Monday, March 31, 2008


Fooohhh...banyak tol abuk kat blog nih..lama ditinggalkan..hehehe..
Pagi tadi sakit kepala yang amat! Berdenyut2..ingat nk g klinik kat depan office nie..sampai2 je tengok berduyun orang nak jumpa doktor..Lagi sakit kepala tengok...Daftar, pastu duduk dalam 10-15 minit...still cam tu jugak tak berkurang pesakit kat situ..terus balik office..Tahan je la...Thanks
dan En. Latfi sebab ambik berat pasal saya nie..terharunya...isk..isk..Lepas ni mesti zura rasa kesunyian yang amat..yela..member kamcing zura nak pindah office ke MOF, Putrajaya..Jangan lupa zura ye liz..

Kelmarin, asbenku beli
Bracelets E-Dymium untuk makku sayang..Pastu terus jadi dealer..Tq ye sayang..muahh..

Disebabkan mak tak nak pakai kat tangan, mak pakai gelang ni kat kaki je..Takpela mak..Asalkan mak sihat...Semoga sakit kaki mak tu akan beransur pulih, InsyaAllah..Bracelet ni bagus untuk sesiapa yang mementingkan kesihatan..AC Mizal merupakan duta produk E-Dymium ini..

Untuk sebarang pertanyaan / tempahan, bolehlah YM saya, zura_latfi atau emel


Magnetic therapy

Magnetic therapy is a system based on the idea that our bodies form an electro-magnetic field that respond to the healing power of magnets. Find out more below
The concept that something as simple as a magnet may help relieve pain and discomfort is perhaps difficult to accept.
Nevertheless, several scientific studies support the use of magnets in the treatment of medical conditions.
There are countless reports of people who have found magnet therapy has relieved a variety of conditions, including arthritis, menstrual cramps, headaches and carpal tunnel syndrome.
It is not known for sure how magnets work.
It is thought that magnets may rebalance the body’s energy, thereby restoring health and relieving pain.
There is also some evidence that magnets may improve blood fl ow, helping with the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the body’s tissues.

Don't resist the pull.

BMT International is a company that promotes health products and carries a range of magnetic bracelets. The company has currently sold more than 2,000 bracelets in the market. Style speaks to BMT International director Mardiah Jamel (left) to find out more.

What’s the history behind magnetic therapy?

For thousands of years, Chinese, Egyptians, Arabs, Greeks, Romans and Indians have used magnets to heal. Ancient Greece discovered the very first natural magnet in the form of the lodestone and Hippocrates, the father of medicine, noted its healing powers.
The Egyptians, too, described the divine powers of the magnet in their writings and Cleopatra frequently adorned herself with magnetic jewellery to preserve her youth. Chinese manuscripts dating back thousands of years described the eastern belief that the life force termed Qi was generated by the earth’s magnetic field. Today, magnetic therapy is well established in many countries such as Japan, China, India, US and Germany.

How do magnetic bracelets work?

The magnetics theory revolves around the premise that magnets improve the circulatory system and blood fl ow. The increased circulation gives the body more of nutrients it needs in the blood, improving health naturally.

What goes into a BMT magnetic bracelet?

Neodymium biomagnets, which are derived from the earth, hold their charge indefinitely, with no significant loss of power after 10 years. At first their cost is prohibitive but now they are very economical. The magnets are combined with titanium, because titanium is as strong as steel, but is 45 per cent lighter.
Due to its strength, lightness, extraordinary corrosion resistance and the ability to withstand extreme temperatures, titanium grade II industrial metal is used to make BMT bracelets. It’s better than metals like copper, silver or bronze which sometimes tend to discolor the skin and cause allergic reactions. We use a special glue that doesn’t cause any irritation to the skin to bind them together. does the effectiveness of the bracelet vary

According to size or design?

Even though the sizes and shapes of the bracelet vary, the effectiveness remains the same as the neodymium magnets in each bracelet are around 2,000 gauss. [Gauss is a unit of measurement of magnetic field and is named after mathematician, physics and magnetic researcher Karl F. Gauss].

Any side effects?

Magnetic therapy is very safe. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has confirmed that static magnetic fields pose no health risks at all. No complications have ever been reported with its proper use.

Who should not use magnetic bracelets?

