We have had the most beautiful spring weather this year and so we have been spending every minute possible outside. The most exciting developments have been Lucas learning to ride his bike without training wheels and Matias learning how to pedal his tricycle. Lucas was finally motivated when his friend Anthony (who is about a year and half younger than him) learned to ride without training wheels. We had tried before to take the training wheels off, but he never was convinced. So one Friday when Tony (Anthony's dad) was outside with Anthony, he convinced Lucas to try. Lucas got on a smaller bike that he borrowed from another friend, Tony gave him a push to start and he was off. That afternoon he still struggled a bit with starting up, but by the next day he was doing great and loving it! Now it's his absolute favorite thing to do and we are trying to be better about remembering to get him his helmet to wear.
April 10th
learning to start from standing still on the bike
he was having so much fun!
Lucas riding a two wheeler! from Kendra Hernandez on Vimeo.
password: lucas----------
Around the same time that Lucas was learning to ride a two-wheeler, I pulled out Lucas' tricycle for Matias to ride. It took a few days to convince him to try and use the pedals, but now he's off and riding all over the place too!
so happy to be riding his tricycle
Nicolas' latest great achievement has been getting his first two teeth! He had been really fussy for quite a few days prior, but Zeke and I weren't fully convinced that it was because his teeth were coming in, but sure enough, one day the first popped through and the other came through a few days later. I love his facial expression in the picture below (taken April 22nd)!