Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My first blog!!!

Well, I'm FINALLY getting this done!!! Frankly, there are way too many decisions to make when creating your own blog!! And I guess its about time I got into the 21st century!
An update on us....
Brent is still working at Deseret Book but is looking for bigger and better... especially a position that will let him use his MBA.
I'm enjoying being a stay at home mom, although I have to say it is 100x harder and more satisfying than working full time... I never get my 1/2 hour lunch break!!!
Jackson surprises us constantly, he's always coming up with something new where Brent and I will look at each other like "where did that come from?" He's so funny and fun to be around!! He's definitley a "Zumwalt", his favorite things to do is play baseball or football. He's never happier than when he has someone throwing a ball to him. And of course his favorite team is BYU. GO COUGARS!!!!!
Tate is growing like a little tank!! He's so happy and is constantly smiling and cooing. It's nice to have a "mamma's boy".
I guess that's it... until next time.