Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hello 2010 in 2hours

Hi people, u won’t be believing this. Im actually in bus on my way back KL when im drafting this. I knew, I wouldn’t have anytime later as new year is coming, just few hours later. But I have to write a recap on 2009 no matter what. Die die also must write something. Oh well, updates: Im freaking mad bout thesis stuff. Problems pouring over and over. Actually not problem lah…but its homework and stuff. Plus, the the place that I suppose to do my survey they just simply reject me after see my questionnaire. Saying that it will expose too much particular bout their members privacy.wth. T.T they just reject me last minute when I already prepared all and ready to start my survey. Sigh….screwed. anyway, stil finding solution as its already January soon(tmr). No time to have a carefree holiday anymore. Time for thesis and study.

Well, lets see what I’ve done in 2009?

In earlier January, me and another 3 friends successfully organize a small gathering. BBQ at the beach was fun enough to make us close together again. Updates of everyone and everyone was so excited meeting each other.

February. Valentine’s Day. Instead of seeing lovely dovey couples walking down the street(so we, all the single ladies and single guys got ourself down to Melaka. ^.^
Then later in march, I join uni’s volleyball. This is a new turning point in life. Its also something new to me as im zero volleyball. During secondary school, I got no interest in it at all. Most of the days just into netball and its all about netball during secondary. It’s a right choice to join volleyball… getting know more friends and more knowledge gaining no matter in saying of volleyball session or volleyballmates.
Besides, in march I’ve been hiking too. If u are “care” enough” u should have notice those photos uploaded in facebook, of rock mountain climbing. Its is seriously adventurous. If u were ask me go for second time. I would say, give me some time to consider first. It was so scary T.T once u slip off, and that all of your life. Im not kidding. It’ll happen when u climb from one big rock to another. Anyhow, I made it. Thanks to Kelvin of keep pushing me. Cz im chicken and lazy like that and worst of all, I even plan to ffk them in the next day. Coz im just too tired and lazy to get up. BUT, he just keep calling.haha…..LOL…

Somewhere in march again, haha…. We went to evon’s hometown. Kuala Selangor getaway. It was fun!!! Seafood! Yummm~~~~

May! Went for a Korea-Malaysia interact program. Knowing their culture better and….get to try on their traditional custume. But, when u saw those “wantan” cutting que and berebut-rebut with us when wanna try out the custume, u’ll just feel….gawd~~~ lol…yeah, im such a racist. Kill me!
In june, went for Broga Hill. It was indeed a relaxing place and nice sunrise watching place. Way up to the hill was not that hard and its only easy path. U guys gotto pay a visit if theres a chance. And tag me along plssss…. ^^
In july, our club was organizing some campaign. Making uni a better and warmer place without stranger. You’ll get what I mean from the picture below.=)

July is an adventurous month toO! Went Gunung Nuang hike and camp for 1 day in the jungle. Proud. LOL

and not forgotten our assignment> foodfair!

BBQ during merdeka was a small gathering without sysoo and missy. =.=

and I got special guest visit me during the sembreak!

September, Taman Pertanian was a not bad place for cycling. But make sure u train up ur stamina before go for it xD
And yeah, Chilling Fall was fun. Im looking forward for second visit. (wordings become shorter and shorter. Cz started to feel 1% dizzy, cant really read in bus ><. But sitl wont stop me from writing.)

Lastly....the highlights of the year is... <3

It was actually more things happen than what I can write out here. Jimmy's departure to UK. (sorry no photo as some technical prob, but u are not forgotten dude=) 2009 been a splendid year to me. Theres always up and down but im glad, theres always someone beside me, support me no matter what happen. I guess thats what friend for rite=) I'll do the same. Thanks everyone for stil reading my blog. thou not much comments always left here but u guys stil find me at msn discuss and comfort me after read my read. It meant something to me *hugs everyone*

Hmm.... new resolution ^^ My resolution? I'll keep it to next post. its too long for now ^^

Happy New Year everyone! Lets welcome year 2010.
May it be a Wonderful Year!!
*World Peace*

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Drive Through~~

Tats mine lunch with granny *grin*
What u took for lunch?

