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Customizing Content Cards for tvOS

Learn how to customize your Content Cards for Apple’s tvOS platform.

Setting up your tvOS app

Step 1: Create a new iOS app

In Braze, select Settings > App Settings, then select Add App. Enter a name for your tvOS app, select iOSnot tvOS—then select Add App.


Step 2: Get your app’s API key

In your app settings, select your new tvOS app then take note of your app’s API key. You’ll use this key to configure your app in Xcode.


Step 3: Integrate BrazeKit

Use your app’s API key to integrate the Braze Swift SDK into your tvOS project in Xcode. You only need to integrate BrazeKit from the Braze Swift SDK.

Step 4: Create your custom UI

Because Braze doesn’t provide a default UI for content cards on tvOS, you’ll need to customize it yourself. For a full walkthrough, see our step-by-step tutorial: Customizing content cards for tvOS. For a sample project, see Braze Swift SDK samples.

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