11 March 2020

I'm 28 and alive!

Hi, I'm still alive! Probably will disappear again, or come back active who knows? Well, here I am fast forwarding to today, in a job that I've always wanted exposure to, co owning house with my favourite indian man, who is extremely blessed with a strong community that always have my back, and the closest group of childhood friends who very very dear to me. My heart indeed is full, yet anxious about the future. It's only march but so much have happened. Let me just literally count my blessing here:
  1. I gifted myself with a room revamp for my birthday
  2. I got myself an Imac at such a gooood deal! (Thanks timo!)
  3. I started postcard giveaways and I felt so lifted from the process!
  4. I'm given lots of opportunities to step up in comms ministry, art directing for big campaigns like Christmas Bash and the upcoming dip
  5. I become a plant mama.
  6. I picked up new habit of making my bed every morning (okay, sounds lame but it's a mini transformation for me, I'm not the tidiest person so yup, it's a step for me)
  7. Dharmen and I just recently selected a flat! (haha sorry for the double mention)
  8. My dear carol is getting married in 3 months time?!
and the list goes on, but most importantly, I'm just glad that I'm still here breathing.
here's a playlist I put together For you enjoy! Goodnight world.

22 April 2016

The wait

I have been trying really hard to find my place outside of school. Along the way, opportunity came knocking and then there was silence (the wait) Honestly, it’s terrifying. It’s a difficult and lengthy process. The struggle is real. Naturally, without even realizing how it happened i flooded my brain with the wildest assumptions I can think of. 

Is it because my expected salary is too much to ask?
Is it because I hold a degree and they ought to hire a dip student.
Is it because I lack of experience?
Is it because of my lack of confidence?

stuffs like that. But God pulled me back and I quickly came to realize my lack of trust in God’s timing and provision. and it’s not the matter of how many interviews I’ve been and how many rejections I get. I hold strongly to this verse as it speaks so loud to me in this dry season. 

‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding’ - Proverbs 3:5

02 April 2016

Fan Mail

How it made my day to received this fan mail from a lovely stranger. How nice of her! Really appreciate it when people come to me and shower me with so much love and compliments. I wished I can better expressed my gratitude towards it, but I am really awkward when comes to such things. But really thankful to God for placing so many nice souls around me, who constantly remind me that I am capable and good at what I do and that I should embrace being myself, for I shall not die a copy, instead I want to and choose to live an extraordinary life. so dear me, stop doubting yourself and make things happen. #latenightthoughts

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34, NIV 

24 March 2016

Motel Mexicola

Loving the colours and vibe! The sweltering heat here in Singapore is making miss Bali. I was somewhat happier, so happy the heat don't matter at all. I wanna go on another holiday so badly.

19 February 2016


When you're all alone waiting,
it felt okay in the beginning.
It was okay because you have something that could keep you entertained while you wait.
It was okay until you decided to check the time and you realised you have been waiting for nearly an hour.
Suddenly it's not okay.
and then your friends came in, and you throw a little tantrum
you told them it's okay
but really you're not okay
you tried to forget about it and be okay with it
but you just can't
all you do is sit and sulk