Monday, December 14, 2009


Just feel like write something. =) How are u guys? Im stil having my holidays and stil worrying bout thesis thou. Everyone alr start busy their lab thingy, while me just hv to prepare my quiestionnaire. Is it a good thing to be free at home? yes? no? or i should have choose lab base thesis and stay at KL now? lol... ironic.

Been kinda mood swing last week. Hate it! It just doesnt feels good when u just pull down others mood.pathetic. Im sure u guys doesnt like to get close with this kind of ppl. =).. more mood swing please. to myself ^^

3weeks holiday, but theres 1 week gonna spend time with mummy to kl. Quite looking forward for the trip actually. Afterall mum can get to rest n bro get to take leave again. lol....
I found myself getting selfish. somebody scold me please. Im taking most of his time now..... and become more n more attached. bad tings? mayb? Its now already become part of my life that what had to be daily routine...and if he busy...i'll be upset. fml... i cant be so attach can.

Hmm... meeting up with friends during this holiday was so great. But some i just had to turn down as...sometimes im just busy on something else. Even hoon...everytime said wanna meet up, but end up we both just busy on our own stuff. NVM HOON! we gonna meet up tmr for movie ok, and fried sotong!!! *wink*

No particular things in this post... just simply wanna post something.

So many things in mind... but what should i write? and do i really can simply write out here? I dowan to be judge... The only solution is... talk to soul-mate... or best buddies. BUT... not everyone will be free to listen to...or i might pull them down again? sigh... Missing someone is emo. New theory from me. =.=

12am... Anyway..i guess gonna sleep soon as i got nothig to do. Nah.. i got thesis to do actually. But, not now.=)

Gonna head to KL the day after tmr! Cant wait~~cant wait...

p/s : I miss you

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Time flies and its December already! Its time for some shopping but sadly I haven’t bought anything yet. Weird.weird.weird. What happen to me?lol…

Had cut-off few inches of hair the other day. Roughly kidding. Hmp….. when I was about to back home from bukit bintang, the monorail close-down, delayed. Wtf. They closedown at this hour?around 7.30pm. just felt like scream and kinda headache. So much people queuing up for the ticket and so much people waiting up there for the arrival of monorial. This is crazy! Felt like head explode soon*really* Its impossible to ask anyone to drive all the way to fetch me as it was omgfgawd super traffic jam at this hour. T______T the end, decided to walk back to Pavillion hang around T__T

Its just simply feel weird to be hang around alone while actually u have friends. I mean I might enjoy travel alone in foreign places but definitely not in Malaysia where I got friends around. Its consider l-o-n-e-l-y alright. Why would you hang around alone where u got friends here? Get what I mean? Its not like I love to be alone, but I have to. The monorail just sux up like this. What can I do besides just stay positive and hang around. That’s not what I want.><>
Its end of the year….this year been past so fast and next semester will be my last semester already. Gosh….almost time to step into the society @@~~ izzit a good things? Or bad? Hmmp…cant wait to finish my course, but ironically no “turning back” after start working life. Once work, it will be lifetime working life. **rage* its gonna be crazy! Cant imagine how my life would turn after graduate. SO! At the maintime, im gonna spend my time to the max…procrastinating! Hahahaha…lol… im joking. Though im master in procrastinating, imma gonna change. I must change. Maybe this would be one of my new year new resolution? *wink* and no more last minute. ^^

Hmm…just got back penang today. Feels so cozy at home but at the same time gonna spend time with buddies. They are just part of my life. Its my life-time-best-buddy. ^.^

Hmm…its just day 1 back in penang…BUT…Im already missing him dearly. =.=

Hmm…cant wait for the trip with mum. Though its just going to be a simple trip, but I think its going to be fun since we get to unwind ourself together. no working pressure for mum=) its gonna be great to her. And most importantly, shopping! Gahahaha……!!!!! **evil laugh**

Toodles guys! Nitynite and Happy holiday!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Chapter

Morning everyone! Im just awake in such an early morning and couldn't back to dreamland T___T and got insomnia lastnite.FML T___T Consequences of taking too much nap in the afternoon.

