This is the season when the stomach churns,
the limbs ache, the head is feverish, and
the heart is sore. This sickness is not viral, it is
not pandemic or bacterial, it is not
catching or infectious.
The source is within every person. Only in
extreme cases does it become active. Normal
interaction is prescribed. But when unavailable
the symptoms are immediate in addition to both
chronic and acute. It is 'sick love'.
Some may diagnose love sick, but I prefer that former
name, for when you are in it sick modifies the love, not the
opposite. Sick is the feeling of anguish controlling all
movement, and weighing each moment. Sick tirelessly
attacks, yet love remains. And that is why, sick is
the temporary portion and love the permanent condition.
For this, all health care, no matter the source, can only
wait for love's healing.
With deep and tender affection,
Write a love letter and share it with someone special in your life.
Love Letters are a Thursday feature.
*The picture has a link to the product shown.