Seminar V. Has a nice ring to it.
In each group we find such an amazing array of talented, knowledgeable and passionate tanglers. We stress
passionate because there were folks there that created their first Zentangle in our training. How exciting is that . . . that someone would travel great distances, spend precious time and treasure for something they had just caught sight of . . . and just knew they had to learn how to teach. Such is the influence of Zentangle.
Throughout our seminar we were fortunate to have a well-timed break in our winter weather for our new friends from around the world.
We are proud to present to you our new Certified Zentangle Teachers from the "Class of V," held in Whitinsville, Massachusetts in February 2011.
We've updated
this page so you can find CZTs in your area.
In the meantime, during the next few blogs, we'll share with you some of the wonderful creations that our new CZTs brought with them.
Please join us in welcoming the fifth class of Certified Zentangle Teachers!
Click image for larger view.