Its like eon since the last post I update myself. It was actually a big news of changing status in facebook. to me at least. Big news as in...I found my soulmate. Some people reach me but just not the right feel or right timing. But now...everything just seems like perfectly fit in. Its a blessed to found someone that really love u and he/she got ur love too.=) I'm glad, I got "my ideal" one. lol...

Things just happen in a blink that me, myself can't believe that it's actually happening. Its just so perfectly. NO. Theres nothing perfect actually..maybe..its just b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l-l-y i-m-p-e-r-f-e-c-t. BUT its enough to feel contented and bright up my day every-single-day. Thats more than enough to be filled with care n concern in the air every open eyes till to dreamland.

Somehow...most of the time I just felt like Im not a good soulmate T___T Sometimes just screw up things or turn things down.*rage* But he is stil patiently tolerate or sometimes i just make him upset.wuwuwuwu.......weeps........ im so useless at time. Not giving up..but I'll stil trying my best ^.^

TimTam!!!! My current favourite snacks. Its just so chocolately-sweet and irresistable! Yumm~~~

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dooms Day

Tmr is the day...... Proposal presentation day! so nervous *rili*.....

Hopefully it will be smooth shooting from lecturers =)

Goodluck to me... goodluck to all my coursemates.

After totally break freeeeee......... i'll be free from anyting until finals on dec! *yay*

Monday, November 2, 2009

Special DaY

Today is a SpeCiaL DaY....
*i mean yesterday*grin*

Friday, October 30, 2009

What A Day

Im finally back to here. =) OR T_T ?

As for since im so moody today.mind you, i use "today" means whole dayT___T ....and since i already finish edit my draf. Thought of rambling something ^^

Its sort of so moody since i woke up this morning. Something just feel so wrong once i open my eyes. *sob* I don't know what happen..or im just too stress of doing my proposal draf? After meeting with my supervisor there is STILL editing work to do. WHY?? I know its for our own good just in case we got tembak from other lecturers during our presentation. But, can u(the supervisor) just teach us all and let us done all the editing all in once? torturing of keep editing and journals hunting. *rage* 1 more sem to go of this life.><>

So stress or emo or moody in other words.... for the whole day. Dont feel like doing anything but just put on my ipod to the blast and listen to some fav songs.. Its all-time favourite-destress-treatment. LoL xD Its feel better thou after some high beat RnB and then sentimental.T___T At least i can ignore the whole world for few minits.FTS...i sound really emo. yes, i that moment.

Izzit PMS or just simply stress? Hopefully everything will be fine tmr=) Draf DONE editing. What left was packing! Imma going back penang tmr! BUT, not forgotten bringing back assignment.ahH...pathetic! Just hope to done all THIS asap.....i wanna be free so badly.......

Sometimes...its just so hard to guess people's thought. yeah..thats human. totally unpredictable. even myself. gahahahaha..... ><~~~

alrite....gnitez peeps. *hugs*

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Great Day!

Supposingly I should be rushing editing my draf but im just too HAPPY for my fren. New couple is in the town now! thou...i might loose some ppl to accompany me for dinner some time><, but im stil sooooo happy for him. LOL.... yeah! i was told by him that im more happy than him. yeah!! I am indeed. ^.^

Midterm just ended today. Its not hard BUT its not easy paper thou... Its stil a killing subject. T___T anyhow..its already past and i DOWAN to discuss bout it anymore. >< No more exam until Dec! YAY!!!!!!!!! For now, what left was the draf, assignment and presentation.*grin* Totally a free man a week later from now. Cant wait for it!

