December 6, 2017
Luke 1:18-20
“The Promised Savior”
To Whom Does Jesus Come?
INTRODUCTION: To whom does Jesus come? Does
He come only to those who are rich in faith? Does He come only to those who
have everything figured out? Does He come only to those who are secure in their
beliefs? What about the Scrooges of this world? Does Jesus come to them
also? These Scrooges…they want to believe. They want to get all caught up in
the merriment of this holiday season and yet they are reserved… There are those
people who simply haven’t finally gotten a full grasp of the Christmas story.
Now don’t get me wrong, they know the story inside and out which might be their
downfall. They don’t necessary doubt but they have questions. Could the Savior really
be born in Bethlehem, in a stable, to a Virgin? As we consider the
question: to whom does Jesus come we will find that Jesus
comes with proof to him who has questions.
Ah yes, there are plenty of questions in the
Christmas story. The man we will focus on this night is an old man by the name
of Zachariah.
We know a little concerning Zachariah the father of
John the Baptist. We know that Zachariah was a priest, whose lot it had fallen
to offer up prayers at the Temple in Jerusalem.
The Jewish exile into Babylon had interrupted the
original lines of descent; so once returning to Israel the divisions were
regrouped, most of them corresponding to the original in name only. Each of the
twenty-four divisions served in the temple for one week, twice a year, as well
as at the major festivals.
An individual priest, however, could offer the
incense at the daily sacrifice only once in his lifetime since there were so
many priests. Therefore this was the climactic moment of Zechariah's priestly
career, perhaps the most dramatic moment possible for the event described to
have occurred. God was breaking into the ancient routine of Jewish ritual with
the word of His decisive saving act and nobody could believe it!
The suddenness of the appearance of the angel in
the Holy Place is in agreement with other supernatural events in the Christmas
story. Consider the heavenly host that visited the shepherds. (cf. 2:9, 13).
Only a heavenly being had the right to appear in
that place with the priest. Zechariah's startled and fearful reaction is not
only a natural reaction to such an appearance but is also consistent with what
the Gospels say about the response of the disciples and others to the presence
of the supernatural. They are - startled and to say the least - apprehensive at
best, - doubtful and the worst.
This is the first indication of prayer on the part
of Zechariah. The specific petition probably refers to both his lifelong prayer
for a child (probably a son) and his just-offered prayer in the temple for the
messianic redemption of Israel. Actually, the birth of his child was bound up
with redemption in a way far beyond anything Zechariah expected.
As he prays for a son his prayer will be
answered. As he prays for the redemption of Israel through the coming of the promised
Savior his prayer will be answered!
That the prayer included a petition for a son is
substantiated by the further description of the child, beginning with his name
"John" (meaning "The Lord is gracious"). John being named
before his birth stresses God's amazing mercy and grace in choosing John to be
His servant.
To question does not mean doubt! Mary’s question
arises from faith (v.45). Mary simply inquired as to the way God would work;
Zechariah questioned the truth of the revelation. Zachariah's question, “How
can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in
years.” Luke 1:18 seems oh so innocent, but it was
asked in doubt. In contrast to Mary's question- - "How can I be sure of
this?" apparently was a request for a sign. Though we are told that
Zechariah was devout (v.6), his quest for confirmation was perilously close to
the attitude described by the skeptics, who in Luke 11:29 are searching for
confirmation of Jesus’ ministry but find nothing to their satisfaction. “As the
crowds increased, Jesus said, “This is a wicked generation. It asks for a
miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.”
In the midst of his skepticism, disbelief,
uncertainty and doubt the Lord speaks to Zachariah through the messenger
Gabriel. “The angel answered, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God,
and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. And
now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens,
because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their proper
time.” Luke 1:19-20
There you have it! Zachariah is dumbfound by the
news and staggers at the very thought that he would be a father in his old age.
Thus he will live in silence until the child is born. Yet, the mighty acts of
God will be fulfilled in Zachariah’s lifetime. He will have a son, and the
promised Savior will be born. John will be His prophet and the holy one of
Israel will come to deliver His people. It will happen all as Gabriel had
The Christmas story is just as difficult to imagine
as is the birth of John, born to parents well beyond years and yet it all
happened as it has been recorded to us in sacred Scripture.
The fact that Zachariah had difficulty believing
what his ears were hearing does not mean it is impossible. To the contrary, it
reminds us that what is impossible for man is all God’s doing! If an old
couple could cradle in their arms their own son could not God give us His own
Son to be conceived of a Virgin, to be born, suffer, be crucified, die and then
rise from the dead on the third day? If you have difficulties grasping
the wonder of the Christmas story your in good company with the likes of
Zachariah and Thomas and even Peter. To whom does Jesus come? He
comes with proof to him who questions.