Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Morning

Not to be a scrooge or anything, but I for one am glad that Christmas is over!!! I don't know why but I get all stressed in December. I think next year we need to take a trip or something... (that cruise sounds about right, Gina!!)

me and my sisters on Christmas Day

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

This one's for you Mikey!!!

I had this picture on a different post, and then I decided to change it around and forgot to put it back on, and it was my brother-in-law's favorite. So I decided since it's such a cute picture, that it deserves a post of its own!!! (if you enlarge the picture, or look really closely, you can see his two bottom teeth!!... SO CUTE!)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

New pic's of boys

We went to Kiddie Kandids on Tuesday to FINALLY get some updates pictures of the boys. Here is Jackson @ 4 yrs and Tate @ 10 months.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Breakfast with Santa, & the Butlers, & the Echols, & the Parks, & the Robinsons, & the Christensens, & the Nielsens, & the Shepherds

On Saturday, a bunch of the girls (and their families) went to have breakfast with Santa at the Grand America. The food was good, Santa was jolly, and the company was fantastic!!! Who could ask for more? Although by the end of the morning, all the kiddos (and the moms, and probably a couple of the dads) were tired and cranky so there's no big, group picture!!! Maybe next year?

Get your own corn nuts, Carla!!!

A night o' fun with the Zumwalts!! And even though I did not win phase 10, I came in second, which isn't bad. At least I wasn't last....

Haircuts R Us

Last weekend Brent's brother came into town so we took advantage of it and gave all the "boys" haircuts... of course, Jackson had to throw a fit!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

So I freakin updated already, sorry for being a blog nazi!!

Here's a little sampling of what goes on when we have our late nights at Megans!!!

I don't know if it's the late nights, the company or maybe a little of both but we sure have some good times!!! Thanks, girls!! love ya!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Happy Anniversary Shan!!

To Shan-

I just want to take a moment and tell my wife how happy I am that she married me 5 years ago today!!! I don't remember my life before I was married. She has given me 2 wonderful boys and a better life then I could dream. I look forward to having an eternity with you!!

I love you so much!!!


PS (I thought this would be fun because you are always looking for new posts. Also everyone would know what you mean to me.)

Monday, November 12, 2007

and another tag....

Rules which must be posted on your blog if you are tagged:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random - some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names - link to them
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
SEVEN random facts about ME:
(fyi.. some of these are probably not so random)
1. I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE shoes & bags. I can't decide which one I love more, all I know is that when I am having a bad day, a new purse or a new pair of shoes definitely makes it better!!! can we say addiction, anyone? Shoes & bags are the best thing ever, they always fit and they always look good on you!!! And I'm more than willing to share my collection, if anyone is in the need of an uplift!!!!

2. Even though I grew up on a farm (cows, horses, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats...), I am the biggest girly-girl. (see #1) I did not venture down to the barn very often... and I've never milked a cow!!! Even though my brothers had to milk our cows twice a day, I never helped out. Although, I would help feed the horses & the chickens!

3. I am a chronic de-junker. DI loves me!!! I'm constantly going through everyones closets and getting rid of clothes. My poor husband will be looking for a shirt to wear, and I will have gotten rid of it. Lately, I even went through Megan's closet and got rid of clothes for her!!! It is my favorite thing to do!!!

4. My biggest dream in life was to be a dancer. When I was little my siblings and I would put on "shows". I would choreograph, and my brother would make the costumes. And my mom would always have us perform at our church's Christmas party. So because I couldn't take classes as a kid, I've taken some as an adult!!! And every once in a while, I will hear some music and start choreographing a dance in my head!!! And it does look pretty good...

5. I have a pretty hot temper. I really have to "count to 10" to get me to calm down when something (or someone) has ticked me off!!! Or else I'll open my big mouth and say something that I usually don't mean. The good thing is that it doesn't take me very long to get over whatever it is I'm mad about in the first place!!!!

6. I have a sister that is a year and a half younger than me and because we both have brown hair and was always the same size growing up, people thought we were twins!!! (although our faces are nothing alike... she is MUCH prettier than I am!) We would constantly have to remind people which one of us was Shanna & which one was Sharlyn (maybe our names confused them too?) The funny thing is that we would get the same presents for Christmas, but mine would always be pink (see #2) and hers would always be blue!!!

7. I get all tingly and weepy during sports movies. You know, when the underdog comes back and wins the big game? I LOVE it!!! And the funny thing is that I never liked sports or their movies when I was a kid!!! It's only since I've been married that the inner-jock in me has emerged!!!

sorry... everyone I know has been tagged so I'm breaking the rules!!!! Enjoy!!! :)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Jackson's Birthday

4 years ago today I became a mom. And I soon learned that the things people say about it is true... it is the hardest thing I've ever done, but also the most rewarding!!! Jackson pretty much was the perfect child, until he turned 3 and then he started testing us and it has been non-stop ever since!!! However, I wouldn't change a thing!!! Especially times like yesterday afternoon when he stood in my bedroom doorway with his hands on his hips and said to me "don't you give me that look, Mom"! but then turns around and tells me he loves me and gives me a big kiss and hug. I'm so grateful for the opportunity that I have had to be this little boys mom!!! It's the best thing that I have ever done.
fyi... the first picture is of Jackson when he was one and then the second one was taken today... when he turned 4 years old!!!

We took Jack, Zach & Brady to Chuck E. Cheese today and although it was fun and the kids seemed to enjoy it, it's something that I WILL NEVER DO AGAIN. Way too crazy, and to be quite honest, not my kind of place!!! But at least now we can say that we've done it!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

HapPY hAllOwEeN!!!

Mike Wiszowski and Baby Dino hope you had a Happy halloween!!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Gardner Village... My FAVORITE place!!!!

I have to say... I LOVE Gardner Village!!! Even though I wasn't able to get any shopping in (its CRAZY with 5 kids) it was so much fun. My mom and I took all the grandkids down there yesterday (My brothers 3 boys and my 2, yep... no granddaughters yet) and we went to the petting zoo and my nephew got his face painted but my favorite part were all of the witches!!! It was so great, I'm already planning my next trip back there!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Yesterday Jackson's preschool class took a field trip to a pumpkin patch. It was pretty fun, Jackson really loved the haybale maze... but he would NOT smile for the camera when they were taking a group photo of all the kids in the hats. Guess I need to train my kid a little better about pictures. It was pretty funny too, cuz his teacher had all the kids pick a pumpkin out that they will paint on and then bring home after their party on Thursday and Jackson picked the smallest pumpkin in the patch!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Today was a big day for Tate. He got his first haircut (he was wiggly so don't look too close!) and I noticed on his bottom gums a couple of white bumps... could they be teeth? We'll keep you posted....
I guess Jackson was just too tired to make it the rest of the way up the stairs!!