Wednesday, April 16, 2008


My VERY talented friend, Melissa, did a photo shoot of my boys a couple of weeks ago, and the pictures turned out sooo well!!! I was a little nervous because Tate did not want to cooperate!!! But I think we got quite a few really cute ones... thanks so much Melissa!! And if any of you are looking for a photographer, check out her photography blog on my links!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

one proud momma

So I just have to brag a bit... Jackson (my 4 yr old) LOVES to help me with the laundry, so I will usually have him fold his clothes that get put in drawers (pants, underwear & pj's) Well today I had TWO FULL laundry baskets of clean clothes just sitting in my room waiting for me to get around to putting them away. Since I wasn't getting to it fast enough, Jackson came to me and asked if he could do the laundry. I told him yes, thinking that he would pick through the clothes and do what he normally does. Well, HE DID THE WHOLE THING. BOTH LAUNDRY BASKETS. I know, I'm shocked. He layed mine and Brent's clothes on the end of our bed (like I do as I'm sorting through) and he folded his clothes that get folded, then he put all of his clothes away in his drawers, and he even pulled his little table over to his closet so he could climb on it and reach his hangers to hang his shirts. He also folded Tate's clothing, but he left those for me to put away. I was so impressed, it seriously brought a tear to my eye. What a gem of a son I have!!! I just love my handsome boy so much, and am so grateful that we get to have him in our family and that I get to be his mommy forever!!!