More update coming up after presentation. stay tune. *hugs*

Thursday, October 15, 2009



My apologize to those that feel offended on my last post. Sorry but i dont mean it. okay, mayb i mean it just for that few seconds when im not me. xD....

Anyway, im fine now. Please do read my blog..... please....ppl.. heeeeheeee....

Good day everyone.

1 more thing to update. Im waking up soooOO early in such a good weather.. argh.. cant back to dreamland. ><...why??.. theres stil 2hrs to go before my class.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Odd one

Shortnote : Forget to bring my purse to uni today.

Instead of blog once or twice or trice a week, i've realise that i;ve been blogging not that much anymore. Its not that i'm running out of blogspiration but it just feels like its(here) not a proper place for me to express my thoughts. not a save place, not a secure place...its not a private place for me to talk whenever i want. I cant be sure who read my blog anymore. As for last time, this is only a best-fren-reading blogsphere. Not for now anymore.

I want to do this so much so long ago...but what if i wrote out and ppl willl start judging me? T__T I dont know. I want to write bout friends. I want to write bout love. I want to learn to write a private password post, but im just too busy to find out how to use the application. and my friend is too busy to teach me.sad case.

People sees me as a girl who has alot of friends. ALOT that they have to so-call "make appointment" to ask me out or hang out with me? Well, too sad to say sometimes i feel lonely as well. At times i felt that im belong to not any group of friens. And well, i dont have any particular group of friends. Im always the average girl who hang out with everyone. Is that mean i dont have best-est friends who alwiz with me 24/7.

Maybe most of ppl cant understand the feeling. hmm...coz everyone have their own group of friends. but i dun have my very own group of friends. I only have everyone. Everyone that im close with. yeah, im greedy like that. Always wanted to be good with everyone. hangout with everyone but not only ONE group of friends.pathetic rite?

When there are two groups of friends hang out togather, and i might be the odd one. Coz they have their own group, while me, Im the center one belong to no particular group but belong to both group. and close to both group of frens. so...i'll be the odd one.

Kind of out of mind ....Im totally a emo freak now. Crap! Shhoooo emoooo!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Stay tune

My life is so busy right now.....what a hectic life....

busy of my proposal draf T__T

stay tune. will update soon. ^^

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Zhong Chau Jit Fai Lok ^^

Short note : NewMoon is great. I just cant wait until nov. After finishing it, the urge to continue is Eclipse not that strong as after I've done Twilight and proceed to N.M. Somehow, the preview of N.M is not that attracting but I will stil proceed. Will Bella be one of the Cullens? =)

Instead of writing some food review or places I've been to every friday (as this sem every fri is holiday), i chose to write my daily life.
Please bare with my laziness. =( I'm just kind of lost my motivation to write lately. The urge to write is fading. Sometimes i feel like posting, but when after click on [New Post], i just stare and sign out. Its not an only best-friend-blog anymore i guess.

Well, its mid autumn festival now. Everyone is talking bout mooncake, tang lung... Didnt get to go back HOME this time round as friday got class til late evening.pathetic. And i dont want to buy mooncake by myself. That sound rather lonely? BUT..BUT.....I'm rili glad or to say touch when dearie leng rili brought me mooncake the other day in class. "Thx leng *hugs*" Mum just called and said lotsa mooncake back at home. T___T somtimes im doubt if its a good thing i dont get back home. so i dont have to eat those fattening mooncake thou is rili something i cant resist. I wanted to eat snowskin mooncake so badly T________T

Its Saturday, I just feel like stay at home all the day. Clubbing-rejected. Birthday party-rejected. Dinner-rejected. Well, the main reason is....the "aunty-visiting" makes me feel uncomfortable..and my stomach feel so bloated. Im already look "fat" plus bloated..omg.. im totally dont feel like going out. My face, is so much zits now. Thx to late doozing off and lack of water n fruits. My life is in mess now. OMGosh....

