Saturday, January 08, 2022

2021 -- Year in review

Another year has come and gone.  I didn't get any Christmas cards out this year, but wanted to record some of the blessings and accomplishments of the year.  

This has been a really big year for our family.  Lizzy graduated from high school, our family moved from Iowa to Idaho, Adam married Camryn Buxton, and Anna returned home from her mission.  We enjoyed trips to North Dakota, South Dakota, Dubai and Mexico, with a mini trip to Yellowstone and Craters of the Moon thrown in just for fun.  We got to help with the Open House for the new Pocatello Temple, and now have a Temple in our town!  It has been an amazing year.  

Greg- He spent the first part of the year doing all manner of house projects to get our house in Iowa ready to sell.  He somehow even managed to redo our deck in the subzero temperatures of January and February. His and Tammy's hard work on the house paid off and we were able to sell over list price on the very first day it was on the market.  It was a true blessing.  Greg continues to work for John Deere, but now he works remotely from our home in Idaho.  John Deere has been so pleased with Greg's work that he was named a John Deere Fellow this year.  This is the highest award that John Deere gives, and Greg is the first recipient in the digital technology fields.  We are so proud of him!  

Tammy- While Greg spent the first months doing various house projects, Tammy spent the first months of the year painting most of the interior of the house.  She hoped to take the rest of the year off from painting but has already done some painting in our new home.  Her health has been much improved after the rough 2020 she experienced.  She continues to work as a stay at home mom and loves the flexibility it gives her. She loves being closer to her college kids and loves hosting them and their friends in their new home.  

Adam- He had the hardest and most wonderful year of us all.  In the Spring he had to come home early from BYU because he was having severe and debilitating back pain.  It was discovered that he had 5 ruptured discs in his back.  Despite trying chiropractic, physical therapy, and pain management, things continued to decline.  He finally had to have surgery in May.  He worked hard to recover from surgery so he would be able to marry his best friend, Camryn Buxton.  They were married in Utah in August.  We are so very happy for them and thrilled to welcome Camryn to the family.  Adam and Camryn are now living in Provo finishing up their schooling at BYU.



Anna- She spent most of the year on a mission for our church in and around Fresno, California.  She learned to speak Spanish, and absolutely loved being able to teach people about Jesus Christ and His love for all of us.  She returned home the day before Thanksgiving.  There were a few bumps in the road getting her home that day, but she made it, and we were blessed to have everyone here to welcome her home.  We enjoyed a few weeks with her before she headed back to school at BYU, where she is studying anthropology.

Lizzy- She graduated high school in the spring just days before we moved.  She and Adam lived together in Iowa for the summer after we left.  She didn't miss us though, because she spent the summer working hard and hanging out with good friends.  In the fall she headed to BYU.  She is loving college life, and preparing to serve a mission in the spring.

Ben- There have been so many changes for Ben this year.  He finished his sophomore year in Iowa, and began his junior year in Idaho.  In Iowa he loved singing in choir and playing on our school's quiz bowl team.  He also taught piano lessons, but had to say good-bye to his students when we moved.  At his new high school in Idaho, there is no quiz bowl team, but he jumped right in and auditioned for choir and sings in the top group at the high school.  He also auditioned for all-state choir and was accepted.  Not too many kids can say they have been in two all-state choirs.  He also continues to enjoy growing his business selling things on Amazon.  He does miss his old friends and school, but rarely, if ever, complains.  One of the highlights of Ben's year was taking an early Senior trip to Dubai with Greg and Tammy.  They enjoyed attending the World Expo and seeing new places and things.

Jacob- The transition to living in Idaho hasn't been too hard for Jacob.  He loves the outdoor activities available to him here.  And soon after moving in he started running with the high school cross country team.  His coach is dedicated and has kept them busy year round.  Now that it is winter they have even done some cross country skiing.  He thrives with this everyday physical activity in his life, and has enjoyed having teammates, and a neighbor boy as a starting place for friendships. He is also happy to be closer to his older siblings and being able to enjoy attending BYU sporting events.


We feel beyond blessed this year.  We are grateful for the love we felt as we departed Iowa, and at the wedding of Adam and Camryn.  We are so blessed to have such amazing people in our lives.  We have felt led and guided by our loving Heavenly Father and know that He is always watching out for us and has our best interest at heart.  We are grateful for a Savior who gave His life for us so that we can be better tomorrow than we are today.  We are grateful for the joy of family.  We are truly, truly blessed.  Here is to another amazing year ahead!

Friday, July 10, 2020

No ordinary virus

This is a post I have debated making.  I feel like it is rather vulnerable, which is some of the reason that I am choosing to write it here.

Just over seven weeks ago, on May 18th, I went shopping first thing in the morning.  When I came home I was just absolutely exhausted.  I crashed on the couch and slept for 2 hours.  I also developed a low fever and my throat was sore.  I wasn't too worried until the next day when I realized I couldn't smell anything.  My taste also seemed off.  I was able to schedule a Covid 19 test for a few days later.  As you can probably guess, I tested positive.  Mercifully, none of my family contracted it.

The worst things about those first two weeks were the chest pain and the absolute panic and terror I felt at night for no good reason.  Usually chest pain was at night and I was so terrified that it could be a heart attack.  It took at least a good week to not panic every time it happened.  The other big struggle was the panic and terror that just seemed to come on at night.  I have never felt anxiety and panic like that.  I would have to just focus so much on breathing and I would often listen to whale sounds on our Alexa just to get me calmed down, all while everyone else slept.  I know I could have woken Greg, but I hated to disturb him.  My fever broke after 12 days and three days later both my doctor and the health department said I could go out again, but since I didn't self isolate, my family had to stay home 2 more weeks.  I still didn't go out much and I definitely wasn't all better.

