Sunday, February 10, 2019

Life Update!

Wow!! It has been a long time since any of us have updated this blog, so we figured it was about time
one of us did.  Since we last wrote a lot has happened. Adam finished high school up and got his
mission call! He is now serving in the China, Hong Kong mission.  He loves every second of it and
comes home May 31. We are so proud of his decision to serve and can't wait to see him in a few short

The kids at Adam’s graduation!
Anna has finished her sophomore and junior years of high school and is loving her time as a senior.  
She works at the local grocery store, Hy-Vee, and loves working there and the extra money she gets.
This year was her last year of cross country.  She continues to be quite the artist and loved taking AP
art at the high school this year. She also got her senior pictures taken a few months ago.  Here is one
of her favorites.

Lizzy is a sophomore in high school this year.  She participated in cross country the past two years, and has loved that.  Currently, she is recovering from a major back surgery to fix her scoliosis.  She is doing great!! One cool thing that happened while she was in the hospital was that there was an Iowa football game! They have a tradition of waving to the kids in the hospital since the field is right below the hospital.  Lizzy got to participate in the wave which was really cool for her. Here is a picture.

Ben is in 8th grade.  He is on the high school quiz bowl team and he LOVES it!! He is also serving in
our ward as the teacher’s quorum president and does great with his church responsibilities.  He
continues to sing in choir and we love hearing him get better as a singer. Here is a picture of Ben from
a few months ago.

Jacob is in 6th grade.  Here 6th grade is middle school, so all of the kids are officially done with
elementary school! That made Tammy and Greg feel pretty old.  He is following in Ben’s footsteps
and is on the middle school quiz bowl team. He also enjoys staying active by climbing every week
with the local climbing team. Here are some pictures of him.  

Tammy continues to love her work as a full-time mom! More recently, she has been acting as Lizzy’s
full time nurse.  Now that Lizzy is back in school she keeps busy by driving the kids around, and
serving others. She is the co-chair of the BYU alumni association in the Des Moines Chapter.

Greg continues to work at John Deere.  He is the co-chair of the BYU alumni association in the
Des Moines Chapter.  He currently serves in the stake as a high councilor and is the seminary

Here are some more pictures of our adventures in the past couple of years.