Cook spag for my lunch, okies, its angle hair actually. why angle hair??? u guys should know if u got follow my blog.heeheee... Reason : angle hair = easy to ccok = can be cook in 2mins. smart leh.. x.x

what the best things to do on a lonely saturday?

yea! camwhore before eat. xD
see...told u, zits over my face T____T

When everyone already start to do their thesis proppsal, or some already pass up their 1st draf, actually my supervisor just assign us our work. yeah, my supervisor is late like that. Now, its my turn to start cracking head for the proposal and journal searching hunt. Suddenly feel someone please splash me a pail cold water. *head bang wall* ALRITE, its time to read journal. *grin*

p/s : A road to remember

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Raya Break

Short talk : I'm just got back from neighbour open house. Back with full tummy. Totally cant resist their tasty delicious food^.^ Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

I’m back in Penang again! Yeah, for the raya break but just short one.

Looking back my last few previous post just realize that I just came back penang not long ago@@ or izzit my time spending on blogsphere become lessen nowadays? Hmm….i guess it’s the latter one =)

Well…people around keep teasing im FAT*sob*… well, I am indeed. Don’t try to convince me that im not or so somehow say I looks good in this size ><

Couldn’t help it, but I just push myself to gym on the next day I touch down here. I conquer the whole gym.wahahaha…. but after that another man came. Do some treadmill ONLY. Lolx….ok, burnt somehow almost 250cal okies. *try to convince myself*

And after the 3km plus run ……..

Well, grandma brought me this. Zomg….feel heavenly warm. Choc! Never try this flavor before

Mum bought some snacks stock up before I came back toO. Gosh..tell me.. whos the evil now T___T nah…they are too pampering me. Snacking is the best hobby in the world. Snacks + become coach potato infront of t.v + sleep. Life great..BUT… stil need do lab report and revision thou.*grumpy*

Mum oso bought this mini-grapes. They are so cutieee ^.^

Theres something… something that really bothering me T___T I miss the clubbing niteout with my lovely coursemates.*sob* Its just happen once in a blue moon that all can gather up and go club. Its not that I love club somehow my friends LABELed me as clubbing queen? Wtf/ do they really noe wats the definition of clubbing queen? I’ve been not to club for the past 3months. And before that I don’t really club that often already. So please…lets those words cross thru the “big-brain” before the words rush out from mouth.*mad*angry*cry with heartbreak* And please, don’t involve my mum. *stare*

However, im heading to pool later evening. Whats better to do than swimming. =) okies.. or mayb i should head to gym instead. Alrite... i couldn't make up my mind. BUT stil will head to one of it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Here come another weekends

Time flies! Its thursday again which means weekends is coming again and theres another plan for tmr! friday = offday! Tmr.....they are going to waterfall.*sigh* Im stil deciding whether to go or not to go. My flu stil not yet fully recover T__T I just dont want my flu get worst. I gotto study during the weekends n crack my brain for the engineering.GOSHHHhh.... feel so stress suddenly. Its so hard to me...sigh. really gotto sort out properly and work on it. Theres no fun getting low marks during the test. Its gonna be heartbroken if its happen *touchwood!!!* 3rd year subject really killing*rage*

Well, yesterday theres a model search for Philip's electrical appliances. They came to our uni and do some makeup+hair do for whoever wanted to gv themself a try. There are make up artis and stylist help to makeover and they'll take a picture of you.
Hmmm..... me and some frens went for it! lol.... its really feel so muka tembok.^O^ but of course, we just go for FUN. i wanted to try for curly-hair using the tong. But..but.. after our class ended, its already late T___T By the time we reach the lobby, we only manage to do the make up. There are 2 ppl incharge for the hairdo. The another makeup artis keep rushing the 1 that make up for why like that 1!!!!!!!1 And she is trimming my eye-browT____T im so she is in rush. hmm..luckily...shes so calm and friendly..and she is so "yeng" oso.hahaha... as in rili got the artis style.. we talk along while shes doing the make up for me. I thought she is a indian or chindian...amazingly, she spoke mandarin to me.*2 wet eyes*.... so into her..... but her partner keep rushing!! ahhHH...i just wanna talk more with her. Such a friendly person and patient and so good in hairdo(which i dont get to try out.....saw her make for others before we went to class before that=)

Lets see the result::::

well...not much different actually. Its just that they apply liquid eyeliner that makes my eyes somehow looks abit bigger ? or more contrast to my skin color=) Btw, again, the makeup/stylist rili yeng 1.but my ph camera rili sux that make her luks not so yeng in the pic here...

