Friday, November 27, 2009

Copy cat plan

There's a Popular Book Fair at Summit USJ recently. All the books there are 70-80% discount. Some children books are even RM1 each! The books there are not organizely arranged and dusty. But if you're lucky you can find good books by renown authors.

I went there with Get Pei on Wednesday. She found 刘庸 and 村上春树's books.

I wanted to find a book about the history of 康熙, a great emperor in China. But I didn't have that luck. I found 三国演义 though. It's as thick as a dictionary. I had always wanted to buy a detailed 三国演义 book since I had already read the 'light-and-easy' version which is just about an inch thick. But the book I found was Book 2. Book 1 was no where to be seen.

In the end I grabbed these books.

The translated version of "Chew on this: Everything you don't want to know about fast food"
And a Korean learning book.

I feel like going again to try my luck again before it ends.


When I was walking back to car park with Get Pei we saw this:

Is this a graffiti competition? It's so cool! And one thing both me and Get Pei agreed on is that Malays are better graffiti artists than Chinese. =)


2 days ago I suddenly had this idea of mimicking photographed photos by drawing with hand using oil pastels (crayons).

Some people had already done that. These are some examples I found on the net:

Uhmm.. I thought I was the one who could only think of mimicking photographs.

Erhem... Anyways, I'm gonna start from simple one first coz lately very busy with work. Don't really have time but I still crave for some leisure. =P

I'm gonna start with this:

Simple and nice. Hope I won't ruin the drawing la.. hahaha..

Will post up my drawing once I'm done.

여러분,기다리세요!! =)
(Means: Everyone, please wait!!)

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