
Monday, July 27, 2009

Beach by Andjelina's Design available at SunflowerScrap Shop.


Click. Click. Click. a fun mix of modern and vintage. Fantastic kit Click by Kelley Mickus available at The DigiChick.

Make Me Smile

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Make Me Smile by Edeline Marta Design available at


Aquamarine by I.K.H. Designs available @ SunflowerScrap Shop.

Light Fantasy

The new Light Fantasy kit by Andjelina's Design available @ SunflowerScrap Shop.

Happy Days No.1

Because the colors are fresh and cute, it reminds us of being always happy, just happy with everyday life. Some realistic and digital elements to create beautiful pages to scrap your happy days or even sad days?
Totaly amazing kit Happy Days No.1 by Armina Designs available @ Gotta Pixel.

Fairies Of Lotus Lake

A stroll around a lake of lotus, where pretty small fairies and fireflies fly around you! Let yourself be carried away by the sweetness of this kit with wonderful colors!
Amazing kit Fairies Of Lotus Lake by Maelia Designs available at Digital Crea.

Radiant Grunde

Radiant Grunde by Armina Designs exclusive kit for The Daily Scrapper Studio.

My World

Fantastic freebie kit My World by Marbella.


Kit Fairytale by Andjelina Design and Fairytale Swirls available @ SunflowerScrap Shop.

July Grab Bag

Fantastic July Grab Bag by Armina Designs available @ Pickleberry Shop @ GottaPixel @ NDISB @ Armina Designs.


Amazing kit HAPPY day by Delmik Design available at SunflowerScrap Shop.

July Collaboration Kit: Summer Splash

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This summer kit is ideal for the pictures taken during your holidays with kids at the seashore. The kid includes 30 textured papers, 85 elements (plus recoloured elements and elements with shadow, total over 100 elements) and a matching alpha set.

The collab was created by: Albina Design, Dita B, Jennie Design, Jenny K Design, Krakatuka Design, MYBorkova Design, Sarah Designs, Starlight Designs.

The newest July collab Summer splash by Sunflower Scrap Designers available at Sunflower Scrap shop

Dream Little Mouse Boy & Girl

2 full kits one for girls with pink and soft purple colors and one for boys with green and light brown, both kits contains the same elements and they are entirely recolored (except the white ones).
Dream Little Mouse Boy & Girl by NLD available at ShabbyPickle Designs.

Far Away

Far Away, I was Inspired from being away or far from my family and friends who lives in other country. It's been years since the last time we've met. The soft and masculine colors can be used for any photo too. The papers are rich and beautifully grunge textured and some solids too.
Fantastic kit Far Away by Armina Designs available at ScrapbookBytes and Armina Designs.

Júlová súťaž na Scrapmanii - "Predtým a teraz"

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Začal sa júl a my máme aj počas prázdnin novú súťaž na Scrapmanii SK. Tentokrát námet vymyslela Mag - víťazka júnovej súťaže, a konkrétne si pre Vás pripravila toto:

"Predtým a teraz"

To je názov našej júlovej súťaže..nie mojej..aby nedošlo k omylu :-)). A teraz prejdime k podmienkam, ktoré prosíme striktne dodržať ;-). Tu sú:

1. Scrapnite akúkoľvek vec, osobu, zviera, situáciu vo fáze "predtým a teraz".
2. V LO-čku použite LEN dve fotky a to následovne - fotka "Predtým" nech je čiernobiela a fotka "Teraz" nech je farebná.
3. Vo svojom LO použite akúkoľvek alphu, ktorou zvýraznite titul LO-čka, ktorý by v ňom mal dominovať.
4. Farby použite podľa nasledovnej farebnej palety. Základný odtieň poprosíme zachovať. Sýtosť a jas si môžete upraviť ;-).

Ako odmenu za účasť dostane každý súťažiaci tento fasa namakaný bonus "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" od našej Mag - vďaka veliká! :-)

Svoje súťažné LO-čka o rozmeroch 600x600 a maximalne 150 kb (!!) posielajte na mail do 19.7.2009 do 20:00 hod. V ten deň sa otvorí súťažná galérka a spustí sa hlasovanie, ktoré bude trvať týždeň. Víťaza vyhlásime v nedeľu 26.7.2009. Na záver Vás prosíme, aby ste svoje LO nezverejňovali v žiadnej inej galérke až do vyhlásenia výsledkov. Vďaka.

Víťaza samozrejme čaká naša "Sieň slávy" a taktiež vymyslí pre nás novú - augustovú súťaž. Tak veľa šťastia všetkým! :-)


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The newest and absolutely AMAZING kit "Ophelia" by Aprilmouse & Hanulienka Design available at or Digital Crea.

Small freebie for you. Download here

I See You

"The beach is the place to be
The sun shining all around
Children swimming in the sea
The waves crashing on the ground

The sun shining all around
Sancastles being built way up high
The waves crashing on the ground
Sea gulls fly by

Sandcastles being built way up high
Sea shells glittering in the sand
Sea gulls fly by
Couples walking hand in hand

Sea shells glittering in the sand
Children swimming in the sea
Couples walking hand in hand
The beach is the place to be "

by Ashley Kenny

Collab kit I See You by NewlifeDreams and Cali Designs and I See You Addon by NewlifeDreams
available at Shabby Pickle Design.

RAK for my webfriend Hawra and her DD

I am a boy

Totally fantastic freebie I AM A BOY by Mag
RAK for my webfriend Zojinka and her DS

Toi, Moi et la Musique

Do you Like music? Let yourself be soothed with notes melodious with this collab kit Toi, Moi et la Musique directed by Maelia Design and Kalina available at Digital Crea.

Simply You

Fantastic kit Simply You by Edeline Design available at Shabby Pickle Designs @ EMD
RAK for my webfriend SeattleSheri and her DSs Michael and Thomas