Welcome to BLOG Zentangle. To learn about Zentangle, visit our website, read our free newsletters, take a class with a local Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT), and best of all . . . create your own!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Challenge Interlude (#11)

We take a moment from our regularly scheduled programming of sharing stories from CZT Training #5, to bring you Maria's contribution to the 11th Weekly Challenge of Laura Harms, CZT.

Writes Maria,
Hmm. Monotangle. Sounds simple enough. Pick one and go for it. But what an opportunity to delve into the intricacies of a single tangle . . . such fun! By doing the same pattern over and over, you discover nuances not noticed before - size, pen pressure, shape, position, tangleations, shading, distortions . . . I chose bronx cheer, mainly because I thought no one else would!

Click image for larger view.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

CZT-V Pix 2

Early on, we all create a Zentangle. We put them together in a mosaic.

It's always a magical moment.

We set up more tables than ever for people to display what they had brought. They all filled to overflowing.

More to follow!

Click images for larger views.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

CZT-V Pix 1

Here are some images to give a hint of how much creativity and fun we all enjoyed at our recent Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) training, February 22 to 25, 2011. We say "hint" because no picture can capture the energy and sense of community that we enjoyed together. We are ever so grateful to all who came and to all who worked so hard to make this event possible. Thank you.

We'll spend a few days with these because, like a wonderful meal, we want to savor this slowly.

Our Zentangle flag looks great, even in February!

We set up tables for students to share some of their creations.

Here's a closer look a few items.

This . . .

 . . . opened up to this.

We don't have credits for any of these, so if they're yours, feel free to chime in and tell us about them and take credit!

Much more fun to follow.

Click images for larger views.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Seminar V

Seminar V. Has a nice ring to it.

In each group we find such an amazing array of talented, knowledgeable and passionate tanglers. We stress passionate because there were folks there that created their first Zentangle in our training. How exciting is that . . . that someone would travel great distances, spend precious time and treasure for something they had just caught sight of . . . and just knew they had to learn how to teach. Such is the influence of Zentangle.

Throughout our seminar we were fortunate to have a well-timed break in our winter weather for our new friends from around the world.

We are proud to present to you our new Certified Zentangle Teachers from the "Class of V," held in Whitinsville, Massachusetts in February 2011.

We've updated this page so you can find CZTs in your area.

In the meantime, during the next few blogs, we'll share with you some of the wonderful creations that our new CZTs brought with them.

Please join us in welcoming the fifth class of Certified Zentangle Teachers!

Click image for larger view.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Space Between

Challenge #10 from Laura Harms, CZT, is "Space Between" . . .
. . . create a tile or Zentangle inspired piece being aware of the space between the tangles, leaving some white space.
Maria's contribution . . .

Created on Zentangle tile, photographed on black background.

Click image for larger view.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Great Article

Christine Britos, CZT [website] [email] had a great two page article in the Union Leader's New Hampshire Sunday News Style Section, February 20, 2011. More info here.

Congratulations, Christine!

I had originally planned to post some pictures from last night's CZT training reception at our home/studio/gallery. Maria's sister, Rachel, had decorated the snow piles along the front walk and driveway with strings of tiny white lights, spotlight on the angel above our door and winter greens in flower pots. She put sand in about 50 cut out paper bags with a lit tea candle in each one and placed these around the walk and entry way.

It was beautiful!

I was planning to take a picture.

In fact, I was planning to take lots of pictures. But as soon as people arrived and conversations began, I forgot all about taking pictures. We had such a wonderful time meeting new people and getting to know them, that you'll just have to use your imagination.

We will get some pictures at class today!


Monday, February 21, 2011

Newsletter Pix

Here are larger images from this newsletter. We think you'll appreciate the larger resolution.

This week is our Certified Zentangle Teacher seminar, so our blogging schedule may be a bit erratic.

Click images for larger views.