Friday, August 02, 2019

#FurkidFriday: Joshua The #Degu With Some #Photos, And Thoughts On Recent Happenings

Hi everyone. This is Joshua the degu.

Those photos were taken while the Mummy human was playing with the flashy thing at the start of last month. Oh, and that's a Cheerio I'm eating in the photos, by the way. I know you can't tell from the second one, since it's just a closeup. But you might be able to in the first one. I thought I'd mention it though, in case you can't.

Anyway, those dogs are finally letting me get a turn on this thing. About time, don't you think? They haven't let me or Mollie have a turn in ages! I'd complain, but I don't really have much to say anyhow, so I might as well let them get on with it.

We've had some hot weather, and some stormy weather. Mostly it's been OK for me, and I've just been running on my wheel, playing in my sand bath, and doing the other things I do to entertain myself each day. But some of the storms were a bit scary, and some days it was hot enough that even I was glad of the frozen peas the Mummy human handed out to me and my chinchilla sister, Mollie, to cool us down some, and lots of times I was glad of the fan I have near my cage. Last week especially it got hot enough that even I thought it was too hot, and poor Mollie was very miserable. Between the heat, and the big storm, it was a bad week for weather last week, even to me, but it was worse for Mollie, because even what the human caretakers call, "Comfortable temperatures," are too hot for her. Chinchillas just aren't good at dealing with hot weather.

In other news: things have been a bit noisy around here with the little brown and white dog with the floppy ears showing up. Oh, yeah... His name is Logan... Right. Anyway, I'm not sure why the human who did so brought him here, but the humans seemed pleased when he showed up. The Lilie dog mostly seems to be too, except sometimes when he chews on her ear, tries to jump on her head, or takes her stuff. Me and Mollie don't really care, which is lucky, because nobody asked us if we wanted another dog in the house. If you want my opinion though: I'm not sure why they wanted him, but he's not bothering me, so whatever. He's almost as bouncy as the Lilie dog, except the Logan dog doesn't seem to care that me and Mollie exist, which leaves us free to pretend he doesn't either. Actually, the Lilie dog has lost interest in us a little since he showed up too, and only comes to see us every so often, which is nice. We like being left alone. Now, if we can just get them to not bark when we're watching our favourite shows, we might be glad he showed up. At least the Mummy human shuts the gate and keeps both of them out of the living room when evening time comes, so we can watch TV in peace then, even if it's sometimes hard for us to hear our shows over the barking the rest of the time.

Speaking of TV: a really scary show came on one time a couple of weeks ago. I had to squeal for the Mummy human so I could cuddle her fingers for comfort. I felt better after I had the cuddle time and the channel got changed though.

That's all I've got to say today, since I've not really been doing anything different to my usual activities, even though we now have the Logan dog as well as the Lilie dog. That's why I've been letting them take all the posting slots. But I thought I'd check in, so you know I'm doing OK.

Squeak soon,


Rita said...

Sorry it was so hot. Glad you got frozen peas to cool off. And glad you don't mind the new dog. You look very busy eating your Cheerio. :)

Victoria Zigler said...

Yeah... Eating a Cheerio in just the right way takes a lot of work and concentration.

I'm not as good at eating my veggies as I should be most days, but when it's hot and they give me frozen peas, I'm glad and eat them all up.

Squeak soon,