Showing posts with label scripture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scripture. Show all posts

Saturday, July 29, 2023

God in the Thunderstorm

source: lightning images
 I was awaken this morning by thunder and lightning which always reminds me of God's power!  Then for my devotions this morning, I read Psalm 29 which is about God in the thunderstorm.  It talks about how powerful God is and why He should be praised.  I want to share it with you:

1 Praise the Lord; you angels.  Praise the Lord's glory and power.  2 Praise the Lord for the glory of his name.  Worship the Lord because he is holy.  3 The Lord's voice is heard over the sea.  The glorious God thunders.  The Lord thunders over the great ocean.  4 The Lord's voice is powerful.  The Lord's voice is majestic.  5 The Lord's voice breaks the trees.  The Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon.  6 He makes the land of Lebanon dance like a calf.  7 The Lord's voice makes the lightning flash. 8 The Lord's voice shakes the desert.  The Lord shakes the Desert of Kadesh.  9 The Lord's voice shakes the oaks.  The leaves fall off the trees.  In his Temple everyone says, "Glory to God!" 10 The Lord controls the flood.  The Lord will be King forever. 11 The Lord gives strength to his people.  The Lord blesses his people with peace.   (Int'l Children's Bible)

I honestly do not know how anyone could read this and not praise the Lord.  We have such an awesome, amazing, wonderful and powerful God.  But He wants to be more than just a God out there.  He wants a relationship with us so He sent Jesus into the world to reconcile us to God himself.  I hope you know Him!  The next time you hear thunder or see lighting, think of God's greatness and power and love for you!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Another Bus Nightmare: Gotta Look on the Bright Side

Thursday was a horrible bus day for me.  With temperatures at 16 degrees, white out conditions and snow on the ground, I had to wait an hour for my morning bus.  Then once on the bus, it took 20 minutes longer than usual!

As if that wasn't bad enough, coming home was almost as bad!  I had to wait an hour for the bus AGAIN so got home 45 minutes later than usual.

But, I tried to stay positive and look on the bright side.  There is always something to be thankful for in every situation.  In this case, I was thankful for the following:

  • I had a really long, warm, L.L. Bean winter coat on with a hood that provided not only warmth, but a nice fur trim that kept my glasses from getting all wet.
  • I had a warm furry vest on under that coat.
  • I had great warm furry leg warmers to keep my legs warm.
  • I had good boots to keep my feet warm and my toes did not freeze.
  • I had gloves to protect my hands with deep pockets in the coat to keep them warm.
  • I had other people to wait with to talk to which made the wait more enjoyable.
  • I had a loving husband at home who took care of feeding our cats supper on time.
  • I got a lot of reading done on the bus ride.
  • Even though I got to work a half hour late, I did not have to make up the time or use PTO. 

So, I was not in a terrible mood at work or when I got home.  I am very blessed and always look for the good in every situation.
In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.(I Thessalonians 5:18)
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Thursday, November 26, 2015

So Much to be Thankful For!

O come, let us sing unto the LORD:  let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.  Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.  For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. (Psalm 95:1-3, KJV)
What our Pastor said last week is true:  "Once you start thinking of something you are thankful for, more things will come to mind."

God has blessed me so much and given me almost 62 years (my birthday is Dec. 13).  I am so thankful that most of those years (all but the first 7) I spent knowing, loving and serving Jesus, my personal savior.  What a blessing, privilege and honor to serve the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords! 

One game I like to play in my Sunday School classes around Thanksgiving is Scattegories.  I give them a letter and have them list things they are thankful for that begin with that letter in a minute (or whatever time limit I choose).  Then they get a point for the things on their list that no one else has.

Another game I did last year with a small class of four 5th graders was to let them build towers with big cardboard blocks.  They took turns naming things they were thankful for going through the alphabet.  We got all the way up to "S" I think.

Okay, if you've read this far and are curious, here's my list (let me know if I didn't include something you are thankful for as well)  (click on "read more" below the social media icons):

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Computer Saga-Part 2: It Works! We Did It! (Writer's Workshop)

We got a new all-in-one ACER computer that arrived Tuesday and we love it!  After a lot of delays and disappointments with the Dell I ordered (see previous post for details), I found one online at Best Buy.  It was between the ACER windows 7 all-in-one built in or an HP  windows 7 tower and monitor.  The salesman at Best Buy recommended the ACER because the tower and monitors are on the way out.

