名前: abvr (USA: MA)
ユーザー名: abvr
自己紹介: http://jp.bookmooch.com/abvr
在庫目録: 7
ポイント: 4.2
Moochした本の情報/: 507/499
現在取引中:(mooch本/提供本): 1/0
Mooch比率: 0.93:1
ウィッシュリスト: 579
フィードバック: +499
キス: 4
チャリティー組織の一覧: 21
もらった寄付: 6
友達: 3
キャンセルした注文: 36
こちらに届かなかった冊数: 10
向こうに届かなかった冊数: 10
断った注文: 6
郵送可能な宛先: 国内のみ
入会日: 2006/09/17
最新アクセス: 18 日前
国名: 米国
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在庫目録の本: 7 | | |
状態メッセージ: All books in my inventory are in good used condition (covers clean, bindings intact, no markings on the text, no water damage, no torn or missing pages). They come from a non-smoking house with a single cat (who doesn't read). Most like-new or ex-library books are marked as such in the condition notes, but occasionally I miss one. If condition, cover art, dust jacket, or other details are important to you . . . just ask! I'll be happy to pull the book off the shelf and send you a detailed description or (if you want) a picture. Home page: http://www.abvr.net 自己紹介: I'm a former history professor, part-time reference librarian, and full-time freelance academic writer and editor (satisfaction: huge; paychecks: not so much) who reads extensively both for work and for pleasure. Born and raised in southern New England, I've recently returned there after nearly 20 years in Georgia . . . still an unreconstructed Yankee who loves the sea, the snow, bay scallops, and good clam chowder. Most of my BookMooch inventory is non-fiction books I read for fun, or professional books I'm getting rid of and want to find a "good home" for rather than handing them off to the local public library sale.
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