Wednesday, December 31, 2008

two christmases

we spent christmas morning with the croxford's. spoiled, as usual with some of these fun gifts:

and coolest of all...
a KEY to my parents brand new cabin!THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing this with us!

then off for a quick trip to Arkansas to...

hug the patterson family
hang out in the new house
have christmas again - opening more presents!

where we got:

and again spoiled, we received this awesome video camerafrom mom and dad patterson! THANK YOU so much!

what a great (and way too fast!) holiday spent with family!
now, we welcome 2009...happy new year!

p.s. to anyone who has to fly somewhere for christmas, DO NOT pack wrapped gifts in your checked bag. you think when you check your bag that your things are safe...think again. the presents that we had packed to Arkansas were stolen by some airport worker. :(

Saturday, December 20, 2008


what does jaci do when she is home alone all day? COOK! here are some of the things i tried today....




yummy, huh!? i found this website that inspired me to make some things from scratch. i feel better about eating hot pockets and chicken nuggets that i made cause i know they are real food! (not some processed who-knows-what).

ALL three of these worked out so good. i am planning on freezing the hot pockets and chicken nuggets for a quick snack or meal.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

g i n g e r b r e a d h o u s e

this is it. this is what you get when zach and jaci attempt to make a fancy gingerbread house. i like the roof. it think i'll go eat some of it right now!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

do you like shoes?

then i bet you love kids' shoes too!

have i got the best find for you! if you have your own baby, or you need a spectacular baby gift, here is your answer..

check out some of the shoes they have....

the sizes run from newborn to 24 months (sizes 0-6)
they have boots, sandal types, and slip on's, so there are a pair for EVERY season of the year!
most are different animal prints, but they also have some like this:

for more info, more pictures and to order, click here to go straight to the website
i promise you won't be disappointed!

..and because my brother in law is so awesome, he is letting me share the promo-code with all of you so you can get a deal!
code: foxpaws08
this will save you $17 off any order AND give you free shipping!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas... our house!


Monday, December 8, 2008

sunday drive

we were disappointed on our sunday drive up Blacksmith Fork Canyon. no wildlife to be seen...until our way down! we spotted about 5 deer right at dusk! this one got away from the hunter, but was left with an arrow right in his back. seriously. if you are going to shoot at it...make it count. don't leave it like this, poor thing.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


I decided I don't often enough take advantage of the awesome arts that Logan has to provide. Zach and I have been to two holiday events so far...

The Forgotten Carols

Katie Thompson wasn't the star this year (even though her voice is the best), but we still laughed at all Michale McLean's corny jokes. Gotta love it.

Since that was my pick, Zach chose the next event which was...

The Nutcracker

Who would have known he would choose the ballet?? I didn't! But, everyone has to see at least one version of this classic during their lifetime. We went to Ellen Eccles Theater and they did a decent job...but maybe next year we can go to Ballet West?

More artsy fartsy stuff to come!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

pretzel attempt #2

i tried again. new recipe (that didn't require kneading - i'm in!)
outcome: tasted WAY better all around

tips for next time:
- spray the stinkin' pan. none of these pretzels you see have bottoms. they were left behind on the cookie sheets. ugh.
- the recipe called for dipping the formed pretzel into a baking soda/water mixture stuff before baking. no. don't listen to it. the egg solution brushed on from the last recipe is way better!

i am not done with this task. i must keep trying until i'm successful.
next week. third time's the charm.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

need some ties?

Need some new ties? Got your Christmas shopping done? :)

My friend Kip sells TEN DOLLAR ties - you can't get a deal better than that! You can check out his website, give him a call and choose from hundreds of awesome ties. He will hook you up. You can get multiples (like for a wedding), or just buy singles (for a new missionary or for christmas gifts).

check it out!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

my country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty

life in democracy lately seems so divided...when as americans we really should be united. no, i did not vote for obama in this election. but, i just want to declare that i will support him as president. america is america and we should be standing together. unfortunately, it seems there is always one side that isn't happy.

i just hope we can all continue feeling patriotic and support obama, and all of the many people that work with him in keeping our country free and striving to be united. i was grateful for the closing speech given by mccain, and disappointed at all the people who were 'booing' everytime he mentioned obama's name. the election is over. america has spoken, and even if it didn't go your way, we still live in a free country and should be grateful for that.

that's my two cents. take it or leave it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

pretzel attempt #1

Zach works in the mall right next to the famous pretzelmaker. Every mall has one or two. During a shopping trip, we have all given into the delicious smell of freshly baked preztels and wasted $3 for that small treat. He smells that everyday, all day...tempted. "How hard could it be to make them at home?" he thought.

So, I looked up a recipe and we made our first attempt. Yeast, flour, and lots of kneading later, this is what we got.

They look good, right? Well, looks aren't everything, my friend. They weren't very good.

Tips for next time:
-white flour
-let rise longer?
-try new recipe!

Anyone else every tried to make soft pretzels? help!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

dance to the white house

no words. this is just too funny. i haven't been this amused in a long time! whoever did this...thanks for the laugh.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

buzz cuts

i gave in to the nagging...and look what happened.