Best Buy had a on-line order area where they even ordered it for me.  (The guy (Andres) was amazing at multi-tasker who really impressed me.  While he handled my ordering, he was also talking on the phone with other customers and assisting another customer with a pick-up of a big TV.)  This time we had it shipped to my husband's place of employment so we would avoid the delivery problems we had with the Dell and wouldn't have to have it sitting on our porch until we got home from work if UPS just dropped it off.    

Although I was excited to get it set up, I was also a bit doubtful in my abilities so tried making an appointment for a Geek Squad agent to come and set it up for us.  Fortunately, I kept getting the run around with instructions to call different numbers.  When I tried the 800 number, there was a 20 minute hold time so I gave up and tried again later.  This time, there was a 40 minute hold time.  I couldn't resist taking a peek so I opened the box and looked it over.  Then I went to bed.

The next morning (Wednesday), Gerard assisted with getting the stand for the monitor pulled out and I started plugging in the cords.  I had to leave for work before trying to turn it on so yesterday evening, I tried it when I got home and it worked!  I went through the registration stuff and we came up with a password for it that we could both remember easily.  The first thing I did was get the Firefox browser downloaded to use.

It is so much faster than our old one and the screen is almost twice as wide!  This one has the USB port on the side of the monitor where it's easy to use (not in back like the Dell had).  I am so happy that we don't have to fuss with the brightness every time we turn it on like we had to do with our old AOC monitor and am glad we were able to get it to work without spending the $100 for the Geek Squad's assistance.  This morning I was able to get our printer connected but still have some more software to load for my pictures and word processing and must decide if I should keep using the McAffee anti-virus that came with it or switch to the AVG that I just renewed for another year.

Even though it was a stressful week without a computer, I was thankful I could use the library computers.  It was worth the wait!  Romans 8:28 comes to mind that applies to our computer saga which says:

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.     

Linking up with Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop using the prompt:  Something you bought this month that you love.

What anti-virus do you suggest I use?  Do you love your computer?  Has any scripture come to your mind lately?

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Christmas Quiz--See How You Do

So, you think you know the first Christmas story?  See how you do with this quiz I am using in my Sunday School Class today:

1)  This month's special holiday is ________.

2)  Who is the Messiah?

3)  What are the four names given to the Messiah in Isaiah 9:6?

4)  According to Isaiah, why was God going to send the Savior?

5)  Who would be the Savior's most famous earthly ancestor?

6)  According to the prophet Micah, in what town would the Savior be born?

7)  Shortly before the Savior was born, people wondered WHEN He would be born.  God revealed this secret to someone.  Who was the first person God told? 

8)  True or false?  Jesus was born in a manger.

9)  On the night Jesus was born, some people were outside in the dark.  Who were they and what were they doing? 

10)  When Jesus was 40 days old, Mary and Joseph took him to the Temple to dedicate him.  They also took an offering.  What was their offering? 

11)  Two people saw Jesus in the Temple:  an elderly man and an elderly woman.  What were their names? 

12)  How many wise men came to see Jesus in the stable? 

Click "read more" below for answers:

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday Sharing: How Great God Is!

image source:
Last Sunday the boys in my Sunday School class were bringing up some good points and actually asking some good questions related to the lesson which was about the problem of sin, the origin of sin, which led to Satan, consequences and God's greatness, power and love.  (Yes, we cover a lot in one lesson.)   The thing is as I was doing some digging during the week to follow up on some points that were brought up, one was this verse:

He counts the stars and names each one. -- Psalm 147:4
This led me to read all of Psalm 147, then Psalm 148, then Psalm 149 and Psalm 150--all chapters about God's power, greatness and plain amazing awesomeness.  It was a special time of private worship.  I couldn't help but break into singing "To God Be The Glory."  Let every thing that has breath praise the Lord!

