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Butte des Morts Elementary School (USA: WI) : ユーザーの自己紹介

名前: Butte des Morts Elementary School (USA: WI) (a BookMooch Charity) (on vacation)
ユーザー名: aka_margo
自己紹介: http://jp.bookmooch.com/aka_margo

在庫目録: 0
ポイント: 268.7
Moochした本の情報/: 84/50
現在取引中:(mooch本/提供本): 0/0

ウィッシュリスト: 55
フィードバック: +49
キス: 1
チャリティー組織の一覧: 1
もらった寄付: 47
キャンセルした注文: 10
断った注文: 5

郵送可能な宛先: 国内のみ
入会日: 2007/09/22
最新アクセス: 5131 日前
国名: 米国

在庫目録の本: 0
在庫目録 >

I am not mooching any books right now, because of a family emergency!Most of my books come from my elementary school library or my personal collection. They are usually books that I have more than one copy. I do have both a dog and a cat at home. I usually wait until I have a few books to send before sending. With times being tough I also sometimes have to wait for pay day. Since I usually pay for postage out of my own pocket I send the books via media mail.

Home page:

I am an elementary school librarian (with 640 students total) at Butte des Morts Elementary School in Menasha, Wisconsin.

I am always looking for easy books for my preschool students such as Thomas the Tank engine, Elmo, Bob the Builder, Star Wars, etc. Those books are usually very popular with my 300 Pre-K students, and so they get worn out easily. My school is about 60% below poverty, so when students lose or damage books they are unable to pay for them. This is a great way to replace these items at a reasonable cost (shipping) to the school so those students can still check out books.

Once you send your books you can even go to our library website and see if it gets checked out.

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