Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The many faces of Tate!!!

Tate had a photo shoot the other day with his Grandma and some of them were pretty cute... he was making the funniest faces!!! What a silly kid....Do you like his chin rash from his binky??

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Day of Pre-School

Tuesday (the 4th)was Jackson's first day of preschool. To say the least, it was quite an event! First of all, Brent took the day off so he could help out and then Brent's dad came over that morning to help with the forest in our backyard (pictures of that to come later...) so he came along for the ride. Ever since Jackson has known what school was, he has wanted to go, but it still came as no shock when he started having a meltdown in Miss Jenn's driveway and ran back to the truck at least 3 times...across the street and everything!!! So while I'm spending 20 minutes trying to comfort him and convince him that school will be fun, he's got a death grip on me and is sobbing his little heart out, which of course starts my tears!!! His poor teacher probably thought I was completely mental!!! After 20 minutes of him crying (although we HAD gotten him up to the room by this time), his WONDERFUL teacher came over and took him and told me to leave. So I did. And 3 hours later when we came to pick him up (yes, the whole entourage), Miss Jenn said that he had been wonderful (only crying for 5 minutes or so after I left). Jackson said that he had had lots of fun... and was willing to go back again. Although as I am typing this, Brent told him that he needs to go to bed cuz he has school tomorrow and he has decided that once was enough for him. Poor guy, he's got 14 more years to go!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Shout out to Matt!!!

This post is dedicated to my younger (not littler, since he's 6'4") brother, Matt. Megan and I have been reminiscing about the days when he was living in Utah and how much fun we all had together... so Matt, if you're out there and you're reading this, maybe post a comment or something on my blog!!! Your nephews miss you (even the one you havn't met yet... hint, hint) I love you Mattie!!! can't wait to see you again sometime xoxoxo
ps my favorite pic is the one of "Clark Kent"

Saturday, September 1, 2007

The first BYU game of 2007!!!!

Today we went to the opening game of BYU's 2007 season. We went with Megan & Josh Butler, who unfortunately were cheering for Arizona (as you can tell from the hat Megan is wearing) but that's ok... we accept all kinds and have unconditional love for them!!! It was lots of fun... especially since BYU won!!!! GO COUGARS!!!