Sunday, November 27, 2011

In the Spotlight: Jacob

Our blog the last little while has been focused on Lizzy. I think now we are ready to shift it back to our whole family.

Nearly 3 months ago, our little Jacob celebrated his fourth birthday! I can hardly believe my youngest child is four. Jacob is awesome. I love having him home with me. He’s got spunk and spirit. He is bright and energetic. He speaks his mind. He works hard. He talks a lot. He laughs a lot. He loves to play with his brothers and sisters, especially Lizzy and Ben. Who needs toys when you have fun siblings and an imagination?

He loves to wrestle and run around. He believes just about anything the kids say, but only about half of what Greg and I say. He loves the kids’ friends, and is sure to find his way into whatever they are doing. He loves preschool. He loves being outside. He can be difficult at times, but his happiness and enthusiasm for life seem to make this fact more bearable. We love him and are so grateful he is a part of our family.

For Jacob’s birthday he wanted to go see a movie. We went to see the Smurfs. Then we headed to the Quad Cities for an event the next day. Jacob was thrilled to spend the night in a hotel with a pool. We all enjoyed swimming and ordering pizza for dinner. We had done presents and cake at home before we left. I think this was the first year all of the kids, on their own, decided they just had to buy Jacob something for his birthday (with their own money). We all have a really tender spot in our hearts for Jake. It makes a mother’s heart swell to see her kids loving each other. Jacob we love you! Oh, and one other thing. He has the best smile ever!

Here is Jacob as a baby.

Here is Jacob as a 1 and a half year old loving his dinner.

Jacob just barely 2 years old.

Jacob at three.

Our handsome guy at 4. Love that smile! We love you Jake!
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