
The Real Magic of Eugene

I heard runners talk of it all the time: there's magic in Eugene.  It's the home of Track Town, the Olympic Trials, Pre...  For me, the magic was in the people: the people of Eugene (from the local artists who rented me their bungalow, to the adorable and well mannered college boys serving up my coffee) and, most importantly, every one of those runners who is drawn there like a moth to a flame.

Teammates and Twitter friends

I'm not sure if there's ever been a larger gathering of Oiselle athletes and meeting all of these extraordinary women exceeded my wildest expectations.  

requisite team photo at the expo

The gatherings started with a shakeout run on Saturday morning and there were immediate hugs all around, setting the tone for an unforgettable weekend.  

as Sarah said, there was a lot of "hi, my name is @___"

running on Pre's trail

Patty and Monica!

Later, at the expo, Lauren Fleshman gave such an inspiring and heartfelt talk on several topics: focusing on our strengths rather than weaknesses, the component to achieving success which can't be quantified (the 'mystery column' that cannot be put into a spreadsheet like your VO2 max), avoiding injury and the mental aspect of running.  This last talking point really got everybody's attention as she told the story about how race nerves and negative thoughts got the better of her during the US Championships and she, Lauren Fleshman, STOPPED AND WALKED.  Knowing that she also hits those mental roadblocks was a real eye opener, and she gave such great advice about changing the conversation in our heads.

post expo coffee outing on less serious topics

After reading every recap post I could find (here's an updated list), I think it's safe to say that everyone's race was hugely influenced by the guiding forces of others.  Whether we had...

 ...someone literally running alongside us (like those that were paced by awesome friends like Mason or Lauren)

...friends cheering for us along the route (I owe so much to the cheer squad and my posse of constant companions for their confidence in me)

...the love baked into one of five dozen delicious cupcakes that Meghan made from scratch and brought all the way from Bellingham for us runners, while she cheered us on in a chicken hat

...the words of Lauren Fleshman to keep us company along those long miles

none of us ran that race alone. 

my constant companions Patty, JJ and Lauren

After the race, there was some heartbreak and frustration for a few.  Yet after all was said and done, there was elation - elation for those who accomplished their goals; BQs and PRs abounded.  But, mostly, elation to be occupying the same space and moments in time.  

Thanks Picky Bars and Ninkasi for an awesome partaaaay!
Paulette, Sophia, Patty & Me

Eating one of Meghan's cupcakes - this is my 'don't even THINK about touching my cupcake or I will CUTCHOO' face.  Mad love for ya M2!

This was one for the history books, ladies.  Let's do it again soon.  No matter what kind of race I had (or will have) there, I'll always, always, always love Eugene.


Books I Read in April

I got a few more books read this month, thanks to giving audio books a try.  I really enjoyed the Bossypants audio version and would really like to go back and 're-read' David Sedaris this way!  I was thankful for being forced to listen to the first half of Code Name Verity, as it's slow to start and the narrator did a beautiful job of making it sound less technical and giving it some drama.

Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter

Beautiful Ruins

Oh, I just loved this book! I'm a big fan of movies and, not only was this a bit of historical fiction (of which I'm also a fan) that's set in the golden era of the big Hollywood studios, it also unfolded in a very cinematic way. Each character's story line is fully realized and is expertly woven together with the others through the decades from the 60s to present day. It's an utterly engaging, gorgeous and epic romance.

Rumors by Anna Godberson

Rumors (Luxe, #2)

Not quite as fun as the first one (The Luxe), but still good soap opera brain candy - a great blend of Sense and Sensibility/Downton/Titanic. It ended with yet another cliffhanger; at least the whole series is published and I don't have to wait to pick up the next book...

Bossypants by Tina Fey


Oh I just love, love, love her. I listened to the audio book, which I highly recommend so that you can hear her pitch-perfect delivery. There were a few parts that got a little long winded, with stories I wasn't as interested in as I would have been to hear more about her time directing Mean Girls, doing SNL or 30 Rock. But, on the whole this is a gut busting read.

Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein

Code Name Verity

I think I'm not alone when I say that it took until about 3/4 of the way through this book for it to pick up steam. I listened to the first half on audio book and was glad to switch to the hardcover, as there were a few things essential to the plot that could not be conveyed in the audio version. It's the story of two women, one a pilot and one a spy, and their unlikely friendship during WWII. I'm glad I finished it, because the ending was masterful - intense, stunning, and ultimately heartbreaking.


