Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's Time For Operation Christmas Child by Spunky

Spunky Doodle helps

Every year around this time my mom brings home lots of stuff and packs them into a shoebox that will be sent to a child who doesn't get much for Christmas, usually a foreign country. I am helping inspect the items and making sure she doesn't send anything I want.

Spunky inspects all the items

We would like it if you would join us in this project by going to the Operation Christmas Child page of Samaritan's Purse where you can print a label for your box to designate if it is for a boy or girl and what age range. You can pay $7 for shipping it online and get your barcoded label to attach to your box and look for a drop off location nearby. Many churches participate in this including ours so my mom and dad just take our box there.

Find more Cats On Tuesday posts.

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Mischief: Manny's Morning Routine

I start in the bathroom with Karen and stretch out.

Then I go to the wastebasket with the plastic bag in it . . .

and bite down and pull . . . I just like to do it!

Then I start up the stairs and make sure Karen is coming along to feed me.

Sometimes on Saturdays after my CPAs shop, I will find a plastic bag on the dining room table I can chew on too!  See how good I did on this one before my mom noticed?  Inside is a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child sponsored by Samaritan's Purse.  I was much more interested in the bag.

See, I'm not so bad.  What about you?

Visit other mischief makers on the Monday Mischief hop.

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Friday, November 2, 2012

6 Friday Fragments

Friday Fragments is hosted my Half-Past Kissin' Time for bloggers to post a list of short things on their minds that aren't really enough for a whole post. Here we go:
  1. Funny Video Made Me Laugh

    I saw this compilation of funny baptisms on God Vine--the kids are hilarious!
  2. Free Lunch

    Tuesday because of the bad weather, my workplace bought pizza and salad for everyone who came in to work that day! I wore my winter coat because it was too windy for an umbrella to do any good. Many homes were without power and many schools were closed. We are thankful that our power stayed on!
  3. Pet Evacuation Too

    Over at Murray's Mouth, (a new blog to us), I was happy to read that transit systems and shelters were accepting pets to during the evacuation due to the super storm Sandy.
  4. Donations

    Did you know?

    $25 transports a child with cancer to monthly follow-up appointments
    $84 provides meals for a week to a parent who stays with her child in the hospital
    $250 provides three nights of lodging for a child with cancer and their family, prior to necessary surgery
    $750 keeps a child with cancer insured for a month so they can get the treatment they need
    $1000 transports a child across the country to get specialized treatment unavailable close to home
    $2,898 provides lodging for a child with cancer and a parent during six weeks of radiation treatment

    I just found this out after making our $135 to the National Children's Cancer Society for comments we received in October.
  5. Thankful

    This was only 3 streets away from us!

    We are so thankful our power stayed on this week with 135,000 homes in our area losing theirs due to many power lines being blown down or knocked down by falling trees.
  6. Bones

    My doctor says my bones are getting thinner and my Osteoporosis is worse!   This is NOT what I wanted to hear.  I'm not in pain though since I got off the Fosomax--that gave me pain in my joints--I'd even wake up at night with pain when I was on that.  The Doctor said that's just one treatment, there are lots of other options.   

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thanks For Commenting--Charities Benefit

During October, we will donate $135 to the National Children's Cancer Society because of the 271 comments we received.  Why not click on the links and make a donation of your own?

Serving a meal to the Homeless

For the month of November, we will donate 50 cents per legitimate comment that we receive to the Cleveland City Mission.  This organization helps many people in our city through many different programs and has served the Cleveland community over 100 years!  They reach out to the poor, the homeless, battered women, children and youth.  They provide shelter, food, clothing in Christ's name and share the gospel with them.  Many lives have been transformed through the ministry of the City Mission thanks to lots of volunteers and financial support from individuals.  I had the opportunity to go and help serve a meal to the homeless which was a wonderful experience!  Check out my post about it by clicking the link.

We are only going to do this until the end of this year because we just have to cut back somewhere.  We will certainly continue giving to charity, just not based on comments on our blog.  We hope though by doing this, we introduced you to some charities that you may not have been aware of. 

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dog Costume Parade at PetSmart


picmonkey.com collage of dogs in their costumes at PetSmart on 10/20/12

Please excuse the bluriness, Abby was so excited she just
couldn't hold still.
This is as dressed up as I get - thank God!

Our favorites were Batman and Robin.  All of them were cute though.  It was fun seeing all the dogs with their owners so proud of them.  

Do you dress your pets up? 

Stop by Bozo's Pet Pride and link up your pet post!

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