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Donald Miller : Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality

著者: Donald Miller
書名: Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality
出版言語: 英語
ISBN: 0785263705
最新: 2024/06/22
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レビュー: Cherith (USA: KS) (2006/08/09):
There is so much about this book that I liked. First let me explain something that Miller explains later on in Jazz. Christianity is not Christian Spirituality. They share the same ideas, but Christianity is a loaded phrase. It's got history, it's got pain behind it, and a lot of people are automatically turned off at the very thought of it. Christian Sprituality takes the basics of what it means to be a Christian (child of Christ) and moves it beyond typically Christianity. Secondly, in order to enjoy this book as it's meant to be, you have to keep at least one major idea in mind - and that is the mindset of a Christian. God created the world, the Bible is the word of God, ect... Without those "truths" in mind some of the book will just be more religious babble. If you understand those ideas already (say if you call yourself a Christian) or you're willing to suspend your disbelief long enough to read though this, you'll enjoy it.

Miller's writing isn't the best. It isn't flowery, but it isn't straight to the point either. It is what it is, which is Honest. Completely Honest. He talks about drinking, about a liberal college, about hippies. Mostly he talks about his doubts, his insecurities, his narcissim (addiction to self) and his path to figuring out a lot of his ideas about God, about religion and Christian Spirituality.

I think people should ask questions about things before they believe them. And Miller invites you to do that, and he walks you through how his questions got answered. He talks about being crazy, about doubting, about questioning about trusting, loving, believing and having faith. I think if you want to learn anything about what it's like to be a Christian, this should be required reading. It's not like the Fundamentalists that some of us grew up with, or that we see on TV. It's important to know that there are living breathing people out there that understand that it's more than all that. That it's better than all that.

I love to ask questions about Christians. I love to poke at it, and wonder what's really underneath it all. What's really there, or what should be there anyway. This book does that well.

Ross (USA: MD) (2007/06/30):
i still don't believe in god.

Anjie Carpenter (USA: NC) (2010/01/31):
Wow! Wow! This book has the power to radically change you on the inside. I liked it as much as The Shack, and that's saying allot.

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