This Week's Eats 5.5.13 (and Eugene Eats)

I finally had an Original Yumm Bowl and, lo, it was deeeelicious!

However, now that I've had the real deal, I'm pretty confident that my homemade version is pretty darn close.  The best thing I ate in Eugene, hands down, was the Liege waffle from Off The Waffle.  Oh my...

It doesn't look all that exciting, but it's the most delicious waffle I've ever had in my life.  I'm, of course, scouring the internet now on how to make these at home.  It tasted like a cross between a doughnut and a waffle.  I need to go back and try one of the many tempting offerings because I stayed with a 'safe' option of just a plain waffle with fruit and yogurt (it was the day before the race). 

I also hit up Dutch Bros at least three times, and it definitely lived up to the hype - the mochas taste as if there's a bit of chocolate malt, or some such secret ingredient, in them...

And last, but not least, I did eat a Voodoo Doughnut - so quickly I didn't even take a picture.  I got the 'Old Dirty Bastard' a raised yeast doughnut with chocolate frosting (a LOT of frosting), crushed Oreos and a drizzle of peanut butter.  OMG. 

So, last week I was MIA from menu planning because it took me until at least yesterday to feel rested.  We did lots of easy meals and nothing new or fun - time to rectify that this week!

Linking up with Mommy Run Fast and Jill Conyers, as well as Rachel at In No Simple Language - be sure to check out all the great weekly menus!


Friday Things - Eugene Blogroll

Today my baby girl turned THREE.  It's such a cliche to say, but really, it all goes by so fast - especially with the second kiddo.  

It makes me so very happy that such a large portion of my Twitter feed is prego and I can vicariously revisit those baby days and oooh and ahh over pictures soon - maybe even HOLD one or two of those preshuuuuss little munchkins...  

Anyhoo!  Friday things usually centers around my favorite things on the internet, and right now my favorite things on the internet are EUGENE RECAPS!  Here are links to all that I could find, so far - I'll update this list as I see more come in (I'm lookin' at you Jenny, Sophia, Jocelyn...) and please link yours in the comments for me to add if you ran Eugene!

Eugene Posts

Allison and Derek
Meghan (@Endurotwerd)
Meghan (@Meggo)
Oh, and mine

Tina Fey will always remind me of Eugene in a small way, because I listened to Bossypants in it's entirety on my drive down from Seattle.  Here's a good laugh for the day (who DOESN'T say 'What the what?!')

To the playlist I'm adding a super old school song from my 20s that seems to segue nicely with my Eugene race experience.  Castles in the Sky by Ian Van Dahl "Oh tell me why, do we build Castles in the Sky?"

Happy weekend!

2013 Playlist
Feel this Moment by Pitbull, featuring Christina Aguilera
Into Your Arms by the Lemonheads
Just Give me a Reason by Pink
I Love It by Icona Pop
Little Secrets Passion Pit
Sovereign Light Cafe by Keane, remixed by Afrojack
Clarity by Zedd
Years by Alesso
Something Good Can Work by Two Door Cinema Club
She Wolf by David Guetta, featuring Sia
Alive by Krewella
Illmerica by Wolfgang Garnter
Drowning by Armin van Buren
Give Me Your Hand by The Ready Set
Language by Porter Robinson
Cry for You by September
You Are My Diamond by Tiesto - featuring Kianna
Arguru - Deadmau5
We Are by Jus Jack & Oza, featuring Aeone


April 2013 in Pictures

I wasn't as diligent in taking a picture every day, so there are a few less pics, plus a couple that were taken on the same day - gasp!

1. 'Tis the season for dandelion fluff
2. Soccer pic: mine is the one not wearing the team shirt (bad mommy).  In my defense, those shirts fit horribly - the neck holes are for kids with pin heads.
3. Second haircut
4. Favorite Brooks shoes + cherry blossom leaves
5. Squishy pug pillow

6. Best baby shower ever!
7. Rare moment of amicable homework time
8. Big brother's growin' stuff
9. Love my new Tory Burch specs
10. Happy lawn mower

11. Baby sister craft o' the week, caterpillars
12. My new BFF
14. Whiskey sour
15. Running the boy

16. MOAR dandelion!
17. Gorgeous Greenlake run for Boston
18. Pug in the sun
19. First pedicure of the season
20. Chalk obsessed

21. MOAR whiskey!
22. One of my fave pics from Eugene with fellow mommas Patty and Monica
23. Side fives
24. Autzen stadium is rather impressive
25. YES, I had my first Yumm bowl, and it was awesome.


