
Saturday, November 27, 2010

From Crawling to Climbing

It's official. This boy is mobile. Full on crawling.
I took Ezra to the park the other day. This was the first time he was actually a player on the jungle gym as opposed to the usual spectator on the sidelines.

What?! They have stairs here? Cool.
He crawled all around until he found the stairs, and to my surprise, he climbed all the way to the very top. . . and then . . .

 . . . once he was at the very top, he began to topple over.
Just before starting a long roll down. . .
 . . . mommy caught him.
And had just enough time to snap a shot of all the action. :)

Covered in Sand Head to Toe (literally)

Ezra had so much fun at the beach today. Here are some of the pics.
 I think we have found Little E's favorite thing to eat. SAND! Oh man, he just kept going for it. I couldn't keep it out of his mouth. And of course it's everywhere you turn, because, hello, we're at the beach.

Sand from Head              to Toe

Sandy hands

Sandy chin

Sandy chest

Sandy crack

Sandy ears

Sandy belly button

Sandy nose

Sandy eyes

Sandy mouth

Sandy neck

Sandy elbows

Sandy lips

Monday, November 1, 2010

We've Got a Big Boy!

Today Ezra turned 7th months! As a "birthday present" we went to the doctor today for a regular wellness checkup. Our Little E--or Big E that is--tipped the scale at 23 lbs! And he measured at 29" in length. No wonder my arms are always sore. So that puts us in the 97th percentile in both categories. 
The doctor says he's on track to to 6'3" or 6'4". This is consistent with all his other visits, so we're not surprised, and he's clearly larger than your typical 7-month-old baby considering he's grown out of all his clothes and is now wearing 12 month clothes.

Trouble on Wheels

Here he is. Trouble on wheels. Don't be fooled by his cute, innocent little face. 
He's pure trouble.
We've gotta hurry and figure out something to do with these DVD's because this little monster is drawn to them like a magnet.  
That's right, buddy. You've been caught.