Brandon Catch Up

Returning to the marina for a few days to complete some of life's mundane chores gave me an opportunity for a catch up at Brandon Marsh today.

One of a number of Swallows enjoying the morning sun
What greeted me first thing as I left the marina was around 30 or so Swallows enjoying the early sunshine from on top of the phone wires. A family of five Bullfinch were also milling around the hawthorn as I made my way to the car park. I also noted three Swift passing through, always a point of note as they'll soon disappear completely for the year!

Some amazing formations of Cirrus cloud to be seen today!
Only a few of the guys were at Brandon today and with Jim ringing at the constant effort site I spent the morning with Derek, Adrian and Martin. With water levels currently very low the main East Marsh Pool is rife with pond algae and as the norm at this time of year the islands and banks are grossly overgrown, more so this year it seems. The birding as I expected was very slow with the only waders of note a Green Sandpiper and Little-ringed Plover, this along with six Common Tern and two parties of young Tufted Duck, six and four respectively. A Willow Tit on central marsh was a nice find and news of a passage Osprey, which passed through on Monday.

Peacock Butterfly - Taken on the Canon SX50 in super vivid colour!
Martin and I continued on alone mid morning after a moth master class with Richard and Dave on 'how to build your own trap', very informative and something I could well get into! The highlights of our tour of the reserve were the sheer numbers of Peacock butterflies and 2nd generation Common Blue to be found. However, the star turn came as we walked the boundary near Brandon Lane when a pristine looking Clouded Yellow shot passed. Sadly, despite our best efforts to catch up, it just continued on without pause! Odanata included: Brown Hawker, Southern Hawker, Common Darter, Black-tailed Skimmer dragonfly and Common, Azure and Blue-tailed Damselfly.

Juvenile Common Whitethroat
Finally a quick stop off at Napton Reservoir, which I have to say has dropped slightly in level, a good thing in preparation for the imminent autumn migration, remember last years Spotted Crake! The highlight today though , the above young Common Whitethroat.

Back In Port!

Another week out exploring the canals in some glorious weather and I even managed to complete a circuit of Draycote Water on Tuesday in the company of Bob Hazell, that's on foot of course, not on the boat! The walk itself failed to produce anything out of the ordinary, although a decent count of (5) Little Egret, (8) Common Tern, (7) Common Sandpiper, (9) Yellow-legged Gull, (2) Grey Wagtail and a single Ringed Plover made for a pleasant day in excellent company.

Grass Snake
One of my nemesis species in front of the camera!
However, I must start with the previous Sundays walk with Dee along the towpath towards Braunston when I managed to take my best ever photo of a Grass Snake. One of my nemesis species as far as photography goes but I couldn't believe my luck when one was basking at eye level atop the hawthorn.

Iridium Flare passing through Cassiopeia - My 1st ever attempt!
With some glorious starry nights I managed to immerse myself in one of my other hobbies, astronomy. The above image is my first ever attempt at photographing an 'Iridium Flare', this is the phenomenon caused by the reflective surfaces on satellites (such as antennas or solar panels) reflecting sunlight directly onto the Earth below and appearing as a brief, bright "flare". There's a fantastic App for the Ipad which actually predicts when one will appear and then by holding up the Ipad shows the exact spot in the sky!

Harvest in full swing - this time the Rapeseed
With the harvest in full swing the local birds are taking advantage with some large flocks of Jackdaws, Wood Pigeons, Linnets and Goldfinches swooping onto the fields for an easy meal. On Friday a Peregrine, a bird which I seem to see a lot of on this stretch of canal, had a go at the flock but came away empty handed. The surprise of this outing was an Osprey, which passed high moving south-west over our mooring at Flecknoe on Saturday evening as Dee an I sat sky-watching. Other species of note: Daubenton's BatHare, Common Sandpiper, Curlew (heard only),Sparrowhawk, BuzzardGrey Partridge, Red-legged Partridge, Barn Owl, Tawny Owl and Yellow Wagtails, the latter of which are becoming more prevalent as we approach Autumn.

Brown Hawker Dragonfly - Canon SX50 HS Powershot
Finally the Butterflies, Dragonflies and Damselflies are too numerous to mention, what a stunning year these are having but amazingly the above image of a Brown Hawker is my first decent attempt at this species.

'On The cut'

A delicious BBQ Friday, followed by a storm-watch late into the night has produced an interesting few nights on the 'Cut'. However, a rather gorgeous end to a stormy few days on the Oxford Canal this evening. Maybe we'll get the chance to have a decent sleep tonight.