Magnetic bracelets should not be used if you are wearing a pacemaker, defibrillator, insulin pump or any other electro-medical device. Do not wear a magnetic bracelet during pregnancy.

Antara website yang boleh dirujuk berkenaan EDymium Bracelet ialah:


Gambar Tuanku Mizan dan PM memakai gelang ini..


Demo Produk


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Biar betul ?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Anniversary Celebration

Sempena anniversary Zura yang ke 3 nie, zura plan g dinner ngan hubby kat The Ship..Tidur kan anak dulu..pastu senyap2 dating kat luar..heheh..

Sampai sana kol 11.30malam..Zura order chicken chop je..(mmg favourite dari dulu) hubby pulak order Lamb legs..hehe..tu yg menarik minat dia...Dah lama kitorang xdating berdua..Malam tu sungguh mengasyikkan..hahhaha...Thanks lalinggg..

12/3/08 zura cuti g amik kek yang diorder kat jiran lynn, Yatt..Cheese cake choc...Memang sedap sangat2...Tak rugi beli..Inilah hasilnya..

Hubby balik kerja cepat2 keluarkan kek...Surprise...Dia tak tau pun zura order kek ni..
Sempena mengabadikan 'kehadiran' anak sulung mama 3 tahun lepas, Mikhail la yang kena potong kek..
Buat burger...Sori dah gigit sikit baru teringat nak snap picture..

Malam tadi abang ipar datang...dia belikan J.Co...Ermm sedap sangat2! Thanks ye..Tak pernah makan pun...Big Apple pernah la..J.Co ni biar lama2 pun still lembut..Ok la..dapat gak merasa...kalau beli sendiri alamatnya lambat la..sebab ada 2 cawangan je kat Malaysia nie...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy 3rd Anniversary


Hari ni merupakan Hari Ulangtahun Perkahwinan kami yang ke-3..
12-3-05 yang lepas, merupakan saat2 yang teramat manis bagi Zura dan suami..Berlangsungnya majlis akad nikah kami, biarpun secara sederhana, tetapi tetap meriah dan kami amat berpuas hati...heheh..skema la pulak..

Abang..Pejam celik..pejam celik..dah 3 tahun usia perkahwinan kita..
Alhamdulillah hidup kita diserikan dengan 2 orang cahayamata..

***Semoga perkahwinan kita berkekalan dan bahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat dan diserikan dengan cahayamata yang soleh dan solehah..Amin..
I love u very much, dear! ***

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Perkembangan Putera & Puteri

Mikhail = 2 Tahun 2 bulan

Anak mama yang sulung ni la teman mama..Dialah pendengar yang setia..teman berbual mama..Dan semakin aktif, tak boleh duduk diam..ada je benda yang dia nak buat..Kalau nak minta sesuatu..."mamaaa, nak main basikal boleh?" lembut la sangat suara dia tue..cair hati mama nie...kalau nak minta apa2 pon mesti diakhiri dengan "boleh?"...terharu mama..Mikhail pun setakat ni dah faham arahan..dengar cakap abah dan mama..Anak mama dah besar..Kejap je masa berlalu..Cepat betul anak mama membesar..Alhamdulillah..

Akma = 1 Tahun 3 bulan

Akma dah pandai jalan..Yahooo...Actually, hari ahad hari tu Akma dah bertatih jauh dah...Tapi kadang2 je..Malam tadi banyak kali dia tatih...seronok agaknya..Kan best..Mama suruh jalan dari dulu lagi tak nak...Lepas ni kena pasang bodyguard la nampaknya..heheh..

Ni la video akma bertatih...

Sabtu buaian yang diorder sampai... Comel je kan..

Mikhail minum susu atas buaian...Suke la dia..Tengah berangan2..

Cam nak tertido je..

Ahad pulak ada Birthday Party Ariff (junior PCM) di Taman Desa..Kitorang sampai sana dalam pukul 3 lebih sampai kol 4..pastu pegi UiTM, Shah Alam pulak..jumpa cousin hubby kat sana..Balik tu singgah Restoran Cerana, Cheras..Boleh la tahan makanan kat situ..Biasa je..Pemandangan je yang menarik..Sesuai la untuk pasangan yang romantis..ekekek..Ini pulak gelagat anak2 tersayang sementara menunggu makanan..

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