Monday, May 28, 2012

The rest of a great weekend

Right after Adam's play we headed down to Kansas City to see the new temple our Church has constructed there.  It was beautiful and it was so wonderful to see so many people there, both of our faith, and others.  I think Lizzy especially enjoyed it.  Unfortunately, just as we were about to get our picture taken by a kind stranger, the batteries died on Greg's I-phone.  So, the temple pictures I lifted off of my brother's blog.  He is much better at taking pictures anyway:)  Thanks Todd!  Aren't the pictures amazing!

Kansas City Temple 1

Kansas City Temple 1

After we spent the morning at the temple we met our friends the Garners at a park to eat lunch and let the kids play.  It was so much fun!  The kids all got along wonderfully.  I am so grateful we have been able to continue friendships even though we have moved.  Thanks to Pam for the pictures.  I took these off of her blog.  I hope that's OK!

Zack, Lizzy, Anne Marie and Adam

Anne Marie and Lizzy, the best of friends.

Here is the whole crew, including some of the Garner's cousins who stopped by for a short while.

The weekend was just amazing!  Awesome to see Adam in Oklahoma.  Awesome to go to the temple.  Awesome to spend time with the Garners.  Then my brother and his family stopped by for a short visit too!  What a great weekend.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Adam in Oklahoma

Howdy y'all,

A couple of weeks ago Adam starred in his middle school musical, "Oklahoma" as Will Parker. For those of you unfamiliar with Oklahoma, Will is the love sick cowboy chasing after Ado Annie. Adam was awesome in the role ... he even _almost_ got his first kiss out of it, but fortunately Ado Annie resisted at the last moment.

This is Adam singing his solo about his visit to Kansas City (audio quality isn't great, but hopefully you can follow along):

Adam on stage with some of his cowboy buddies:

And with Aunt Eller and the ladies:

And finally with his sweetheart, Ado Annie, telling her how much he thought of her every time he roped a steer and pulled it down on its rump.

It was very fun for us to watch him perform.  Not many of the boys his age were interested in being in the musical, but Adam really enjoyed it.  He's a great singer and not at all afraid to be on stage.  Great job Adam!