Saturday, August 28, 2010

Blessing for an Accident Victim

 A blessing for an Accident Victim
Dedicated to  Rich

May healing that makes a difference come to you.
May the right touch arrive at the right time. 
May family, friends, loved ones offer a special grace and liberty for your life.
May the slow days of recovery be filled with gentle memories sweeping over your mind like a breeze that flows through fields before the harvest.
May you celebrate the inner wisdom of being created in God's image, wisdom that
empowers. May body and spirit receive good gifts that come down from above.

And as recovery transforms life into a new creation, may you be renewed in abundance to walk in the love of re-creation. May renewal be completed by the One who seeks you every day, and may you share that presence by walking wistfully in a world hungry for the divine.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Love Letter No 106 - Captivating Love

Dear S,
How did the wordsmith know that 
captivating would be just the right word?
This heart of mine that has connected 
with yours, oh captivating so tells the story.
I walked out the door this morning; 
the world was somehow different; 
the world spins around and things change.
There I am thinking with wonder on 
the grace of the new day.
A captivating moment overcoming 
my complacency.

With warm and tender affection,


Write a love letter and share it.

Write your own love letter, hand deliver it.

Love Letters are a Thursday feature.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Love Letter No. 105 - Affirming Love

Dear S,
The gifts we share, held at a distance,
remain a puzzle. Wishing it
away won't change it, I open my eyes and 
the distance is there. We can cross in style. 
Join the pieces to find
a lovely solution.

Once solved, beyond struggles,
we will relish time as it slows and bows.
The nod of time affirming the trust we 
have gotten.

With warm and tender affection,


Write a love letter and share it.

Write your own love letter, hand deliver it.

Love Letters are a Thursday feature.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I am not conflicted
confused, struggling,
or having any problem
understanding the situation.
 I love you.

Friday, August 20, 2010

When the heck did they all show up?

Imagine being at lunch - 
back more or less to the room
don't know what's going on behind -
engrossed in conversation
haven't heard anything except 
the conversation at this table
getting to a point that an analogy is coming out
about the value of friendship
several questions run through your head -
How many people can hear me?
When the heck did they all show up?
Have they already heard an earful?
What have I been telling?
so you look around ... 
and no I don't care what they heard...
friendship is such a precious thing

why i don't talk to you

you do what you do,
i do what i do,
you think i did it cause of you (I didn't)
I feel I should explain, 
so i try to explain

it just winds up being a lot of explaining -
you are fine, perfectly normal -
God loves us the way we are
let's just let it go at that 
seems like the typical exchange

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sir Alfred Geek Geekysons

I hold it true, whate'er bits-fall;
I feel it, when I'm nerdy most;
'Tis better to have geeked, I boast
  Than never had geek-iness at all.

~Sir Alfred Geek Geekysons
Feel free to share with that special geek someone in your life.
(ps. I did)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I am from...

I am from...    
By: Slade Hogan

I am from early days and fond memories 
From Christmas presents long awaited nestled
From days spent playing with cousins
From the smell of the ham slowly engaging my tongue
From days of listening to Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club band 
and days of home school

I’m from the doting of a grandmother
From “I can’t do this” to “I have the ability”
I’m from saying Moses built the Ark
From “why did this happen to me?” 
and “How long do I have to wait?”

I am from my dad’s image
From days of wonder to days of misery
From the sharp smell of potato salad and cole slaw
From the huge chest in our living room overflowing with memories
Pictures and even just tidbits from times not easily forgotten

I am from memories
No other person can know what I see
But when I look in the mirror, 
I just see me.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Love Letter No 104 - After Love

Dear S,
After first appearance, an email, a text, a call,
After hello it's me, door bell ringing silent,
After hug at door's threshold, arrival's fresh charm dims,
After flowers once bright, now withered, moment's music evaporates on wind,

After space 'tween fingers seems ne'er to be filled again,
After voices fresh calling, has lilted its last bit dear friend,
After dishes are washed, put away for the final meal,
After the walk through memories, both good and gifts, the whole deal.

Even after fond kiss remembered, a winsome gift from above
We've arrived and we're here "after love."

With warm and tender affection,


Write a love letter and share it.

Write your own love letter, hand deliver it.

Love Letters are a Thursday feature.