Moored at one of our favourite spots on the Oxford Canal
It's strikes me (no pun intended) that living aboard a steel narrowboat moored in the open countryside, with several large trees adjacent during some intense thunderstorms is somewhat dangerous! But hey we survive one more day to tell the story.

Sensible Yellowhammer singing from under the shaded canopy!
Not managed to venture out too far today but the wildlife has in fact come to us. Yellowhammers have been a constant companion singing all day long, with decent numbers of Linnet and Reed Buntings toing and froing across the newly ploughed fields.

Reed Bunting perched nicely opposite the mooring
In fact the local Red-legged Partridge have been quite vocal too in the nearby fields. Plenty of Hares around and several Lapwings appear at dusk to feed in the fields opposite, calling well into the night. Swallows seem to come in just prior to dusk looking for a decent roosting plot, this species choosing to only migrate during the day! A Curlew was heard calling during the respite in thunder claps on Friday night, probably just heading through.

Green-veined White among the Large and Small White
Butterflies have ventured out in between the storms and the most popular on this stretch of canal seem to be the whites, with Green-vein, Small and Large White all recorded. Other species of note: Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, Buzzard, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Skylark and a decent Swift passage..

Titchwell to Frampton

A welcome day off the patch with Trevor Griffiths from the Brandon team and after an early start and stop off for breakfast we arrived at RSPB Titchwell in Norfolk just after 9am.

Highly cropped photo of Barn Owl
Our first stop was over at the viewing screens at the end of the east trail, which unfortunately had been closed off beyond here for ongoing work. Our first notable of the day was a Barn Owl sitting in the bright sunshine on the opposite viewing screen and as we panned across left a Cuckoo was also enjoying the morning sun. Trevor insisted on using my canon SX50's full digital zoom on both birds, the results of which can be seen above and below, they were pretty far off but a great start to the day. Before moving on some excellent displays from a family party of Marsh Harriers, including quite an impressive food pass.

Another distant view, this time a Cuckoo
I'd never witnessed Titchwell looking quite this way, a high tide of over 7 meters had pushed water right through, covering large parts of the grassland meadow and the tide line was right up to the sand dunes. At least ten Spoonbill on the freshwater marsh and a selection of waders which included: Redshank, Oystercatcher, Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Little-ringed Plover, Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit, Curlew, Avocet and Spotted Redshank, with some still in almost summer plumage. Offshore a constant passage of Sandwich Terns, with one or two Little Terns and Common Terns seen and on the water small pockets of Common Scoter. Other species of note included: Skylark, Linnet, Meadow Pipit and Stoat.

Not the most pristine Painted Lady but my 1st of the year nevertheless
Numerous butterflies on the wing at both reserves with a selection of species seen, plus excellent numbers of Small and Large Skippers, highlights, Grayling & Painted Lady. Sadly no sign of any Scarce Tortoiseshell among the numbers, although several have been spotted along the Norfolk coast.

Glossy Ibis - One of a trio of excellent birds
After lunch we headed off to RSPB Frampton Marsh in search of a trio of species and hit lucky on arrival with the first on our list, Turtle Dove, when one was perched nicely on the phone wires. After parking we headed off towards the sea-bank and as we approached the path which leads down to the 360 Hide our second of the trio, Glossy Ibis was feeding out towards the Island. We hadn't even reached the sea-bank when the final of the trio Lesser Yellowlegs was located feeding, but sadly way too far for a decent photo.

Several Hare were seen at RSPB Frampton
At the sea-bank a couple of summer plumage Grey Plover overhead and the photographed Painted Lady. A visit to the hides had similar waders on offer to Titchwell but a nice looking Hare was very obliging and as we walked along the track away from the 360 Hide a Water Vole scurried across the path!

Yellowhammer - Another addition to the day list
The remainder of our visit added Bar-tailed Godwit, Yellow Wagtail, Yellowhammer and Snipe and a walk along the public footpath just beyond the car park before heading off located two more Turtle Dove, probably juvenile, perched on the barn roof across the grass meadow. A great end to a great day out!

Local Stuff

After finally resolving some frustrating on-board power issues I needed to clear my head and so a spot of fresh air at Napton Reservoir in the late afternoon was called for! The vegetation which surrounds the small pool next to the car park was teaming with activity and so a good place to start.

