Last month we took a trip with the whole Whitchurch family to Southern California. It was a blast. Get ready for picture overload...

We decided to drive down, I was super nervous thinking Eli would be going crazy in his car seat for such a long time, but he did great!
Here is a picture of our view just as we rolled into town
One of our first stops. . The Shake Shack! One of our favorites.
This was Eli's first trip to the Shack
This is how Eli gives Kisses. So cute. . .and slobbery
The weather was gorgeous, a little hot for that time of year, but it made going to the Beach a blast
We also loved the pool
Spent a day at the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH, and it truly was just that! Eli loved all the kiddie rides, here we are on DUMBO
Cousin Gavin met Winnie the Pooh
Eli playing with Cousin Zoe
The Bugs Life area in California Adventure is the BEST for kids. We went on this ride many times
The water area there kept us all cool, Eli had a blast playing in it
Waiting in line for one of my personal favorites, TOY STORY MANIA
California Adventure has a night show called "WORLD OF COLOR" This is a MUST SEE for anyone who visits the park. Seriously so cool.
We had a great view of the "Tall Ships Festival" from our condo. We thought it would be cool to go to the harbor and check out the ships up close.
On Saturday, we attended the Utah vs. USC football game. The Coliseum is a pretty cool venue and I gotta say that the USC fans were very polite!
My favorite part of the whole game, when the jets flew over the stadium
This Vacation was a blast! Thanks Whitchurch Family!