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kisah (USA: FL) : ユーザーの自己紹介

名前: kisah (USA: FL) (on vacation)
ユーザー名: k_sunshine1977
自己紹介: http://jp.bookmooch.com/k_sunshine1977

在庫目録: 0
ポイント: -1
Moochした本の情報/: 1440/835
現在取引中:(mooch本/提供本): 2/0
Mooch比率: 1.28:1

ウィッシュリスト: 10501
フィードバック: +823
キス: 88
もらった寄付: 11
友達: 652
キャンセルした注文: 134
こちらに届かなかった冊数: 27
向こうに届かなかった冊数: 35
断った注文: 26

郵送可能な宛先: 世界中
入会日: 2008/01/15
最新アクセス: 2320 日前
国名: 米国

在庫目録の本: 0
在庫目録 >

If you have any questions about the condition of a book, please don't hesitate to ask. I have cats in my home, and sometimes they might actually reach a shelf or two. I acquire my books in all sorts of ways - garage sales, thrift stores, bookstores used and new, and so on - so I don't always know what sort of home the book had before me. I would never post a book on here in dubious condition that I would not want to receive myself. Happy mooching!! :)

7/26/14: Me & hubby get paid biweekly, so mailings from now on will got out twice a month within the US, & once a month for out of the country.

I have a ton of author-promotional material, so your mooch might have a surprise bookmark inside......let me know if you want a couple more stuffed in the package! :)

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