Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Light Haiku and to bless choice

Wind whistles along,
breezy tunes, free, light, robust,
words include your name

Join the fun!

To Bless Choice

May recognition become a sweet refrain
for the song of life. Dependence, seldom
considered the driving force, yet,
bringing harmony with recognition
giving basis for choice.

May the blessing gained in choice
be acknowledged with graceful purpose.
Choice becomes the natural
progression when the starting
point is identified.
May the choice of humility
bring reconciliation.
May the choice of gentleness
yield personal peace.
May the choice of generosity
allow a redefining of abundance.
May the choice of joy
create celebration moments.

May choice bring clarity to
relationship as giving and
receiving work together;
Choice becomes empowered
through resources built into
life's rich plenitude.


Photo 'i-appropriated' from Jack.
follow the link on the picture
to see more Jack's great photography.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Four Words, Plus One



Photo 'i-appropriated' from Jack,
follow the link on the picture to see more Jack's great photography .

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Love Letter No 61 - Persistent Love

Dear N,
Footsteps rise and fall, the heart beat's continual rhythm splits time, emotion cues up persistent love. "No ordinary moments" in persistent love. No urgent denials of choice, no very very quickly actions, persistent love takes care of its own. Vigilance is a factor of persistent love. To watch carefully, no anticipation, perception of need acquired yields a steady response of persistent love.

The breeding ground of imagination is flush with varied response, yet, persistent love takes the reigns and guides action. Dedication to presence allows persistent love to stay fresh and vital. We live, grow, and live again. Persistent love illuminates our darkest moments, colors our brightest rainbows, shades our deepest grays.

With deep and tender affection,



Write a love letter and share it with someone special in your life.

Love Letters are a Thursday feature.


Photo 'i-appropriated' from Jack.
follow the link on the picture to see more Jack's great photography or visit her web at "Slightly off center"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Universal Speak
Breaks those barriers down quick
Sing, Dance, Play and Sway

Join the fun!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

to bless release

As footsteps move softly away, the song of freedom within comes forth unbidden.

May an act of motion invoke release from situational anxiety.

May each step taken bring oneness for the journey.

May release be an affirmation that the goodness in life is never left behind.

May release become a fulcrum providing the leverage point lifting life's sadness and losses discharging floods of gracious goodness and fomenting peace.

May the good fortune of release allow personal favor to extend the fecund growth of harmony and love.


Photo 'i-appropriated' from Jack.
follow the link on the picture to see more Jack's great photography or visit her web at "Slightly off center"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Love Letter No 60 - Common Love

Dear D,
This presence is touching me, like a parachutist touches the sky, like a diver touches the water, like the lion touched by the lion tamer. As if we fell from the heavens and landed in the same backyard.

You show up poking fun at yoga, I poke fun back. Then I find you never went by your first name, and it is the same as a dear family member, my own poppa's mom.
So I drive 75 miles one way to see you, and when you look up at me, your arm goes out for an embrace instinctively.

The common culture of life, homespun touches it all. If we aren't two peas in a pod, well, kick me out of the pod please. And on top of that, in all life's struggles, thankfulness is our common song.
How wonderful, how uncommon, what a comfort!

With deep and tender affection,



Write a love letter and share it with someone special in your life.

Love Letters are a Thursday feature.


Photo 'i-appropriated' from Jack.
follow the link on the picture to see more Jack's great photography or visit her web at "Slightly off center"

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chaotic Haiku

Distractions all Day
Perfection waits Patiently
Step aside, Salute!

Join the fun!

"When everything is chaos in life something perfect is being born, the chaos will keep you distracted so you don't mess it up" - Anne Lamott

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

to bless encouragement

May the gentlest of humility guide you to
encouraging self talk. Statements such as these
(and more): "that will help my friend", "this may not make
a huge difference but look what a joy", or "inspiring one
smile made my day".

Encouragement, a simple friendly sort of love,
giving that gift enriches life.

May you express the gift of encouragement at
just the time needed to lift up a friend, whether
you know it or not.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Love Letter No 59 - Relapse Love

Dear Bond,
Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months:
In the seat of emotion time
dilates, stands still, then moves
forward again. The heart knows nothing of
the abyss of linear living. Tingle, sparkle,
tease of interaction balance without
peril, as remembering arrives.
And with arriving
the inner presence longs for renewal,
knowing the search for belonging
goodness was completed then
restarted. To peer into the past and conceive
a future is a gift, to share that gift is life's
treasure. Relapsed perhaps,
respected and loved, always.

With deep and tender affection,


Write a love letter and share it with someone special in your life.

Love Letters are a Thursday feature.

Note: A special person was met on a special day, today's love letter celebrates that connection.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Karen’s Song - from a Wednesday List

It’s the time, the place to talk this all over,

Feeling calm and warm to be here with my lover,

This is about understanding, mutual point of view,

And showing plainly through action how feelings are too.

There’s safety in numbers when two means us,

Specifics worth sharing, the less the fuss

Emotions of hurt, anger, embarrassment trying

Masking the plea to save living love, it’s not dying

Let’s give into the moment and let it last forever,

No limitations or interruptions come whatever

With fingers entwined no problem big or small

Can come between the grip won’t let us fall

Then out in the open, the worst wasn’t so bad,

We’ll rekindle our memories of good times had.


See the post on The Happiness Project for the inspiration for this poem.

a Wednesday Haiku

Appearing Today...
Back by Popular Demand!
Right Before Your Eyes!

Join the fun!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

to bless a chef

May the new day greet creativity with fresh inspiration
as ingredients begin to meld under skillful hands. May this mix
bring to fruition a satisfying story that can be told
and retold through the sharing of the dish.
May purpose established through the grinding of
mortar and pestle prepare an eloquent
statement of joyful savor.

By the effort made over chopping board, pots, skillets may
wondrous ingenuity express to the senses the
wealth of the chef's value. And if so moved, may
written word record the methods that is the skeleton
of the dish and the road map of those who would
follow to that happy land promised
through a wonderful reflection.

May every good feeling within come through in the
making of meals. And may the hands that prepared
be always blessed by those who receive the benefit
of their labor.


I saw the movie "Julie and Julia" yesterday. I enjoyed it very much. I left the theater with the impression that there is a deep pleasure we can each claim through the sharing of a meal that we prepare with our own hands. It can even give a joy to the time of reflecting afterward when we have to clean up the mess

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Love Letter No 58 - Butterfly Love

Dear K,
It's the stillness of the forest with stream, of a field with grass waving and clouds breezing overhead, of the park bench near fountain's bubbling, a quietness where I can feel me being me, each beat of my heart bringing rhythm to my thoughts of you. And then, the butterfly spreads wings, drifts, flits, floats and lands on the hand. The wings pulsing open and closed as my heart thrills to sense your presence with me. Wasn't this small comfort what I had been hoping for all along, a breath of air, touch of an angel, harmony in the song through the willows, a serene request that ambition be laid aside.
Then, quiet as a suckled babe, I lie still, full of hope, on your breast and listen, to the stillness, the winds, the bubbling, the quiet love, the butterfly flits away.

With deep and tender affection,



Write a love letter and share it with someone special in your life.

Love Letters are a Thursday feature.

This one goes out to Kay over at Loud Silence, the recent post is Still My Heart.

Very inspiring and great work Kay!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"While there are many left brain activities that make contributions, Happiness is ultimately a condition of the right brain, that is, a state of existence." ~ o'hOgain

Photo 'i-appropriated' from Jack.
Follow the link on the picture to see more of Jack's great photography; visit her web at "Slightly off center"