Eugene Half Marathon Race Recap

This weekend in Eugene was one of the best I've ever had, as well as one of the worst - a personal worst as far as my race went.  Thankfully, it was absolutely one of my personal best for FUN - one I'll never forget.  To end on a high note, I'll just recap the race part for now...

Sunday morning I was suffering from a great deal of exhaustion and major race nerves, more than I've ever had before a race.  The former mostly caused by the latter, and because I don't sleep well in a foreign bed.  Also adding to the jitters was the fact that there were SO MANY teammates in Eugene - it was pretty much a Oiselle convention.  I think most of them agreed it added to the nerves in an exciting way - not in a way that we were worried about whether we'd have each others back after a crappy performance: clearly, if I was to bonk, there could not have been a better/more supportive environment to do so.  This epic gathering just made us all really want to do our best that day.  For some, it probably gave them a boost; for others, like myself, it just fueled my tendency to psych myself out.

So, after tossing and turning for most of Saturday night and getting about 3 hours of sleep (on top of maybe 4 or 5 the night before), I rolled out of bed after the alarm finally went off at 5:30am.  Yes, I say finally because I'd woken again around 5am and couldn't fall back asleep.  My roomie guardian angel for Saturday/Sunday, Lauren, gave me a ride to the start after I finished getting ready (I can't express how much I love this girl - love, love, love ya Lauren!).  I checked my bag and headed for the bathroom and ran into Kelli and we walked over to our corral together.  It was so great to see so many familiar faces and to have Kelli to chat with and keep me distracted before the start of the race.

As I'd said before, I had pie in the sky aspirations of getting that elusive sub 2 hour goal or a PR.  So I tried my best to keep it as close to a nine minute mile from the get go.  The first few miles felt fine, probably because they were so very crowded and it was hard to really get speedy.  

Mile 1: 9:27
Mile 2: 9:20
Mile 3: 9:23

In mile 4, there was a bit of a hill so I slowed my pace.  But, unlike the Seattle Marathon, it was like a molehill compared to a mountain and actually had a downhill to make up for it afterward.

Mile 4: 9:42
Mile 5: 9:16

I was feeling okay, but the feedback coming from my gps was making me disappointed compared to my last couple of half marathons.  The effort felt like 9 minute miles, or even high 8 minute ones, but that was clearly not the case and, clearly, I'm not where I was around this time last year.  Maybe I should go 'naked' for my next half...  

Mile 6: 9:24
Mile 7: 9:34

And, of course, I started to get in my head by mile 8.  My brain was checked out and my legs were starting to cramp up.  I got a bit of a boost seeing my roomie Lauren and our cheer squad around mile 9. 

Ahh, I'll never forget JJ in the banana suit and Meghan in her chicken hat! (from Oiselle's FB)

Even though I was dying, I couldn't help but laugh and give side fives:

not mile 9, but this is just the best pic - such an awesome cheer squad.

And then I had to stop halfway through mile 10 to stretch my calves.  Just like in the Seattle Half, once I stopped, I couldn't get started again.  Miles 11 and 12 took us through trails in Alton Baker park and at that point I was starting to get nauseous and have tunnel vision.  This has NEVER happened to me in a race and I can only surmise it was the lack of sleep and all the eating out even though I didn't indulge in anything crazy, just different from my norm.  Also on this part of the course, there weren't any water stops or med tents and I really didn't want to pass out in the middle of the woods.  I decided that if I had to walk the rest of the way, so be it - I wasn't going to get my first DNF, I HAD to go home with that Eugene medal.  So I jog, walked, and stretched my cramping legs the rest of the way.

Mile 8: 10:19
Mile 9: 10:32
Mile 10: 11:57
Mile 11: 11:43
Mile 12: 12:20
Mile 13: 11:47

Final time: 2:16:07 (a PW by just about 3 minutes)

I was so, so, so very sad to not enjoy the crowds and cheering into Hayward Field.  All I could think was: I cannot walk on this track of legends.  I did for about 5 steps after I ran into Alma and told her to go ahead and cross that finish line; so grateful to her for putting a smile on my face at the end (she ran the half 22 weeks prego!).  After hobble jogging through the finish,  I remembered to put my hand over my heart for Boston and then made a beeline for the med tent so that I could get some relief for my cramping legs.  The PT broke out some arnica oil and massaged my calves and feet until I could relax them and move on.  

