’s the perfect way to destress, as you can finally find peace with your thoughts. Mindfulness teaches you how to live more slowly, or “mindfully”, focussing on what’s important, and to enjoy life. You can find video tutorials for techniques online. It’s a good idea to meditate for a few minutes a day. Try accompanying your meditation with some relaxing music and consider writing a mantra to repeat to yourself.
Aromatherapy goes well with mindfulness. Burn incense or candles. Some aromas are more relaxing for example, lavender, sage, rosemary, and peppermint. You can even grow most of these in your garden too! There are many herbal remedies you can plant at home you’d be surprised at how low maintenance they are. Add scented oils to a warm bath when you get in from a hard day’s work, or even get a perfumed spray for your pillow to help you sleep. There are other natural remedies to relieve stress such as valerian root. Particular supplements will also help to reduce stress such as omega 3, green tea, and ashwagandha. You should be able to find these easily online from a local herbalist or if not on most larger supermarket websites.
Online Fitness
You’ll probably be aware of the craze going around all of your friends and family, but fitness apps and online workouts can actually be very effective. Gymondo offers a one month free trial on a wide range of programs across many types of sport. You won’t need to do the same workout twice before the lockdown is over. Keeping fit and healthy will help to reduce your stress and boost your energy levels. Fatigue could also be a sign of hormone imbalance however, click here for more information about hormone imbalance symptoms.
For those of you who find traditional fitness a little tedious, there are some different apps available as well. Zombies, Run! is a game for runners, both adults, and kids, a good option if fear motivates you! Fitocracy is another fun option because it has more of a social and gaming element to it. The app encourages you to connect with people doing similar activities to you and compare them. This added competition is encouraging too. It’s personalized to your very own training regime and you can set your own mini-goals and get points when you achieve them. If you are a wannabe pop star, Just Dance Now is free and easy to use. You’ll need a monitor or smart TV to watch the routines and then use the phone as the controller.
Whether you’ve got the luxury of a huge yard or only a modest window box, gardening can be very therapeutic. It’s considered a wellness therapy and this is because it gives you perspective as you get in touch with nature. The weather is perfect as well and you can get a bit of fresh air. It’s a great way to destress. If you’re not an expert, there are plenty of easy summer seeds that will get growing quickly, such as cress, salad, and sunflowers. You can start them off in the kitchen in makeshift pots. Here are some more tips on how to get your seeds started on your window sill.
There are plenty of options if you would like to plant things like a herb garden or vegetables, great for summer as well. You can get seeds delivered right to your door. Take a look at a selection of summer vegetables available online to try or if you’re a little apprehensive you can check out some more tips on growing low maintenance summer vegetables. It’s incredibly satisfying watching your efforts bloom into something all the family can enjoy.
It might also be worth looking into music as a new hobby for stress relief. If you find that listening to music helps you to feel calm, then perhaps playing it and creating it will have the same, or even a stronger impact on you. Of course, if you don’t play an instrument then it’s never too late to learn, and there are two options if you want to do this. You can either teach yourself online, or you can find someone to teach you. For example, you can look up how to find a violin instructor in your area, or whatever other instrument you want to play. It might take a few different instruments until you find the one for you, but just be patient.
Due to their unfortunate closure, many famous galleries have organized original online activities free to the public. The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in collaboration with the artist Louise Lawler is offering a fun interactive program where she recreates tracings for you of famous pieces of artwork, and you can color them in. This will keep you busy for hours. You can frame your creations once you’ve finished the project, or share them online with your family and friends. The MoMA also has a wonderful selection of online tours and exhibitions. You could get lost on their site for hours.
The Tate Gallery also has loads of fun interactive options online, you’ll never run out of things to do. Create pop art in the style of Andy Warhol, take a workshop in street art, or even make a painting out of chocolate. There are plenty of awesome interactive activities for kids and adults alike. You might need to spend the next day cleaning up afterward! There are also several podcasts and how-to guides for those of you a little more serious in pursuing art as a hobby, why not give it a go? A new hobby will boost your mood and give you a focus in a world of distractions. What could be a more fun way to relieve stress?
*contributed post*
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