This is another good one too that I thought of later:

I encourage you to read these Psalms and be reminded of how truly wonderful God is! What scripture highlight did you come across last week? 

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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunday Sharing: Gold and Apes

I was reading about Solomon in I Kings 10 this past week and was surprised at how much he liked gold.  Not only did he cover practically everything in the temple he built with it, but he also had shields of gold (v. 16), a throne of gold and ivory with lions on it and on the steps going up to it (v. 18), and gold cups and dishes (v. 21)!  I can't even imagine what it would be like to live in such a fancy place!

But, this verse made me laugh:

 . . . Every three years the ships returned [trading ships and Hiram's].  They brought back gold, silver, ivory, apes and baboons. -I Kings 10:22
Gorilla at Cleveland Zoo (Are apes and gorillas the same thing?)

He must have liked the apes and baboons too to have them brought in every three years.  I like finding new and funny things as I read God's Word, don't you?  Please share a scripture highlight you came across this week or feel free to comment on this post. 

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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Sharing: Be Happy

Good people, rejoice and be happy in the Lord.  All you whose hearts are right, sing!--Psalm 32:11
This morning when I read this verse, the song that came to mind that I sang was "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow."  Growing up, we used to sing this one at the beginning of every service, every Sunday at the Brooklyn Christian and Missionary Alliance Church.

As we count our many blessings this week and give thanks on Thanksgiving, let's remember the one who gives us all  these blessings.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 

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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sunday Sharing: Song of Victory

I will love thee, O LORD, my strength. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.  He is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.--Psalm 18:1-2 (NIV)

Notice how often the words "I" and "My" are used? David had a personal relationship with God and so do I. In the study this week, it was helpful to look back to see how the Lord has been my shield, deliver and refuge. Here are the questions and answers that I came up with:

1. The Lord is MY Shield:

I remember two times when driving through snowstorms in white out conditions. One was when I was when I drove five or six teens home from a Bible quiz and the other was when Gerard and I went to a winter couples retreat at Beulah Beach. The car spun around out of control in traffic on Route 2.  I really thought we were both going to die that night and just called out to God to take the wheel. It was a miracle nothing hit us, we didn't hit anyone and were able to keep going. I was so shook up but also very thankful when we got there. That is the last retreat we are going to in the winter. It wasn't snowing at all when we left and it was only 45 minutes away, in good weather.

When has God shielded you from what appeared to be imminent harm?

2. The Lord is MY deliverer:

A long time ago, when I was a teen, I had a death wish because of a broken friendship. This friend was mad about something but wouldn't tell me what. She refused to talk to me. I remember walking down the street heading home in a thunder storm hoping to be struck by lightening. Then, as the storm continued, I realized I really didn't want to die after all. I realized God had work for me to do yet and I needed to stop letting this person get to me and move on with my life.

When has God been your deliverer?

3. The Lord is My refuge and stronghold:

When my parents died, God was there for me. I felt so alone and overwhelmed and poured my heart out to him, especially when my dad died because he was the last parent I had. When mom died, I missed her terribly (and still do) but I still had dad at least. God really helped me a lot by sending people in my life to help me do the big job of getting his house cleaned out and sold.

When has God been a refuge when you felt like everyone needed more from you than you could give?

When doing the Beth Moore Bible study, David--Seeking a Heart Like His, I saw that Psalm 18 and II Samuel 22 are practically identical. It is a song of victory that David wrote.

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday Sharing: Head Toss

My highlight this week was from the Beth Moore study, "David, A Heart Like His."  After David's son, Absalom died, David decided to go back and re-establish himself in his rightful position on the throne.  However, he heard that Sheba, son of Bicri, was trying to take over.  David sent his army to kill Sheba before he made things any worse.

Sheba ran to Abel Beth Maacah and Joab and David's army started to siege the city.  A woman spoke up, talked to Joab and he told her if they handed over Sheba, he would withdraw from the city.

