traction - what a funny word...
i am thinking i need to get some traction here.
i'll be giving it a try - with purpose - before we aren't around anymore (or less).
have a great day!
I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love. ~ Mother Teresa
Kindness smoothly guides the yielding heart.
This is a takeover of thought, word, deed, signs of coming truths.
Pass the yielded kindness on and continue to see where it can be found.
PS. it's a beautiful answer to many ills.
Harvest, Harvest, gather the goodness life grows hundredfold.
As this is savored let the soul satisfy itself in reflections.
If explanation imposes sharing simply observe with care.
Challenge prejudice with forgiveness obligations.
Health expands as release deflates inner pressure.
No overwhelming urge, no swamped hearts or flooded footholds.
Vast space for light in expose, release, shine, shine, shine.