I absolutely love being a Mother. Tonight Hudson went to bed with a fever and not feeling well, and it makes me realize how grateful I am that he is normally such a healthy and happy boy. And Zane is gone tonight...so it leaves me here to blog and read other peoples blog. I am not great at updating this and so who knows if anyone even reads this, but I find it fun! I have lost my journal not once but twice now. I lost it for a while and then I remember seeing it and remembering where it was...and well now I can't remember where that is, so I am turning to my blog to spill whats on my mind. I marvel at the people who write so eloquently. I am lucky if I even spell everything right and if I get a comma in the right spot. But here I am blogging tonight and I wanted to put some of my favorite things about being a mom.
My Top Ten of Motherhood:1. Giving Hudson new foods. I love watching his reaction. He likes onions and lemons!
2. Watching Old People in Wal-mart talk to Hudson, usually old Men that stop to make him smile.
3. Watching the constant battle between Hudson taking Oso's toy and Oso trying to get it back.
4. Seeing how Hudson crawls as fast as he can to the door when ever Zane comes home.
5. Teaching Hudson how to give Kisses!
6. Playing on the floor with with my two favorite people Zane and Hudson!
7. Counting how many different faces Hudson makes while eating.
8. I absolutely love his new smile that he has discovered. He squints his eyes and smiles as wide as possible and tilts his head back.
9. Reading to him before nap time.
10. I absolutely love bathtime! He loves the water. Tonight while playing with his toys he puts his face in the water. Which startels me, but he looks at me with his funny smile:)

Oh man, The more I write the more I realize I need this list to be the top 100. I absolutely love being a Mother. It brings me so much joy everyday. It is all the small little things throughout the day that make me so happy and feel so blessed!
And maybe some day I will be more consitent with Blogging...someday.