Sunday, February 26, 2006

Happy Birthday Adam! Posted by Picasa

Anna enjoying birthday celebrations. Posted by Picasa

Ben "enjoying" some cake! Posted by Picasa

At the party - friends exchanging gifts; Anna looking on. Posted by Picasa

The cake (basketball of course)! Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday Adam!

This past week we celebrated Adam's 7th birthday. It's sometimes hard to believe he's been around that long already. We sure enjoy having that young man in our family. His birthday was Wednesday, Feb 22nd (George Washington's Birthday as he reminds everyone). On Wednesday we had a small family celebration with cake and ice cream and gift unwrapping.

On Saturday, he invited 5 friends from school for a party. The theme of the party was "A to Z Mystery". For those of you not up on the latest in child chapter books, the A to Z Mysteries are a set of 26 books (one for each letter of the alphabet) featuring some child detectives solving various mysteries.

At the party, Adam received a letter from Dink Duncan (the star of the A to Z Mysteries) describing a recent crime that Adam and his friends had to help solve. Somehow, the famous Mo Ying statue had been stolen from a nearby museum and ended up hidden in our house! Luckily, the kids at the party got fortune cookies with messages that directed them to hidden clues and ultimately to the hidden Mo Ying statue which they valiently recovered. Little Bubba Joe (Ben) turned out to be the criminal. He had hidden the statue in the fireplace.

Okay, so that was the grand plan. In the end, the mystery solving degraded into just a bunch of wild maniacs running loose in the house tracking down every wild notion they could imagine. The kids ultimately did solve the mystery, but it took some significant directing those of us in the know. Also at the party, there was a piƱata and lots of other fun games.

All-in-all, I think Adam had a fun birthday. He completed his collection of A to Z Mysteries (he now owns all 26 and has read nearly all of them) and got numerous games and other great gifts. The whole family had fun celebrating with him. On to Lizzy's birthday (next Saturday), then we'll have made it through our busy birthday season.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The benefits of motherhood

Greg heard this very interesting story on NPR yesterday morning. It was about fetal cells and the benefits to mothers. They have found that when ever a baby is conceived (even if the baby doesn't make it all the way to birth, because of miscarriage or whatever), cells from that growing baby get in the mother's bloodstream. They used to think that mothers' bodies would immediately fight off and kill these foreign cells, but they are now finding that they live for decades in the mother, and rather than being harmful to the mother, they think they are very beneficial and help any diseased parts of the body grow new healthy cells. It was a great story. I thought you all might want to check it out, so here is the link (click the "Listen" button to hear the radio story):

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sick, sick, sick!!

I am writing this post not so everyone will feel sorry for me (and the kids), but just so you can know what has been going on in our life the last little while. I haven't been involved with the blog, or anything else for the last little while because since the 19th of last month (I remember the day because it is my mom's birthday). Lizzy came down with a fever and a tummy ache that day, and Ben followed the next day with a fever ( I think his was from teething--four molars all at once). After three or four very long days, by the end of the weekend things were looking up.

Monday and Tuesday Lizzy was a little out of sorts, but seemed to being doing better. Ben, however broke out in a rash all over his chest, back and face (maybe due to immunizations he had received two weeks previous). The next day, Wednesday was Anna's birthday. Lizzy threw up and it quickly became apparent she had the stomach flu still, again, whatever!! Poor Anna. We had to cancel her birthday party with friends and schedule for another day. Then the next day after school Adam came home complaining that his tummy ached. The next morning Adam woke up sick with the stomach flu, and crying because he was going to miss his pajama day at school, where they got to wear their pajamas and watch March of the Penguins as a reward that their class had been working on all year. Poor kid.

All this time Lizzy continues to be sick. I am beginning to wonder if she has some kind of serious, life-threatening illness by this point. Ben did get over his rash, though, and broke three of the four molars through, so was feeling a little better. Then Saturday, Anna comes down with a terrible cold. Coughing, watery eyes, sore throat, the whole bit. All the kids weren't feeling well and we kept them ALL home from church on Sunday. Monday and Tuesday provided us with bit of a respite, despite Anna still having mild cold symptoms. We were able to successfully have Anna's party Tuesday. Good thing because the next day Lizzy was feeling rotten again. This time she had caught Anna's lovely cold. Then this past Thursday Anna went to the doctor and had three shots in preparation for kindergarten, while Ben clung desparately to me, as he had now caught the cold bug. Lizzy and Ben still have their colds and they have been grouchy, grouchy, grouchy.

We did choose to bring them to church today though, but didn't send Liz to the nursery. They stayed with Greg while I taught my primary class, but about all they did was cry. One person commented to Greg as he was walking down the hall with both of them screaming, "At least they can cry in harmony!!". Yeah, thanks for noticing. Despite all of this, I am happy to report that I am still living, and have yet to be sick, knock on wood. We also did enjoy a very pleasant afternoon and evening together as a family. Even Ben did alright as long as I was holding him (I wouldn't suggest letting your 16 month old eat spaghetti on your lap unless you are prepared to change clothes afterward).

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, we put the kids in bed tonight, and Lizzy called me in because her arm was bothering her. When I checked it, it had hives all over it!! Moral of the story, when you have four kids 6 and under, chances are there is going to be someone sick a whole lot at your house, so just get used to it! It does get better as they get older, right?