Tuesday, February 17, 2009


that day after sending my friend at the bus station,i drove back to campus,n macam biasa
pak guard akan tahan kat gate..but usually the other guards just wave thier hands (like
giving a sign macam-ok,masuk..)but ada this PAK GUARD (which skrg dgn sgala hormatnya anda tmasuk dlam black list saya)tahan me n so i was like pretty nervous n stop the car.
i seriously xprasan yg dia sruh i trunkan tgkap,so i was juz like smiling at him sambil
show him my id card..and then that pak guard sial tu sounded me "kalau ye pun trunkan la
tingkap tu.."..so ok..i trunkan tgkap,but then he sounded me again "lain kali pkailah baju
kurung...(sbab aritu ari jumaat)"..(dengan muka sial babi punya annoying tu..) AH!like i give a shit!i macam nak ckap je..("helo,i dun hav class today k..besides that,im not wearing a sexy cloth either..n those peep yg nak kluar ni smua tak pkai pun bju krung n bju mlayu pun...so sy rasa tak ada ksalahan kat sini")...the thing is mmang la "undng2" kat situ suh pkai bju krung pda stiap jumaat n khamis IF ada urusan rasmi like pegi klas ke..jmpa ko-ordntr ke..tp yg bengang nya
i kluar...bukan pegi klas la bengong..itu satu..after he sounded me,then i pun mcam ..OKAY...
n juz pull up the window..n again he souned me "tgk tu ckap trima kasih pun tak.." AH!
WAT THE FUCK!trima kasih for wat,Mr?tx for sounded me like that?mmg mengong n annoying glen tersangat la gila kuasa..HUH!lega pun...

AnySs @ minah saleh celup..=P (business mngmnt stdent,p.2,uitm lendu)

im not really know bout her cuz she's a new gal from uitm jengka pahang..hurm..my first impression on her is..she's rich,snobbish n mcam jnis plih bulu..but then after we get to know each other,hurm bru lah taw prangainya mcm mana..huhu..nurliana anis lamien... she's hot,pretty,sexy n very the mat saleh celup..haha..she 's really good with her speaking. mmg macam dgr mat saleh cakap la..haha..wat else?..clumsy n kelam kabut la.. apalagi!!!haha..calleous betol..stylo n funky person.love her style n her outfit.. ngee..=D..my roomate yg bleh tahan gile n sewel nye..n yup,she's my friend!

YanTi @ AdeQ pendek..haha

YanTi @ AdeQ pendek..haha
(business mngmnt stdent,p.2,uitm lendu)

she's short,fair skin,cute n very clean person..haha..clean ke?haha...very naive but gila too,n kalau dia jerit...mak aih,terkeluar semua taik tlinga...haha...she is my classmate and my best friend too whom always sit next to me in the class..ibaratnya seperti tali pusat kami brsambung..mana pergi pun we always be together kcuali pegi tandas..hehe.. she is smart and always with the books when she was alone at her room..(not like me, cuz im always with my notebook non-stop..haha..not book ah..)way to go girl! a DL upcoming soon i guess!

XeErA.GeBu @ GEB

XeErA.GeBu @ GEB (graphic stdent,p.2,uitm lendu)

she is simple,pretty n adorable!(but me the gorgeous!)no wonder la byk gak org syok kat dia namun begitu org itu tdak dsukainya krana very annoying yer!the'gebu'est among four of us..hehe..(jan mara)minah ni begitu slumber berkate2 ye..WATCH OUT with ur words! dont ever mess around with her,kalau tak dia bg korang sebijik!kalau dia tak suka-it means TAK SUKA! okay!her part time work is tidy up our room...haha..cuz im very malas nak kmas.. kalu ada mud je kmas..hehe..she is a bit timid girl but once u know her,baru u tau ke'setan'an dan ke'sewel'an perangainya..haha..and she is one of my best friend too!

TeNtEn.BuNgE @ aten mok

TeNtEn.BuNgE @ aten mok
(photogrphy stdent,p.2,uitm lendu)

kalau mengikut penimbang berat kat klinik uitm,berat manusia ni menjangkau dalam >45kg. maksudnya,berat manusia ini melebihi berat sye yg hnya 40-43kg shja.(tak tentu ye..) itulah akibatnya bila kuat makan n tido..hahaha...but miracly,it is my habit either tp sye tetap maintain ye...bukan nak membangge tp PROUD je.MUAHAHAHA bout her...she is talkative,funny,crazy,lost her mind sometyms,a good frend to keep u laugh,lots of crappy jokes which can burst u out..kadang2 tu JOYAH gle...atoyai.. CUT IT SHORT----she's one of my best friend!