miercuri, 4 iulie 2012

Lady of the Flowers choker

Choker din dantela neagra cu trandafiri din rasina si pandant.
The pendant holds a lovely lady with flowers- Anna Varney Cantodea.

Chokerul este ajustabil- 35 de lei *SOLD*
se poate face la comanda, dureaza 2-3 sapt

Vanity earrings

Charm earrings with bronze combs and black glass beads- 20 de lei
with a victorian twist ;) SOLD

Octopus earrings

Cercei cu caracatite argintii si drop din cuart fumuriu
se pot face la comanda

The Raven and Other Poems jewelry box

Cutie din paper mache, pictata si cu diverse aplicatii.
The box is in the shape of a book and has various motifs (Poe portraits, stanzas and black roses)
Lines from Ulalume
back (sorry for blurry pic)
Interior (dimensiuni approx 20 cm inaltime)

For a similar model contact me, this is not for sale.

Tree of Life earrings

Cercei cu copacel
se fac numai la comanda

Absinthe Fairy necklace V2

Colier din margele de sticla cracke de culoarea absintului si drop de sticla verde, pandant zana
This is another version of the absinthe fairy necklace- 40 de lei *SOLD*

sâmbătă, 30 iunie 2012

White Rose

Simple yet sassy black lace choker with white rose and white pearl details.
Item was made to order.
For something similar contact me.

miercuri, 27 iunie 2012

miercuri, 13 iunie 2012

In loving memory of... (preview)

I am working slowly (but surely) on lots of new stuff, sadly my exams are in the way, but starting July I'll be uploading a lot of new horrors. This is an example, a memorial necklace of the beloved E. A . Poe

marți, 5 iunie 2012

Bondage choker

Choker din vinyl negru, cu lanturi argintii.
Chokerul este ajustabil, inchiderea se face la spate cu clestitsor si lant.

Cameo set

Set format din inel si colier, realizat la comanda.

vineri, 1 iunie 2012

Concurs :D

For your inner child, some treats to celebrate this day :D
De data aceasta, ca premiu ofer, la alegere, unul din accesoriile de mai sus . In caz ca vor fi multi participanti/participante, am sa aleg (cu random. org) mai multe persoane.
Tot ce trebuie sa faceti e sa dati like paginii de facebook a shop-ului, share la aceasta poza si sa lasati un comment sub poza (ca sa nu omit pe nimeni)
Concursul dureaza pana pe 15 iunie.

luni, 21 mai 2012

White Lace Gloves

White lace fingerless gloves, with a Victorian and Renaissance inspired look :D
suits bridal wear, period costume and other frilly clothing in general- 50 lei
Details on each piece include three satin roses, two white, one ivory

And a totally unprofessional pic (sorry for that!) to show how they actually look on
If you are interested in something similar contact me via e-mail or messenger.

sâmbătă, 19 mai 2012

-Lust- Choker

Choker goth din vinyl, cu pandant pentagrama, si o banda subtire de catifea rosie intercalata.
Inchiderea se face la spate, cu clestisor si lant, deci este ajustabil. 35 de lei

miercuri, 16 mai 2012

Victorian Circus choker

Choker din dantela neagra, suprapusa peste material in dungi verticale alb-negru, cu camee si drop din coral natural alb.

I really love vertical black and white stripes, and when I add some black lace to it my eyes are delighted!
Chokerul este ajustabil- *SOLD*

Twilight of the Gods- taxidermy rosary

I didn't want to limit my taxidermy experience with a mere claw on a chain so I made this little thing, complete with big black gothic cross, amethyst and grey agate.
The colour of the stones really evoke the colours of dusk and combined with the crow claw, give a dramatic effect to this piece

Blue Butterfly ring

Inel fantasy ajustabil, cu cabochon si fluturas albastru *sold*

sâmbătă, 5 mai 2012

My Clockwork Heart -pendant

Steampunk pendant shaped as a clock with gear wheels, small black key on ivory and black ribbon.
Pandantul este unicat, nu voi mai face altul in acest gen - 60 de lei

Victorian/ Steampunk handbag

My very first bag!
It took quite a while to make, since I do not currently have a sewing machine I worked six hours or so on it save for the front , which took an hour or so

Traistuta e din material textil in dungi verticale alb cu negru si are mai multe modele de dantela neagra aplicata, iar in fata are rotite de ceas, perlute si un cabochon montat in rama alba
Of course, I carry it thanks to a chain I put :D
yeeey, now I have a bag that matches my stripy corset
And I can carry my books, cigarettes and other stuff I usually carry in style :D

Diabolical Masquerade

One of my favourite musical projects. And a cool source of inspiration.
Aceasta mascuta este pictata cu acrilice si are margele, lanturi si dantela aplicata.
I just love making goth home deco, and then putting it around the house :D
The other one needed a sister :D
Not for sale but I am open to comissions, any questions you may have, direct them to me :D