I'm terribly tempted to claim cramps after every race now, just to get the massage...

After I was able to walk okay, I grabbed a bottle of water and got in line for my Krusteaz pancakes.  It was taking WAY too long and so I just grabbed my banana/bagel/chips/chocolate milk so that I could get my checked bag and put on my calf sleeves ASAP.  Side note, I really think cheap plastic grocery bags should be available after races so that we can carry all of this stuff around afterwards.  Trying to hold my phone and contact teammates, while drinking my chocolate milk and holding on to my much needed banana/salty chips was quite a juggling feat.

I left the post race food area to collect my bag and, boy, they need to figure out a better system for this - from Patty's  pics:

It was like an auction with people holding up their bibs and everyone shouting numbers.  Thank goodness most of us used the hot pink spike bags from our team kit and they stood out amid all of the expo race bags.  It ended up that mine was put in a pile on the ground, just opposite the gear check trailer, ya know - for anyone to take off with!  Um, not cool.  At least I didn't have to wait through the auction shenanigans and finally put my feet up (literally).

I started to get thirsty and went back to get some water; alas, the post race food area was restricted to runners and yet I couldn't get back in because there was no re-entry.  That's all well and good, I appreciate that they don't want non-runners taking the much needed fuel, but there was no where else to get water.  I ended up in near tears at the massage station asking if someone could please give me a water bottle.   

Overall, I'd say the course is beautiful, has great crowds, is mostly fast and well supported.  Plus, you just can't beat running in Track Town and onto Hayward Field.  But the expo (small), shirt (short sleeved) and post race (water! gear check!) was just okay - maybe a 6 on a scale of 10.  Eugene and my experience as a whole is very much an 11 on a scale of 10 and that part is to be continued...


Friday Things: Kids, Man...

I cannot get out of town soon enough; kind of like the last time I was going out of town...  This week my kindergartner has acted up at school every. single. day. bringing his bad mojo home with him.  He's getting awesome grades, above standard in pretty much all of his academics; but, man, his ability to follow directions and impulsive tendencies are, um, shall we say slightly sub par.  I re-read this post often to remind myself that he is my limit tester and always springs back to being mostly agreeable - that is, until he feels like really pushing my limits again.  I seem to remember that both my kids go through some "growing pains" right around their birthdays - we're a week out from baby girl's third and two weeks from big brother's sixth.  Hopefully six will bring a wealth of maturity...

Gratuitous recent pic for grandparents (and hey, look! they're sharing! unicorns exist!)

Thankfully, they sure are cute and funny.  The other day big brother asked if he could get a shiny ring like mine (referring to my engagement ring).  

"Yep buddy - one day, if you decide to get married, you can get a ring to wear, too."  
"I can't WAIT to get married!  I wonder who I'm going to marry... D'you know, mommy?" 
"Oh, man, I wish I knew - I can't wait either." 
"I think I want a Transformer ring...  Can you tell them that that's what I'd like?"
*dying of laughter, thinking about how I'm going to tell this story to his future wife* "Sure bud."

I really need to write down more of these exchanges, because they happen rather frequently and make me smile.  As did this awesome post a friend shared on Facebook today: "To Parents of Small Children."

OK, time to sign off, put this up:
Image via goneforarun.com (maybe I should get one of these?)

Adding this song to the playlist: Feel this Moment by Pitbull, featuring Christina Aguilera.  Yah, it's a bit overplayed, but it definitely puts some pep in my step and has a great 80's throwback element.  In case you're too young to remember, they sample this song.  It's such a classic video from the 80s, I think I'll share it instead of the one for Feel this Moment:

Happy Eugene weekend!!

2013 Playlist
Into Your Arms by the Lemonheads
Just Give me a Reason by Pink
I Love It by Icona Pop
Little Secrets Passion Pit
Sovereign Light Cafe by Keane, remixed by Afrojack
Clarity by Zedd
Years by Alesso
Something Good Can Work by Two Door Cinema Club
She Wolf by David Guetta, featuring Sia
Alive by Krewella
Illmerica by Wolfgang Garnter
Drowning by Armin van Buren
Give Me Your Hand by The Ready Set
Language by Porter Robinson
Cry for You by September
You Are My Diamond by Tiesto - featuring Kianna
Arguru - Deadmau5
We Are by Jus Jack & Oza, featuring Aeone