The woman said to Joab, "His head will be thrown to you from the wall."  Then the woman went to all the people with her wise advice, and they cut off the head of Sheba son of Bicri and threw it to Joab.  So he sounded the trumpet, and his men dispersed from the city, each returning to his home.  And Joab went back to the king in Jerusalem.  --II Samuel 20:21b-22
They sure did a lot of beheading in Bible times!  I didn't know about this one though, and thought it was kind of strange how they just tossed it over the wall!   This woman was not only wise, but also brave to step in and take control of the situation like that.  I think it's odd though that her name isn't even mentioned.

Share a scripture highlight you came across this week in the comments or feel free to comment on this post?

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday Sharing: Strong Bones and One Messed Up Family

Strong Bones

Don't depend on your own wisdom, respect the Lord and refuse to do wrong.   Then your body will be healthy and your bones will be strong. --Proverbs 3:7-8 (ICB)
I came across the above verse when studying for my Sunday School lesson this week and I thought what an easy way to stay healthy.  But then, it's not so easy to not depend on my own wisdom.  I have the respecting the Lord and refusing to do wrong part down, I think.  I just need to seek God's wisdom more though instead of relying on my own.

I want to be healthy and have strong bones.  My follow up checkups with my Oncologist due to having had Cancer and being on the Femara drug to keep it from coming back have indicated my bones are getting weaker.  I need more Vitamin D.  Years ago before all this fancy technology, they never would have mentioned such a thing.  Now they tell me by taking more pills, my bones can be improved.  I've been drinking more milk and also taking three be-BALANCED bone strengthening Calcium, a dietary supplement every day. I call them bone chews--they're good!.  I have an appointment coming up Nov. 7 and she'll probably schedule me for another bone scan so I'm hoping there is some improvement.

One Messed Up Family

Back to the life of David and his family, in II Samuel 14:28-29, David's son Absalom has his half-brother Amnon killed at a family celebration for sleeping with Absolom's sister, Tamar.

But he told his servants, "Keep an eye on Amnon.  When he gets a little drunk from the wine and is feeling good, I'll give the signal.  Then kill him!  I've commanded you to do it, so don't be afraid.  Be strong and brave."  Absalom's servants killed Amnon, just as Absalom had told them.  The rest of the king's sons quickly rode away on their mules to escape from Absalom.  (Contemporary English version)

This show what holding in anger and bitterness can do.  I found it interesting that David's family was so messed up.  He was a much better king than a father apparently.  I also found it interesting that just like Absalom's father, he had a servant do his killing for him.  I always was under the impression that Absalom had actually killed Amnon himself.

Please share in the comments what interesting scripture highlights you came across this week.

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Sharing: Guard Your Thoughts

David, a man after God's own heart, was at the top of his game so to speak in II Samuel 8:14b-15 which says:
The Lord gave David victory everywhere he went. David was King over all Israel. His decisions were fair and right for all his people.

Then, just three chapters later in II Samuel 11, he totally blows it. First he covets another man's wife, then commits adultery, then he arranges to have her husband killed in battle. He obviously did not seek God's will in any of this and it took him nine months or more to even admit he sinned. The Lord did not like what David did and although he forgave David, there were still consequences. Not only would his descendants die by the sword, and his baby died. but he would also have his wives taken from him.

This is what the Lord says: I am bringing trouble to you from your own family. While you watch, I will take your wives from you. And I will give them to someone who is very close to you. He will have sexual relations with your wives and everyone will know it. (12) You had sexual relations with Bathsheba in secret. But I will do this so all the people of Israel can see it.--II Samuel 12:11-12

Wow, isn't it amazing how much trouble one bad thought can lead to? My key verse of the week was Proverbs 4:23:

Be very careful about what you think. Your thoughts run your life. (ICB)

Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. (KJV)

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (NIV)

Carefully guard your thoughts because they are the source of true life. (Contemporary English version)
David's fall is sad, but it serves as a warning to us all.  A point Beth Moore made that I thought was interesting was to seek forgiveness as soon as we realize we have an bad thought before we act on it.

So, what was your scripture highlight from last week?  Please share it in the comments or feel free to comment on this post.

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday Sharing: Depending on God

My highlight this week is from my Sunday School lesson, the story of Elijah being fed by ravens during a drought and the widow and her son who took care of him found in I Kings 17:1-16.