Small White at Napton
Despite the overcast conditions it was humid and bright and butterflies included: Marbled White, Small white, Green-veined White, Gatekeeper, Ringlet, Small Skipper, Meadow Brown, Large Skipper and Common, Azure and Blue-tailed Damselfly, plus a host of mating Soldier Beetles were also noted. The only Dragonfly of the visit was a single Black-tailed Skimmer.

Marbled White in good numbers!
The main reservoir was devoid of any fisherman for a change and here at least two families of Great-crested Grebe, with two and three young respectively. As per usual the Coot population has increased somewhat and other birds of note during my stay were a couple of Raven overhead, single Kestrel and the Swifts are definitely on the move out with a constant passage south.

One of the many Juvenile and adult Pied Wagtails around the marina this evening.
This evening a lovely sunset and Moon-rise at the marina with goodness knows how many Pied Wagtails in the roost, there were at least 25 birds on the pontoon opposite alone. A walk around the grounds at dusk failed to yield a Barn Owl which has been very busy lately but I did manage my first Pipistrelle and Daubenton's Bats at the marina this year.

Summer Update #2

A few more Yellow Wagtails are beginning to appear at the marina, with two birds peering into my window from the adjacent boat when I opened the blinds on Sunday morning, plus a single bird on the raised bank as I walked to the car.

Yellow Wagtail - One or two beginning to appear at the marina!
A reasonably quiet visit to Brandon Marsh on Sunday morning with nothing to get too excited about save for a couple of Common Sandpipers. Dee and I took a stroll along the Oxford Canal later in the afternoon, one of the highlights was watching one of several juvenile Starlings piggybacking one of the local sheep. Several freshly emerged Gatekeepers along the route however, the surprise of the walk was a Beautiful Demoiselle damselfly, a species which is more at home around rivers and streams and the first I've recorded along any stretch of the local canal.

Newly emerged Gatekeepers along the Oxford Canal
With Dee attending a wedding fair at the Brandon Hall Hotel this evening with one of her mates I managed to dodge the bullet and take in a bonus visit at Brandon Marsh. Although the rain had turned almost torrential by the time she dropped me off I spent an enjoyable hour or so in the Teal Pool and East Marsh Hide. Teal Pool held juvenile Redshank, Green Sandpiper and a single Snipe but a pleasant surprise was a nice Wood Sandpiper, which suddenly dropped in from River Pool.

Hitch hiking Starling.
East Marsh Pool had lots of Swallows, Sand Martins and a decent number of House Martins feeding low over the water. Two juvenile Common Terns were among five adult birds and waders included single Little-ringed Plover, Oystercatcher and Common Sandpiper. Just prior to heading off a couple of young Yellow Wagtails dropped onto Willow Island and a surprise as I headed down the Central Marsh Track was a bubbling ♀Cuckoo! After dinner at TGI Friday's Dee and I were treated to the eerie calls of a Barn Owl, which was quartering the fields opposite our moorings when we arrived home!

Summer Update!

As we move into the month of July it's looking as though this year will certainly have some good news for many species and in particular those affected by last years dreadful spring. For the first time at Brandon Marsh there is now clear evidence of nesting Buzzards and thanks to Alan Boddington for showing me the location. As everyone is now aware Barn Owls and Kestrels have also done well on site and walking around the reserve today it's clear that many warblers are doing just as well.

Blackcap Juvenile - A couple of families seen around the reserve today!
As I arrived at Brandon this morning a Cuckoo was calling, quite a late bird for the reserve and Grasshopper WarblerChiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler and the deafening song of several Wrens were all in evidence, some of which are most probably looking for partners for second broods.

Reed Warbler Juvenile - yet another family of young warblers!
Lots of  Butterflies on the wing today in the warm sunshine with some huge counts of Ringlet and Meadow Brown along with smaller counts of Comma, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell and single sightings of Small Heath, Small Skipper, Gatekeeper, Large White, Green-vein White and Small Copper. The surprise of the day was a Red-eared Terrapin on East Marsh Pool, another unwanted illegal release by some thoughtless individual.

Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Moth
The marina has been playing host to a family of Common Terns over the past fortnight and a Lesser Whitethroat continues to patrol the grounds and can be heard singing from first light. In the surrounding fields both Red-legged Partridge and the less common Grey Partridge can be found and a Skylark nest I've been monitoring on the meadow has successfully fledged five birds. The same meadow had at least a half dozen Marbled White butterflies and several Burnet Moths when I visited this afternoon. In the evenings the odd Daubenton's Bat can be seen skimming the water and the eerie call of a Barn Owl occasionally is a welcome sound.