Thursday, January 28, 2010

Love Letter No 79 - Echo Love

Dear J,
It is so very cool when someone
gets you and you get them
and words like the ones
below pop out:
"every once in a while a person
comes into my life and I go,
“WOW…I really like this person.”
You are sooooo that person.
Thanks for being you."

What a lovely echo,
then listening closely,
sounds like a stampede.

With deep and tender affection,


Write a love letter and share it with someone special in your life.
Love Letters arrive here on Thursday.


Photo i-appropriated from ghettojack's photostream.
Click the link to see more of
Jack's super pics.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

to bless delight

May inspiration
become a gentle breeze
of delight for the skin,
a savory flavor of
delights for the tongue,
an invigorating vitality
of delight within the

May delight arrive
as the surprise of the
day. The wonder that
attracts the eye, bringing
pause to gaze and thought,
delighting the moment of rest
and reason.

May hearing delight in
the cacophony of nature.
The cry of bog's peeper,
rustling in the pines,
thunder's responsive
reading of nature's liturgy,

tin roof's rain palinking,
brook's babbling bubbling
laughter after storm,
all delight the heart
through sound.

May delight overshadow
fear's light casting it
into the abyss from
which fear shall not return.

Photo i-appropriated from ghettojack's photostream.
Click the link to see more of
Jack's super pics.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Self Shout Out

Please note my side bar -
I am helping the American Heart Association
this year's Heartwalk.

This very worthy organization
researches and educates.
In other words,
they figure it out, then
they get the word out.

You can make a gift through
this post or the link on
the side bar :)
I think the minimum e-gift is $25
Don't be tripped out about it :)
If you want to give less and are willing to
send via regular mail -
then send me an
email for my home address -
larry3g at gmail dot com

If you need to type in a participant's name:
Larry Hogan
should do it :)

Click Here to Donate

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Love Letter No 78 - Speedy Love

Dear S,
I have this wonderful feeling
that overtakes me. Makes me
a bit dizzy, like spinning in the yard with
arms joined. Faster and faster hanging on
to mutual embrace. Sheer exhilaration in
swiftness. Roaring from the starting
line, images flipping up before me,
the super 8 projector is cranking up,
quickly becoming digital plasma!

This speedy love overtakes my heart,
sweeps me up, as we breeze along
at light speed.

With deep and tender affection,


Write a love letter and share it with someone special in your life.
Love Letters are a Thursday feature.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

to bless asking

May asking be free,
insecurities shed.

May childish incompetence
mold questioning.

May the vulnerability of asking
create friendly bonds of equality.

May asking find reception
by a warm hopeful posture.

May asking provide perceivings,
revealing the weaving life creates
between friends and how there

are places seldom noticed
that are interwoven that
will not unravel.

May trust be found in
asking as the wealth of
response is gained.
~ o'hOgain

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Love Letter No 77 - Buzzed Love

Dear B,
Together we buzz,
busily being best buds,
buying bits of budding brilliance,
the bearer of bustling boding
heart besieging love.
Bee mine!
My heart
buzzed with excitement.

With deep and tender affection,


Write a love letter and share it with someone special in your life.
Love Letters are a Thursday feature.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Love Letter No 76 - Cooed Love

Dear N,
Our moments the times of our lives. Our names written as the synonym for happiness. Our initials carved in the tree of love. Our song cooed by the dove of peace. Whistled by the nightingale of passion.
Our joy alights on the smallest twig.

My shoulder your head nuzzled.

With deep and tender affection,


Write a love letter and share it with someone special in your life.
Love Letters are a Thursday feature.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

to bless friendship

For sage spoke, "a friend in need
is a friend indeed", may treasure be
found through friendship as connection
lifts the dark veil of need.

May smile shared anticipate smile
returned by friendship's warm glow.

May lightness and freedom bring strong
bonds to friendship's climate, be it storm or calm.

May the songs of friendship bring
resonant unison, bright harmony,
and playful counterpoint.

May "puppy-like" adoration keep
friendship fresh and clean.

May friendship establish precedent
as time becomes the subsequent.

May friendship arrive with energy,
reveal opportunity, and initiate activity.

And as days emerge one by one from
each other, may the inner peace
of self-friendship inform the world
of friendship's just rewards.

Photo i-appropriated from ghettojack's photostream click the link
to see more of Jack's super pics.