Monday, September 22, 2008

We did it! I am so proud of my primary kids! I couldn't have asked for a cuter bunch to perform the 2008 primary program. At the last minute we even got to add three new kiddos who just moved in - and the total was about 15 kids! Wahoo! They sang so well and I am SO glad we can move on to some new songs! My favorite song, however is "If the Savior Stood Beside Me." Have you ever heard it? It isn't actually in the primary songbook yet...but I think it will be someday!

Thanks, 18th ward light up my life!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

blue vs. red red killed us...
Were we expecting any different?

Friday, September 12, 2008

I am not one to just poor myself a large glass of water. I like convenience, efficiency and ease. I purchased one of these bottles a while ago, and I have never drank more water in my life! Have you tried one? It's even MORE convenient than a disposable water bottle where you actually have to screw off the top, tip your head back for gravity to take effect and the water to actually enter your mouth, then screw the top back on so it doesn't spill in your backpack. You know those no-spill cups for kids? That phenomena is no longer just for tikes.

Thanks, Camelbak for making water intake a breeze!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

eight is great

8 is my favorite number (it is even, it is fun to write, it is lucky and I got married on 8/8)...and this is probably like my 8th tag I have done....

8 Things I am Passionate About:
1. Zach...he constantly makes me laugh
2. Changing of seasons...I think it is so exciting - especially Fall and Spring
3. get off school and spend time with family - what more could you ask for?
4. Kids...I love my major and always being around kids, and I love my church calling as the primary chorister
5. My testimony
6. Organizing!
7. Chocolate in every form
8. Laughing makes me feel so good, I can't get enough!

8 Words or Phrases I Say Often:
1. What?
2. Ya, right. (cause Zach is constantly trying to take advantage of my gullibility)
3. Can you rub my back?
4. Awesome! (and every other praise word I can think of...that's my job!)
5. Um..
6. ya mismo
7. come on...
8. I love you.

8 Things I want to do before I Die:
1. Have kids!
2. Serve a mission with my man.
3. Live in another country.
4. Teach!
5. Be fluent in sign language and spanish.
6. Make a CD - and I want my sisters and mom to harmonize with me! I also want to sing in the Mo-tab like my mom!
7. Design my own house. (Hopefully my bro the architect can help me!)
8. Learn how to cut hair really well.

8 Things I Have Learned From my Past:
1. First impressions are almost NEVER right.
2. Use the Spirit to make decisions.
3. Someone is always better than me, but someone is always worse, too!
4. Blessings are often in disguise.
5. "Happiness is not having everything you want, it's wanting everything you have!" (thanks, mom)
6. Work's worth it!
7. "Fake it 'til you make it." (again, thanks mom)
8. plans always change!

8 Places I Would Love to Go or See:
1. Guana
2. China
3. Indonesia
4. Spain
5. Hawaii
6. all 50 states
7. Norway
8. Thailand

8 Things I Currently Need or Want:
1. a new wardrobe
2. new winter shoes or boots
3. my wedding ring cleaned and re-dipped
4. more hours in a day
5. a bigger closet!
6. money to go to Ecuador
7. a good job after graduation
8. more girls' nights!

8 People I Tag:
1. mom
2. cousin jenny
3. amanda beckstead
4. stacy hanna
5. mckenzie
6. lacey
7. di
8. and you!

Monday, September 1, 2008

i heart....

I know it is bad to have obsessions...or addictions. I just can't help it. This creamy, smooth, cold drink is the most divine creation. I drank a whole gallon in a matter of days. I just can't get enough!!!! Gratefully my addiction does have nutritional value...but I am sure my excessive use is not healthy. :)

Does anyone else have a love for chocolate milk as strong as mine?

Sunday, August 31, 2008

new bedspread!

This new bedspread is so fun! I am trying to break out of my 'green' rut, and am lovin' this burnt orange!!!

Thanks for the early present, Mom!
(I was so excited to put it on that I didn't even iron it!!)
It helps my little place feel a LOT better!

Friday, August 22, 2008

new 'office'

We have been struggling to pick up internet for the whole year we have lived here (and too cheap to get some set up). Sometimes we can get it, sometimes not...but it's always a weak signal and cuts out frequently. My intelligent husband, however, realized the signal is coming from a house kiddy-corner behind us. So, where do we pick it up the internet with full bars? In the KITCHEN! Looks like this is where we will be doing our homework this year. Nice.

Thanks, neighbors! (Whoever you are)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tony Grove

Look at this beautiful place just up the canyon from our house! We love living in Logan for this reason - easy access to the GREAT outdoors! We spent one night at
Tony Grove

check out the photos...

making breakfast on the fire - bacon, eggs, hot chocolate, and biscuits

fishing in the lake....but we needed a canoe (too much moss we kept snaggin' on)

can you see a person in those rocks?

Since fishing wasn't a success, we took a "hike" (okay, a stroll) around the whole lake back to our campground.

I thought the chipmunks might enjoy our stale muffins...and they did! this one was too heavy to carry into their little home, so he just kept coming out for a nibble!
I had never noticed this cave in Logan Canyon so we stopped to take a look on our way home. Turns out it is a spring called Ricks Spring. The water was ice cold..but it was beautiful. If you are driving up the canyon, look to your left and you will see it. Stop by sometime...super pretty!