Friday, December 28, 2012

18 months!

My little man is changing SO fast!  So grateful for him and all the joy he brings.  Here's his latest:

- he's perfected the word "no" and says it VERY clearly.
- knows we need to "pay" (pray) before we eat.  cutest thing ever!
- says "turn" when we wants something.
- thinks the iPads are his "geem" (game).  Loves Trucks and Peekaboo Barn apps.  He can turn the iPad on and find the game he wants.
- loves to help in the kitchen and stand on the step stool.
- very careful with his drinks and always puts them up on the counter when he's done.
- still adores Cache and feeds him his dog food all by himself!  First official chore!
- "tuduh" (turtle) is his favorite animal.
- makes sure to say "toot" after someone passes gas.
- threw up for the first time at the gym during the Patterson Christmas party.  So sad. Then again in his bed a day later, then again at Quizno's a day later.
- he LOVES nursery!  He's been going for a couple months and RUNS to the nursery door after sacrament meeting.
- LOVES "truh" (trucks) and "tactuh" (tractors) thanks to cousin Emerett - and you love to drive them down the "side" (slide) aka: race track.
- knows the following animals:  sheep, cat, dog, cow, turtle, frog, bear, duck, cow, donkey, bird
- he's pretty cautious and says "hep!" (help) really loud when he needs it.
- when he wants me to sing a song or turn on music he says, "a song"
- when he wants the TV on he says, "a show"...even though he doesn't even like to watch it!
- he's pretty much our little parrot now, mimicking everything we say!
- he's got the cutest little head nod and says "uh-huh"
- he really like to "dump" (jump) but cannot get off the ground!
- loves drums! (makes Papaw so proud!)
- still our sweetest little boy, always giving kisses and hugs to Mimi and GeeGee when it's time to leave.
- he is OBSESSED with cereal. It's the first thing he says when he wakes up and the one thing he requests to eat anytime I ask what he wants.  He loves Frosted Mini Wheats, Berry Berry Kix, Froot Loops and Apple Jacks the best!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

You are so fun at this age, and so busy!  You finally hit that 'sponge' stage where you are learning things really fast.  You don't have many words, but you do understand a lot.  Here's what you're up to at this stage:

- You can sign!  You finally figured it out.  You honestly woke up one day and decided to sign!  I had actually sort of given up on teaching you signs since you hadn't picked them up or used them at all, but you suprised me one day when I asked if you wanted "more" and you signed it to my flawlessly!  It was definitely a proud mommy moment. You can sign these words:  more, eat, all done, milk, please, thank you
- You  hold my phone up to your ear and babble really loud.
- You say "Geegee" for Grandma Louise and you love going to her house while I go to work.
- You say "Shhh" for shoes.  You LOVE shoes.
- You love the horses at Papaw's house and when you say the word "horse" it sounds like a bad word!
- You first chores:  putting the dog food scoop away, putting your clothes in the hamper, taking your stinky diaper out to the trash can, and putting your shoes away.
- You can finally climb on the couch by yourself and that makes you very proud!
- You still love books and now bring a book to me when you want me to read it. Or you turn the pages yourself and babble or make silly noises.
- You finally broke two more teeth for a whopping total of 4!
- When you hear the train go by (which is a million times a day) you wave your arm and say, "Whoo whoo"!
- You are determined to feed yourself and do not like help!  MESSY!
- You recently decided you don't want me to rock you to sleep and sing to you, but I do have to rub your back or head while you fall asleep. And you are now staying asleep all night!!

   You are the happiest, squishiest, cuddliest, sweetest, funnest kid I have ever met. I am so glad you are my boy.  Please try to never grow up! (Anyone else love that Taylor Swift song?)

love, mom

You discovered how much more fun shopping is when you get to drive through the store!!

And here's your new favorite thing to do in the bath...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

busy at 14 months

We're full throttle into the "busy" stage with this kid!  He goes, goes, goes!  Here's a glimpse of his life at 14 months...

 using "trash" to stay entertained

 getting creative with cousin emerett on play dates

 learning new "tricks" on his bike

maintaining that nice beach body

 bike rides with emerett

enjoying one of many snack times with emerett (can you tell these two like to hang out?)

thinkin' he's big stuff trying on mama's shoes

...and daddy's hat

and playing so hard he crashes when he sits still

We love his silly fake laugh, how he runs (okay, it's more like a shuffle) around everywhere, how he gives kisses, hugs, spins around in circles until his falls down and laughs, and waves goodbye.  He's determined to feed himself these days and is obsessed with anything with buttons or a screen (namely daddy's ipad and the remote).  Having a one year old us a huge mess, but SO much fun!  Love this kid!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

happy tears

this morning my grandpa jay passed on suddenly
ten years ago i was crying really sad tears when his wife, my sweet grandma passed away suddenly

now, my tears are happy tears
happy they get to be together again
happy that grandpa doesn't have to live in pain anymore
happy that i know of the eternal perspective.

but, i do still miss them and cry a few sad tears for me since i don't get to be with them yet. i have to be patient.
i guess i'm never really ready, no matter how much i prepare myself for someone's death.

i'm happy for you, grandpa jay.  i'm sure you're already taking such good care of grandma like you always do.

me and grandpa jay on the 4th of july 2010

my testimony of the Lord's tender mercies grew today as I've thought back on all three of my grandparents deaths happening almost immediately following a family gathering.  grandpa jay got one last trip with the family to bear lake last week and i think that was just right.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

seussical celebration

Liam's Dr. Seuss birthday party was loads of fun, thanks to everyone that came!  Despite the heat and the pesky mosquitos in our yard, we had fun celebrating our favorite one year old!

The party was complete with....






and great people!

Thank you to everyone who came, especially my parents who made a surprise trip all the way from Utah.  It was such a blessing to have them here, only their stay was WAY too short!

What an amazing year it has been since Liam entered the world!  We love him to the moon and back!

***if you want any of the decor or stuff I made on the computer I'd be happy to send it to you. It's not pro, but it's free!  Just email me at

Thursday, June 28, 2012

ONE year old!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

my little cowboy with his pawpaw