Monday, July 25, 2011

catch up

Sorry for the lack of posts lately... if you havn't heard our news yet we've packed up (actually the moving company did that part) and have moved to philadelphia!!!! We're pretty excited about our new adventure... we've been here a week today and so far its been a fairly easy transition.
Brent moved here at the beginning of June, he started his new job June 4. While he was gone, Tate learned to ride a two wheeler!!! It was pretty spur of the moment, we were outside one evening and he was riding his bike with the training wheels on and i mentioned to my father in law that maybe we should take them off and see how he does, about 30 minutes later he was riding!!! And by the next afternoon he was a pro.
Brent was able to come home for the july 4th weekend so we had a farewell bbq with the extended families and then shot off some fireworks that evening.

for the first month brent was staying in a furnished apartment right by the schuylkill river and valley forge... its so pretty!

there are so many trees everywhere! so pretty, but also makes me a tad claustrophobic.

Then, the goodbyes started. :( I got together with my college friends. I hadn't seen some of these girls in 2 years! We had a bbq at emily's house in spanish fork (which i just might move to if we ever come back to utah... so pretty!)it was so good to see them and catch up, hopefully it won't be another 2 years until we get together again! (but lets be honest, it probably will be ;)

Meet one of my best friends, Ashlee. Yes, she really is that funny (at least when she's with me) We've known each other since our days at LDSBC and it was through her & her husband Ben that i met Brent. We went out for dinner the thursday before i moved.


of course, there was dinner with the girls!! i'll miss these ladies... they're my go-to for gno's. I'm not sure i'll ever have friendships in philly like i did in utah. I'm very grateful for each and every one of them... love you girls!

i didn't get any pics of the goodbyes with brent's family, but there was one with part of mine...

just want to say thankyou to all my people for all the love and support we have gotten with this move. We will miss each and every one of you... but we'll be back for visits! ;) and just remember, if any of you want to come experience the east coast, our door is always open!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011



tate got a hold of my camera one day and decided to take some self portraits...

just a cute one of ben...

tate's birthday...



jack's birthday...
chicken parmigiana for his dinner-his FAVORITE!!!

we took him to a byu football game...go cougs!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010


ben turned one!!! (and finally started walking 2 months later)
his one year stats:
weight 24 lbs, 3 oz...75%
height 30.25"... 75%
head 19.1"... 93%

Jack's first day of first grade!!! so far, he's loving it!

Tate's first day of preschool... he's not loving it so much... we're still having tears every time i drop him off
and yes, i did try to get him to leave that cowboy hat at home but he wouldn't hear of it, and you have to pick your battles, right?