The thing that stood out to me was the great faith Elijah had in God demonstrated by his total reliance on Him for food and water.  I like how God uses even birds and animals for His purposes!  I can't imagine just camping out by a brook relying on ravens to bring me food each morning and evening . . . for days. 

Finally, when the brook dried up, God told him to go to a widow's home.  She was very unselfish and poor.  Down to her last meal, she still shared with Elijah what she had.  God came through for them in a miraculous way, never letting her run out of the oil and flour all through the 3.5 years of the drought!

The jar of flour and the jug of oil were never empty.  This happened just as the Lord, through Elijah, said it would.--I King 17:16

We too must remember to obey Romans 12:13 like the widow which says:
Share with God's people in need.  Practice hospitality.
I have a hard time picturing me inviting a total stranger to stay in my home for three and half years!  I wonder what would have happened though had she not welcomed Elijah to stay and fed him what she had.  Would God still provided for her needs had she turned Elijah away or would she and her son have starved to death?
Share a scripture highlight you came across this week in the comments.

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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday Sharing: Four Highlights From II Samuel 3-5

In continuing my study through David--Seeking a Heart Like His by Beth Moore, I am learning a lot of things.  Here is a list of some of the highlights that jumped out at me this week.

David's Family Grows

I knew Solomon had a weakness for women and had many wives, but I never realized David had so many.  Nor did I know David had so many sons!  II Samuel 3:2-5 lists 7 wives and sons.  Then over in II Samuel 5:13-16 after he became king, he took more concubines and wives out of Jerusalem and had 11 children "born unto him in Jerusalem." 

Recab and Baanah

Do you know what Recab and Baanah did? These are two I didn't know anything about until I read II Samuel 4:5-12.
They came into the middle of the house, Recab and Baanah came as if they were going to get some wheat. Ish-Bosheth [son of Saul] was lying on his bed in his bedroom. Recab and Baanah stabbed him in the stomach. Then they cut off his head and took it with them. They traveled all night through the Jordan valley. (II Samuel 4:6-7)
They took the head to David in Hebron, thinking he would be pleased with them but he wasn't. He had no desire to hurt any of Saul's family and Recab and Baanah were both put to death for doing this.

Ask For Directions First

Something that really stood out to me this week is the fact that David prayed asking God if he should do things before he acted. I thought, what a wonderful habit to get into! In II Samuel 2:1-7 after he became king, he prayed to the Lord asking if he should go up to any cities of Judah. The Lord told him to go and he asked where. Then the Lord answered him and said to go to Hebron.

In II Samuel 5:18, David asked God first if he should attack the Philistines and if God would deliver them to him. Again, God said yes.

This shows that David was not arrogant like Saul, but trusted in God. In Psalm 20:7 he wrote:
Some trust in chariots, others in horses, but we trust the Lord our God.

Joab v. Abner

Another section I found interesting was how David made an agreement not to harm Abner (commander of Saul's army) when Abner transferred his loyalty to David.  This did not set well with Joab (commander of David's army) because Abner had killed one of Joab's brothers in battle.  When Joab found out, he got Abner alone and stabbed him to death.  David was very upset about this! (I Samuel 3:22-39)

I highly recommend this study. Remind you, these are just highlights from last week! Share a scripture highlight you came across last week in a comment, or feel free to comment on this post.

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sunday Sharing: 3 Things I Learned This Week About David

I had a good week in God's Word this week continuing in I Samuel.  Here are some things I learned about David that I didn't know before:

1.  Did you know David had three wives before becoming King?

He had three wives even before he became king!  Do you know who they are?  Michal (Saul's daughter), Ahinoam and Abigail (Nabal's widow).  I knew about Michal and Abigail, but Ahinoam was new to me.  Because O.T. Bible characters had lots of wives, I thought there must have been some point where God decided to limit man to one wife but actually, God intended for man to have just one wife all along as Beth Moore points out based on these verses:

Man will leave his father and mother [not father and mothers] and be united to his wife [not wives], and they will become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24)  You just can't be one flesh with two spouses.
Neither shall he (king) multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away.--Deuteronomy 17:17
2.  Did you know David joined up with the Philistines while running from Saul?

