Draycote in the Rain!

With this mornings low pressure front forecast to clear up early afternoon I thought I'd nip across to Draycote Water for a few hours birding. At least a dozen House Martin feeding low over the water on arrival.

Wheatear in low light along Farborough Bank
By the time I'd reached Farborough Spit I was soaked wet through but the birding wasn't too bad with the usual Meadow Pipits, Pied Wagtails and odd Skylark passing over. At least 23 Yellowhammer along the wall was a great count, including several juveniles, other notables (2) Little Egret, Wheatear, Rock Pipit and eight Raven over. Visibility was pretty poor at this stage and nothing out of the ordinary could to be found over the water.

One of at least four Rock Pipit at Draycote today!
I met up with Bob Hazell, after the rain had subsided and the visibility had improved and we took a walk to Rainbow Corner. During our walk a constant small passage of Swallows and House Martins were still to be found and at one time two more Ravens passed through.

Dunlin - spent most of it's time resting up!
At least four Rock Pipit, Dunlin, Grey Wagtail, Kingfisher and four Pochard were other highlights before I left Bob patiently hoping, camera on scope, that the Dunlin would wake up!