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Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin : Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace One School at a Time

著者: Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin
書名: Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace One School at a Time
出版言語: 英語
判型: ペーパーバック
ページ数: 349
日付: 2006-1
ISBN: 9780143038252
最新: 2024/03/07
説明: Slightly worn copy with a tear in the back cover.
レビュー: flutelaura (USA: KY) (2012/12/01):
1 out of 5 STARS

While this is a fabulous story, I had a lot of moments during the read when I just had a sixth sense about me that could not believe what I was reading. This feeling was heightened when the book concludes with several political slams against a few news stations. Not too surprisingly, I came to Amazon.com to give my review and find out much of it has been fabricated - I did watch the 20/20 video (google Three Cups of Tea and 20/20) and I realized my gift of discernment was spot on!

While I'm sure Mortenson has built some schools in desperately poor areas of the world, his heart wrenching sagas simply are not true. When a charity only gives 41% toward the charity, something is rotten in Denmark!

However, despite the many falsehoods and the feeling that I have been betrayed by Mortenson and Relin, it does read well and will captivate any reader. Too bad most of it is fabricated! It would have gotten 4 stars if it was a true story as promoted, but my review drops to one star because of the deceit!

Myrtis Jones (USA: TX) (2014/09/27):
Really didn't like this book. Boring and depressing. Please take it off my hands.

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