Monday, February 22, 2010

catch up

Christmas came and went....

the Christmas outfits that grandma and grandpa zumwalt bought...

brent and i went to a byu basketball game with our dear friends ben & ashlee... but more importantly we picked up a couple t-shirts at the book store for jackson!!!

yes... ashlee is glowing!!! (gotta love my crappy camera)

Ben celebrated 6 months!!! I took him to his check up and he's healthy and happy!!! (other than a slight ear infection that we had no clue about?) here are his stats:
weight:19lbs 12 oz...85%
head:HUGE!!! ha ha just kidding, its only in the 90%

Tate turned 3!!!! to celebrate, we took the boys bowling. and yes, the birthday boy won... (and no, we didn't "let" him, he won fair and square... he got 2 strikes in a row at the very end) good job taters!!!

tate doing his victory dance

on his bike that he got from mom & dad

so glad february is almost over... BRING ON SPRING!!!!