From the beginning of my illness I had had headaches intermittently, but by about day 10 the headaches were constant.  I also developed a very stiff neck.  I found it hard to concentrate on anything.  And there was the fatigue.  I also continued to have chest pain.  After 4 weeks (since the onset of symptoms) I went to see my doctor.  Before this we had had one telemed call.  She felt like it was now safe for me to come in.  She listened and asked a lot of questions.  She was up front in saying there is still not a lot they know about the virus.  She wanted me to see a cardiologist and Physical Therapist.  The PT has helped with the stiff neck, but not the headaches.  The cardiologist said I have pericarditis and pleuritis, but didn't really do any testing.  He did say we could do more testing if I wanted to.  It is now 7 and a half weeks out so I am going to do that.  I revisited my doc this week and here is a list I brought her of all the crazy symptoms I have had:

Here is a list of symptoms I have experienced over the last 7 weeks:

Consistent symptoms:
Chest Pain
Brain Fog/Hard to focus
Post nasal drip
Stiff Neck

Newer symptoms that I am most concerned about:
Stomach feels like it is riding up into my chest (this started with a feeling that there was a bubble in my chest)
Sharper back pain upper middle back
Achy  back pain in kidney area
Pain that comes and goes on the right side of my chest
Blue fingernails and toenails (comes and goes)
Toe pain

Other symptoms I have experienced that come and go:
Numbness tingling- usually left shoulder and arm
Lightheadedness and dizziness
Pins and needles feeling- usually hands and feet
Itchy skin- it will get red and itchy and then be gone in an hour or two
Facial pain- usually along one of my cheekbones
Ear pain, ringing in ears, not being able to pop my ears
Forgetting the names of things
Veins rising to the surface, feeling really sore like a varicose vein and then will disappear and be fine an hour or two later or a day later
Pink eye like symptoms- gone within a day
Insomnia/difficulty sleeping
Feeling like my throat is closing, especially when laying down
Cold sores that pop up and then will be gone in a day
My skin seems drier and more scaly and more susceptible to sunburn
Weak and shaky
Voice hoarseness
Loss of taste and smell
Dragon looking skin, just really dry and can see the pores
Tight jaw, difficult to chew hard things

Symptoms I haven’t experienced for weeks:
Sore throat
Fear and panic at night and a feeling of restlessness
Slight cough

It overwhelms me and it overwhelmed her. She suggested we focus on a few things each time we meet. Now I am headed to a GI doc and a sleep specialist. In some ways it feels similar to when I was diagnosed with Celiac. It took so many different docs and so many different tests. It can be tiring and frustrating. I do feel small improvements though. And I believe I will get all better. It just might take time. I take a lot of supplements now. I was already not eating gluten or sugar. Now I am trying to eat even better. I may try the AIP way of eating. I try to rest, but also try to do a little each day. I think for Greg the hardest part has been the brain stuff. Sometimes it kind of feels like I am a different person. It feels that way to me too. For now, I will count my blessings, hope and pray that things will keep improving. This is no ordinary virus.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Life Update!

Wow!! It has been a long time since any of us have updated this blog, so we figured it was about time
one of us did.  Since we last wrote a lot has happened. Adam finished high school up and got his
mission call! He is now serving in the China, Hong Kong mission.  He loves every second of it and
comes home May 31. We are so proud of his decision to serve and can't wait to see him in a few short

The kids at Adam’s graduation!
Anna has finished her sophomore and junior years of high school and is loving her time as a senior.  
She works at the local grocery store, Hy-Vee, and loves working there and the extra money she gets.
This year was her last year of cross country.  She continues to be quite the artist and loved taking AP
art at the high school this year. She also got her senior pictures taken a few months ago.  Here is one
of her favorites.

Lizzy is a sophomore in high school this year.  She participated in cross country the past two years, and has loved that.  Currently, she is recovering from a major back surgery to fix her scoliosis.  She is doing great!! One cool thing that happened while she was in the hospital was that there was an Iowa football game! They have a tradition of waving to the kids in the hospital since the field is right below the hospital.  Lizzy got to participate in the wave which was really cool for her. Here is a picture.

Ben is in 8th grade.  He is on the high school quiz bowl team and he LOVES it!! He is also serving in
our ward as the teacher’s quorum president and does great with his church responsibilities.  He
continues to sing in choir and we love hearing him get better as a singer. Here is a picture of Ben from
a few months ago.

Jacob is in 6th grade.  Here 6th grade is middle school, so all of the kids are officially done with
elementary school! That made Tammy and Greg feel pretty old.  He is following in Ben’s footsteps
and is on the middle school quiz bowl team. He also enjoys staying active by climbing every week
with the local climbing team. Here are some pictures of him.  

Tammy continues to love her work as a full-time mom! More recently, she has been acting as Lizzy’s
full time nurse.  Now that Lizzy is back in school she keeps busy by driving the kids around, and
serving others. She is the co-chair of the BYU alumni association in the Des Moines Chapter.

Greg continues to work at John Deere.  He is the co-chair of the BYU alumni association in the
Des Moines Chapter.  He currently serves in the stake as a high councilor and is the seminary

Here are some more pictures of our adventures in the past couple of years.