I got into flu last few days...T___T feel so sick on that day. Just feel like keep on sleeping. Its so lucky that the next day we do not have any class so i can sleep as long as i want or i can. Its not the right time to get sick now ><~~~


Last weekends was out with bro to pavillion for lunch and movie*wink*wink* We got into Iciban sushi.yeah!! again!!! i love sushi^^ iciban sushi = nice = HAPPY.hiakhiakhiak....

Highlight ::: i must eat this everytime go to this shop...its saliverting...especially the last one^^

After movie we went down for some snack/dessert.yohoo... This time i get to try this special "creampuff". Theres are normal size which is like doughnut size, or come in mini size. The cream inside was so yummm and the "creampuff" crust was nice toO... crispy + cold cream mustard.*heaven*........><~~~ U guys should have try toO! its at the basement of pavilllion.. somewhere opposite ministry of dessert.

We bought the mini ones...

Hmm.... its now another weekends coming and bro is now backpacking at Laos. Should i go waterfall tmr? or stay at home? or go waterfall and watch the others play n me..sitting watch them play....ironic.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Not complete

wow...its been eons that i didnt update my blog. okay, its just 1 week or 2weeks actually. Im just simply feel lazy to update my blog and i got no idea why i dont have time to write. Im just so busy ><..... but not busy on study. its busy on something else>>hangout>>entertainment.*i guess* sigh*....
Lotsa entertainment = burning $$$ Im seriously do not want to feel poor at the begining of month but im now facing it. f* this shit...wuwuwuwu.... why i spend so much T________T its mum;s hard earn $$$.
Well...been stil in holiday mood thou class alr started like 1 week already! Everything seems so hard in this sem. Even the 1st lesson will make me feel so pressure *sob* year 3 subjects is serious... Cant be more serious than this..I MUST do some revision tmr. If not..i'll be left Year 3 arrrr.....
Been sneeze like 876468000 times today. BAD SIGN that im gonna get sick soon. it must be cause by late shower>wash hair at late night too frequent. Feel sort of sleepy..just not feeling well...><
i want to write bout food... write bout my holidays...write bout the story im reading....write bout my frens..,,,write bout those movies i've watch lately, so many to write.. just tired now.....
*to be continue*

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Mum bought this so-called DRAGON EGG cost RM2 each! Gosh…. Why is it so expensive? Its just a fruit afterall.

Still remember this?

And this*grin*

A home-y feel food

Yeah! We call it childhood's snack ^.^

Well, went for dentist this morning. I stil have to wait for almost 1hr thou i already make appointment yesterday*grumpy* Been wasting half an hr reading magazine

and almost another half an hr sitting staring at this!!!! T___T *rili scared actually*

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Yes! Year 2 ENDed

An over due-post. =) Well, last Friday was the day I head back to PENANG.yeah…my lovely island. Instead of taking taxi to lrt station I was actually walk to uni to take uni’s shuttle. Im cheapo like tat can.*grin* But this only happen lately which I really don’t know why. If back to the normal-me, I’ll just get a taxi instead of shuttle! The shuttle came late on that day that I don’t have enough spare time to reach pudu early to get the earliest bus ticket-8.30am. The shuttle came to uni at 7.55am. MF*ing dam late!!! T____T and the driver wanna take rest awhile when he reach uni.wata! he suppose to drive us all to lrt station when we all get into bus. But he give an excuse of----there might be other student that on their way come uni to catch shuttle, so he has to wait them. Argh!!!!!!1 why this thing happen when im in rush?
#1> exhausted-panda eyes....frustrated..shoulder got red result from heavy backpackT__T

