Saturday, May 30, 2009


Where has May gone? I can't believe it is already over... hopefully the rest of summer flies by just as fast!!

Jackson had his pre-school graduation... hard to imagine I'm going to have a kid in kindergarten in the fall!!! Yikes... I'm getting old!!!

He also played on a t-ball team again...

The kids got trophies the last game of the season... and Jackson likes to tell everyone that his team went 8-0!! An undefeated season!!! Way to go!!!

And what post would be complete without a picture of Tate... he can't wait to be able to play ball like his big brother!!! It was a chore trying to keep him away from the bats, helmets and balls!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Today was my wonderful doctors appointment that required me to drink the glucola and take the glucose tolerance test.... and i failed. i hate tests. So now i have to go back and do the 3 hour fasting test. How bugged am I??? I had to do it last time with Tate and everything was fine.... it's just so annoying to have to sit in the lab for 3+ hours. So if anyone wants to come have a good time I'll be hanging out at the lab on Friday morning!!!! (maybe i should take this as a sign and stop eating sugar?)

on a happier note... my sister came down for a week and a half before she took off for 6 weeks in China... she's doing her last semester as a study abroad program so we threw her a little pre-graduation party...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Beautiful, Perfect, Healthy baby!!!!

oh yeah, and no doubt about it....

Brent's getting his baseball team!!!! And we couldn't be more excited.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

taking the plunge

for about 4 years now, Brent has been "researching" and nagging me about buying a wedding decorating business. Well, we finally decided it was worth the risk. >gulp<
So we are now the proud owners of PLATINUM WEDDINGS... yee haw!!! We can do all sorts of decorating for weddings... especially cultural halls in churches!!! and make them look pretty :) (which we all know is pretty much almost impossible... but not for us!!!)
Anyways, go and check out our website: and tell your friends and family about us!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

after 7 months, i finally did it.....

...cleaned the clothes off my treadmill and actually used it!!! Now if i can just keep the momentum going....

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tate's Two!!!!!

Hard to believe my baby is two already... good thing i'm going to have another one! Some things that we love about our Tater:
He gets into EVERYTHING
He L.O.V.E.S. horses
He's a great cuddler!!!
He's got the best little personality and keeps us laughing all the time.
He has to be wearing shoes... preferably his brothers flip flops or his mom's shoes
He loves to wear "ats"... and he'll put anything on his head and call it his hat!!!

Here's some pics from his party... we had both families over. Thanks to the Gordon's and the Zumwalts for coming to another birthday party at our house!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Our newest addition will be arriving August, 2009.