David, his two wives (Ahinoam and Abigail) and his men dwelt with Achish, a Philistine for a year and four months!  He even wanted to help the Philistine army fight, but the Philistine commanders didn't trust him so wouldn't let him go into battle with them.  (See I Samuel 27 & 29)

3.  Did you know that David's own men wanted to stone him at one point when their wives and children were kidnapped by the Amalekites?

While David and his men were trying to join the Philistines in battle, the Amalekites invaded Ziklag where they were staying and took all the women and children off and burned the city.  David's men were so upset that they blamed David and talked about stoning him!  (See I Samuel 30:1-6) 

David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him, each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters.  But David found strength in the Lord his God.--I Samuel 30:6
The good news was that David asked God if they should chase after the Amalekites and go after the women and children and God said yes, and promised him victory.  They fought 24 hours, but came back with all their women and children.

Remember, when things appear hopeless, when circumstances get us down, when people turn against us, find strength in the Lord our God.  I am so glad God is my refuge and strength, a present help in trouble! 

Source:  Beth Moore's study:  David, Seeking a Heart Like His

Share a scripture highlight you came across this week in a comment or feel free to comment on this post.

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Sharing: Jelousy and Bread of Presence

In doing week two of the Beth Moore, David-Seeking a Heart Like His, here is a couple main points that stood out to me:


There is a big difference between being jealous of someone and being jealous for someone.  Jealousy is usually bad; however, there is such a thing as "righteous jealousy" such as is referred to in the following verses:

II Corinthians 11:2:  I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy.  I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him.
Joel 2:18: The LORD will be jealous of his land and take pity on his people.

Zechariah 11:4:  This is what the LORD Almighty says, "I am very jealous for Jerusalem and Zion."

Zechariah 8:2:  This is what the LORD Almighty says, "I am very jealous for Zion, I am burning with jealousy for her."
God is jealous on our behalf.  He is jealous for us to know the one true God.  He is jealous for us to be in posture of blessing.  He is jealous for us to be kept from the evil one.  He is jealous for us to be ready for our Bridegroom.  Jealousy for someone's best is of God.  Jealousy of someone's best is of the enemy. p. 43.
Saul was jealous of David, not for David and his jealousy led to his evil desire to kill David.

BREAD OF PRESENCE (I Samuel 21:1-9)

When David was on the run from Saul, he first went to Nob, to Ahimelech the priest.  David asked for five loaves of bread and a weapon but the only bread there was the holy bread (the bread of presence).
The bread of the Presence was placed before God as a reminder or symbol of the everlasting covenant.  The everlasting covenant symbolized by the bread of the Presence was a reminder of the pledge of God's presence to His people.  As He offered bread to David through Ahimelech the priest, I believe God pledged His presence to David throughout his exile.  pg. 53
Christ is the bread of God's presence to us.  He calls himself the "bread of life" in John 6:48.

I am enjoying this study but just chose a couple of the highlights to share here with you.  I highly recommend this one.

I thought it was cool that the only weapon there was Goliath's sword that the priest gave to David.  I'm sure it was a reminder how God had helped him kill Goliath.

Feel free to share a scripture highlight you came across last week in a comment or comment on this post.

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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday Sharing: Highlights from "David, Seeking a Heart Like His" by Beth Moore

I started the Beth Moore Bible study on David and thought I'd share some things that stood out to me from week 1:

  1. Jonathan was a good warrior and Trusted God. In I Samuel 14;:6 He said, "Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few." I also never realized what a good leader he was. His armor bearer trusted Jonathan completely so Jonathan was also a very good leader. (I Samuel 14) pp. 14-15

  2. Saul was the King of the people, not the king God chose. Saul's position exceeded his passion. "A position that exceeds passion often settles with appeasements." pp. 9, 12

  3. When Saul forced his men to fast, he put his army in jeopardy (I Samuel 14:24-52). "God, not man, must call "fasts. Fasting called by God will result in strength, not weakness. Fasting for any other reason works against us rather than for us." p. 15 

  4. "God reminded Samuel that the human mind has an overwhelming tendency to make assumptions based on appearances. God's choices don't always make sense to us." p. 21 (see I Samuel 16:7)