Well…thanks to the Konsotium service that always wanted to wait until whole bus occupied only depart!LOL…. so, the 8.30am bus stil haven’t depart!haha..thx god. I reach Konsotium’s ticx counter on 8.45am and she ask me faster go down to the platform as 8.30am stil haven depart. SO>>> kesimpulannya, I aka me aka zilly>> get to catch the earliest bus back penang.yay!!!!! btw, the nite before I was awake whole night. No sleeping, no napping. So, can u imagine the frustration on me that afraid cant get the earliest bus? I was feeling half dead and wanted to jump into bus>> SLEEP<<. It’s a relief after all this PANIC, and make me actually already awake from the mafia me. So..i decided to twilight bit ^.^

#2. Time to continue!

I saw a lot of people wearing mask in pudu….which really scare the hell out of me T____T so, I decided to get myself my 1st-mask for the sake of H1N1. Shit u H1N1!!!!

#3. Im chicken like that><

Back in exam period, it was the worst experience I ever had. Its such a torturing period. Im sooo afraid of can’t finish my revision. Its just too much T___T Im just ended up stay up whole night until the next day. Since it was our last paper, so…who care right? OK, stay up whole night! But..i get to nap an hr during the dawn^^ AND I hit off the alarm!!!!!yeah… wtf! But its just so lucky that U text me ^.^ its so lucky that I ask U to text me, wake me up. If not…I would end up MISS MY LAST PAPER and sleep like nobody business until noon.T____T wuwuwu….thx U. ^^

After the staying up whole night (1hr nap), exam ended. This what I wanted to focus on how insanely we gone after exam. We straight head to pavilion had our brunch + teatime at Tony Romas. Then>>> dessert! *yum!!* its my second visit to MOF aka Ministry Of Food which is a shop that menu full with japanese’s dessert. MY FAVORITE SUPER AWESOME GREENTEA ICECREAM ON REDBEAN PASTE AND DUMPLING. For those who haven’t try it, U must try!! The greentea flavoured ice cream is rich enough to make u feel contented and forget bout stress..haha…yeah, its just SO nice.

#4. One of my fav picture of the day. bt left out some gals as they are bz camworing.

Hang around until night. I thought we were heading back house by that time. But they were stil thinking of what to do to make this outing more insanely crazier. Well…everyone was over-stressed on the last paper. serious over-stressed on previous night. Suck it up FOODTECH!!!! *crossing finger* I just wish to pass only T___T u cant imagine how suffering it is.*sigh* alrite, back to topic. Some friends wanted to eat sushi. So…we went to eat sushi again. Yeah…I was totally forget bout dieting. DIET??! Shoo away…I just want to distress and have fun.LOL…. so..we head back to house after sushi. ^.^ and... i took taufufah tongyuen in pasar malam when back house. cz its pasar malam night on that day. Its just so hard to miss out TTF.tongyuen. My crave is back again..everyweek i took TTF.tongyuen.

Another unexpected incident happen…. I ate KFC in the middle of the night on the nexday. OMG…..KFC at 2am!!! MIND U..its 2am where we suppose to go to bed at that time or we suppose to let our stomach “rest” awhile before we start breakfast the next day. Me and housemate just too crazy d. This is all because we had already promise each other to take kfc after exam. And since im going back the next day, plus im out with friends whole day. When I reach home, its already over dinner time. So, we only left supper time for kfc. We really ate KFC Just because of the promise! Hahahahha……nuts! I cant imagine how many calories I’d gained after exam. And I already gained Kg(s) during exam serious.argh….. wtf/ (=.=)” why am I so easy to gain weight?????!

