Wednesday, November 20, 2024

 traction - what a funny word... 

i am thinking i need to get some traction here.

i'll be giving it a try - with purpose - before we aren't around anymore (or less).

have a great day!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Kindness, thoughtful, life filling

Kindness smoothly guides the yielding heart.

This is a takeover of thought, word, deed, signs of coming truths.

Pass the yielded kindness on and continue to see where it can be found.

PS. it's a beautiful answer to many ills.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Sparkling Words

 Harvest, Harvest, gather the goodness life grows hundredfold.

As this is savored let the soul satisfy itself in reflections.

If explanation imposes sharing simply observe with care.

Challenge prejudice with forgiveness obligations.

Health expands as release deflates inner pressure.

No overwhelming urge, no swamped hearts or flooded footholds.

Vast space for light in expose, release, shine, shine, shine.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

A puzzle

There is a puzzle within Grace. Grace is in spite of me and what ever I have done. Grace is also because of me and what God thinks of me.
Puzzling indeed.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Grace, by any other name.

Grace is God's no matter what approach to life.
Grace is the breakthrough that hints of a scratch for the innermost itch; experience yielding answers for the gnawing issues.
Grace it's the realization of the love and forgiveness of God.
Grace is the gift the world can't give; peace of mind and heart.
Grace is God's friendship.
Grace is knowing God is ready, prepared and continually guiding.
Grace is the permanent climate of divine kindness.
Grace it's unmerited favor.
Grace is the activity of the holy Spirit in your life.
Grace is working behind the scenes helping you out.
Grace is sweeter each day.
Grace is wide eyed wonder.
Grace it's a divine energy that not only recharges but also transforms my heart and life.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Tom was meeting Cynthia at a great restaurant so he got there a little early.
Tom brought her favorite, daisies, in a small vase to go on the table.
He asked the server to place the flowers on a table, then seat  them there when she arrives.
Cynthia breezes in and the hostess seats them at the table where she placed the flowers Tom brought.
They have a great conversation and enjoy the meal.
As Tom and Cynthia are getting up to leave he picks up the flowers saying, "These are for you.'
Cynthia replies, "Oh? How so, I thought the restaurant just put those on our table by coincidence. But they are my favorite."
Tom said, "I brought these and they are for you."
Cynthia's smile lights up and so does Tom's.
"Thank you Tom" Cynthia whispers in his ear.
And so, when coincidence arrives, receive it with a 'smile that lights up.'
And know that Abba's heart is rejoicing too.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Eggbeater Jesus

For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery for burnt offering; I will direct their work in truth, And will make with them an everlasting covenant.
~Isaiah 61:8

Sometimes little things rob of us joy in life. 
This may be the type of robbery that can cause us to lose sight of the truth.

There is a well-known mural on the outside wall of a church in Huntsville. 
It is popularly referred to as “Eggbeater Jesus.” 
When this gem of a name, “Eggbeater Jesus”, was mentioned to me it was done with a sort of dismissive laugh. As if, what were those folks thinking when they put up that picture.

I was down that way the other day and thought of that term. 
As a Christian should I be offended that a beautiful mural of Christ coming is referred to commonly as “Eggbeater Jesus?” And the Spirit seemed to whisper, ‘don’t let this be a joy robber, the name of Jesus is spread this way.’
And, I realized an Eggbeater is the tool to grab when there is an omelet to be made, a cake, a pie, or any number of delicious things to be mixed prior to frying or baking. To think that we have an “Eggbeater Jesus” that can mix everyone together in faith and truth, well, that’s not robbery at all. To be mixed together into God’s everlasting covenant is a sign of the Spirit. I decided to enjoy the mural of the “Eggbeater Jesus” even more than before!

PS. See the mural below called “Eggbeater Jesus” at 600 Governors Drive SW, Huntsville, Alabama 35801.