  5. "Before Calvary, the Holy Spirit worked to empower specific types of service rather than to bring a new relationship with God through salvation. Fewer than 100 people in the Old Testament were ever characterized by the Holy Spirit being on or in them. The Holy Spirit came on only those who were being empowered for specific tasks or positions." p. 25

  6. "Although David's anointing did not end Saul's reign as king, it marked the end of the power and favor of God on him." David wasn't crowned king until 15 years after being anointed. p. 35

  7. "We tend to measure our obstacles against our own strength. Thus we often feel overwhelmed and defeated before the battle begins." We need to measure the size of our obstacles against the size of our God. p. 30

This is just a small sample of the nuggets in this Bible study. I am excited to study each chapter and learn more. I highly recommend it!  Please share your scripture highlight of the week in a comment.  I'd love to hear what you discovered.

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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sunday Sharing: Leave Revenge To God

This week my highlight is from I Samuel 24, my Sunday School lesson today.  The background is that King Saul has been trying to kill David on several occasions.  David gets the perfect opportunity to kill Saul in a cave but instead just cuts off part of his robe.  First Samuel 24:12, 15 is part of the conversation David had with Saul shortly afterward:
 (12) May the Lord judge between us and may he punish you for the wrong you have done to me!  But I won't fight you. (15) May the Lord be our judge and decide between you and me.  May the Lord support me and show that I am right.  May he save me from you. (David speaking to Saul)
I am glad that God is our judge and sees all and knows our hearts.  I am glad that when I am wronged, I can let God deal with the situation and have peace.  I just need to do what's right and let God take care of everything.  David demonstrated forgiveness and kindness to Saul, his enemy.  

What was your scripture highlight this week?

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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday Sharing: Friendship and Loving Others

This week as I was reading through I, II and II John as well as preparing for my Sunday School lesson on being a true friend, reading about David and Jonathan's example of good friends (I Kings 18-20), it seemed I was bombarded with the fact that if we say we love God, we will also love others.

If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar:  for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?  And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also. --I John 4:20-21 (KJV)

Finally, I reviewed the memory passage for this unit which is filled with commands as to how to treat people found in Romans 12:9-14, 21 which says:

Love must be sincere.  Hate what is evil, cling to what is good.  Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.  Honor one another above yourselves.  Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.  Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.  Share with God's people who are in need.  Practice hospitality.  Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:15-20 contain even more ways to relate with others that I read as well, but I guess the ones writing the material thought the above passage was long enough to try to get kids to memorize.  

 Jesus says in John 15:14 that "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you."  (KJV)

Finally, I came across these two verses from Jude 1:2, 21 this week:

I pray that God will greatly bless you with kindness, peace and love!  And keep in step with God's love, as you wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to show how kind He is by giving you eternal life. (contemporary English version)
I had a great feast last week on the word and feel as though I will be immersed in God's Word for the upcoming months.  I learn so much when I teach others!   Looking forward not only teaching Sunday School again, but also a Beth Moore study on "A Heart Like David's" and reading another Karol Ladd book, A Woman's Passionate Pursuit of God.

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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sunday Sharing: In and Out

The scripture highlight of the week was that I finally finished reading Ezekiel.  You can read my review of the book at Glad I Am Done With Ezekiel!  Last week I did come across some curious things, one of which involves the rules of worship God gave in Ezekiel 46.  I chose the following as my highlight of the week simply because I found it interesting.  Here it is, I'm sure you are on the edge of your seat to find out what it is!

The people of the Lord must come before the Lord at the special feasts.  Any one who enters through the North gate to worship must go out through the South gate.  Anyone who enters through the South gate must go out through the North gate.  No one will return the same way he entered.  Each person will go out straight ahead.
If we did this today at our church, we'd be walking all around the outside of the church to get to our car when we left.  I wonder if they all just walked or if they rode on animals and if they rode on animals, I suppose they would have to walk all around the outside of the temple to get back to them too.  Ha!

Okay, I think this is an easy highlight to beat so c'mon, share one of your scripture highlights of the week in the comments, or feel free to comment on this post.   

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