#5. I dont eat fats! i love the skin... sigh...have to left the skin..too much fats ><

My room…. This is my -Oh-Super-Messylicious-Exam-Period-Room. room get extremely messy during exam.*sigh* I just dump those unwanted notes on floor..or put notes on floor easy for me to grab it once I open my eyes. ><~~~~ and those hairband….hair cream..water bottle..all are so unorganise! *sob*…

p/s: dun ever suggest me to have a bf so that he can clean my room, fold my clothes or cook for me during exam. I’ll be talking bout this topic in some other post. Its annoying ar guys! Stop pushing me to get a bf.hahahaha…..single is fun.sometimes.LOL

#6. Mua -Oh-Super-Messylicious-Exam-Period-Room

And….its my 1st time in this sem of seeing this sunlight. Though I got lotsa 8am class in this sem… just….hmm….******censored**** haha… sunrise ar!!! Can u imagine hw early I woke up for revision / staying up whole nite just for the last paper. I just wanted to pass…nth much I wish for.*sob*sob*

#7. Sunrise ^.^ from my window

Well, I must finish this in this few days and start New Moon before it screen out on Nov ^.^

Toddles! Everyone! Happy Holiday ^^

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I knew, i should be studying now. or foodtech. BUT this H1N1 thingy is really caused some frustration. I mean..hell yeah..... its way too low possibility we got attack by this virus. Its only small...why do we hv to fear bout it?yes, tis is wat u guys gonna say. and yet! we cant even control how they spread over! how ironic it is.

Another research found that :
H1N1 "swine flu" virus spreads from person to person less effectively than other flu viruses. SO now u guys need worry more? thats what u guys wish to hear of words that convince H1N1 is small case?... WELL...

Its might sound so chicken. but im not that as i stil dont bought/have any mask with me.lolx...But isnt we should look into more serious into this H1N1 thingy? Why do we always want it to happen until to the sobering stage only WE took steps of caution? mayb thats our cultureT_T but At least, dont sarcasticly comment on people around you that wearing mask. they are just protecting themself OR protecting you from getting any virus bacteria that he/she might transferred to u.

Again, H1N1 is getting severe. Do u know how innocent it is to those kids? babies..that just past away caused of this? so what now? Im pretty sure u stil might scared out of urself...1% at least? if u get fever/flu/sorethroat at this perios of time. U'll stil be doubting if u are infected by this virus. ADMIT IT! I really get into anger who insolently give a pathetic reaction when i told them bout H1N1 news.I duno why...just little annoyed when people thought im joking while im serious. but in the other hand, im rili glad to those when i told them bout this and they give great reply or source me more bout H1N1 news. Yeah, kudos. thats what we shld do>> update urself bout our nation. PLEASE.

Im not kind of everyday-newspaper-reading-girl. At least, once in awhile update urself in any e-news. Much thx to "The Sun" which come to a plan of affixment with Digi =) which now makes me know whats going on around us. yes, at least i know something.and same thing should goes to u too! People, yeah YOU. who reading my blog, are not kids aynmore. no! some kids do read newspaper daily toO! Yeah, everyone is busy with studies...working... but that doesnt mean u are allow to ignore the nation. This is all because you are part of it.

Again... yeap! AGAIN! take care everyone. H1N1 only attack those who have low immunity. You dont know, u might expose to it. so.. stay healthy! *wink*

Lastly, I got a treat! happy... A treat from someone-unbelivable. Thankie!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


I can feel exactly how you feel. U wont be reading this..but stil im wishing you all the best =)

Artis : 蔡健雅 aka Tanya Chua
Album : Goodbye & Hello
Song title : 空白格

我们之间留了太多 空白格

Friday.without books.sigh.

Another wasted. Zero study T__T
Previous post was so emo ><~~ ~ smth wrong. pls excuse me. lolx... everything alr sort out. ^ ^

Went pudu bus station this morning.. as accompany T to buy bus ticx. sigh... im just being so good as woke up in the early cloudy drizzling morning. Its such a nice weather.haha...self praising. can?! but it was indeed a nice weather to nest on ur bed!

Had Porridge at Petaling Street *yummm*