Monday, December 26, 2011

jack's birthday



one of the local dairy's was having a fall festival so one saturday we took the boys. They had hay maze, slide, face painting, hot dogs, pony rides, tractor rides, pumpkin patch, and pig races. It was pretty cheap & entertaining!!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


the boys first day of school...

jack gets to ride a bus!

Tate is going to a fantastic preschool... its a little pricier for preschool out here than back in utah, but completely worth it!!! So far, we both love it.

Friday, September 2, 2011


A couple of days after we moved here we met some of our new neighbors... and were lucky enough to have them give us Phillies tickets!!! And not just any old tickets, FRONT ROW on the third baseline. It was pretty awesome, and needless to say Jack & Brent were in heaven!

The next day we took the train into Philadelphia and took a Duck Boat tour. It's an amphibian vehicle that takes you on a tour through downtown Philly and then goes into the Delaware river and putts around in there for awhile. It was pretty cool, and the boys loved driving into the river! and as you can tell from the picture of me, VERY humid! blah :(

Next up was Ben's 2nd birthday!!! Since it's just us for now, we took the boys to Chuck E. Cheese and let them play the games. Not my idea of a good time, but the boys loved it! (except for Ben, he was having a rough birthday... ha ha ;)

We havn't been able to get to the Philadelphia Zoo yet but we heard about a local zoo so we took the boys there last weekend.

Monday, August 1, 2011

valley forge

valley forge was much cooler than i thought it would be, i didn't realize how much stuff they had there (like the house that george washington stayed in during the time they were camped there) and the other buildings that some of the army stayed in. it was very hot and humid that day, made me feel pretty bad for those soldiers who camped there and very grateful for my air conditioned vehicle to get in at the end of the day