Monday, August 27, 2007

Jack & Tate

So every time Tate wakes up... he gets his big brother climbing in his crib to play with him!!! I'm serious, 3 or 4 times a day, I have to get both boys out of the crib. Although Jack can climb in it, he hasn't quite figured out a way to get out!! I guess I now have a pretty good "jail". lol. Also, fyi Jackson now has his first imaginary friend "Beau" from Texas, who's dad is Niko. Maybe I should start getting play dates for him with real kids!!!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

A Sad Day....

So my sister left today to go back up to Canada. She's the last one of us still living up there and she'd been down here for the summer. It was sooo fun having her here, especially since she was literally just up the street and was constantly popping in on a daily basis. Me and the boys will miss her A TON but she'll be back down for Christmas!!! We love you Shar-Shar!!!! :(

I got tagged!!!

So here it goes:
4 jobs I've had...
1. cna in nursing home
2. receptionist for trucking company
3. endoscopy tech
4. endoscopy secretary

4 movies I can always watch...
1. pride & prejudice
2. return to me
3. the wedding singer "they were cones!"

4 places I've lived...
1. St. Paul, Alberta, Canada
2. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
3. Salt Lake City, Utah
4. North Salt Lake, Utah

4 tv shows I enjoy...
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Friends
4. 30 minute meals with Rachel Ray

4 favorite foods...
1. tuna casserole (I know, it's wierd)
2. anything italian
3. anything chocolate!!!!
4. fries supreme from Taco Bell Canada

4 websites I visit...
1. our favorite blogs!!
2. yahoo
3. old navy
4. target

4 places I'd rather be right now...
1. anywhere warm & tropical
2. Europe!!!
3. any bed & breakfast
4. the mall!! (with no limit! & no kids!)

4 blogger buddies I'm tagging...
1. Natalie
2. Jackie
3. Mike & Jeanette
4. sorry, I only had 3.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


So I finished Eclipse last night (for all you Stephenie Meyer fans out there) It was sooooooo good. Much better than New Moon, but not as good as Twilight (big surprise) I HIGHLY recommend this series. Go get it and start reading, or if you're willing to wait until I get my copies back, feel free to borrow mine!!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

The 24th of July (I know, it's late.....)

Look at how much fun those 5 kids are having!!! Wait a minute...

So Belle looks really scared right now.... is it me????

the boys were showing off their muscles... whoo scary!!!!!