Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Good news for WY =P

Working in lab is fun.

Electrophoresis tank~~~Micropipettes~~~95% ethanol~~~Schott bottles

Power pack~~Samples & DNA ladder in fridge~~Pipette tips holder (left only 1 tip)

**These photos are dedicated to mum and Heng. Let them see the tiny little things in my lab =)**

I like lab work. =) But I hate gloves. Gloves make my hand dry and smells like rubber. =( The gloves contain some powder inside which sucks alway the moisture on my hand especially fingers. And smelly hands, because the gloves have strong rubber smell and the smell got transferred to my hand. I tried to wash it with loads of soap and apply scented moisturizer. But, it doesn't work. My hand is still smelly.

Maybe my moisturizer scent is not strong enough.


Sometimes I dun feel like blogging but whenever I think of the feedback from few readers, I move on =)

It feels great when I can lighten up some people's life with my lame jokes =P

So, here are some gratitude for 2 of my readers who requested me to do some analysis on their face symmetry like what I did to my own face in previous post =P

Heng dear's

Got difference? I think i prefer the right side (top one).. Cuz I think the right eye looks more clever.. hehe =P

Woan Yng

The left eye is smaller when smiling

If you see properly, Heng uses more right cheek muscle to smile and WY uses more left cheek muscle (can see from the chubbiness of the face)


Am currently reading Mitch Album’s Tuesday with Morrie. This book is soooo scary it reminds me of death. DEATH! This is the last thing I want to imagine. Although I’m a Taoist, I dun believe much in anything after death.

I dun believe that there’s an after life. I believe that death is a state of nothing. When a person dies, gone with the senses and feelings. You won’t have any feeling of touch, hot or cold; you cant see, hear, smell, nor taste; and you cant walk around like you usually do when you are alive!

But, I wish there’s incarnation and somehow I believe it deep in my senses. But if there is incarnation, I still dun think we will have any feelings (and whatever we are having when we are alive) after the death. My opinion of incarnation is that the dead soul will get formatted (like those in computers) as soon as the person dies, explaining my view of no feeling after death. And after that the soul will be re-used but with cleared memory and new appearance. So, the previous computer memory is lost forever and so does the senses.

Lol. Sounds interesting yea? Haha.. But sounds really sad. Which means we really got nothing after death? I know every religion has its own after death beliefs. But even if let me join any of the religion I also won’t believe that there’s after life one. I’m one stubborn cow cow =P

Monday, January 28, 2008

This is how an entry looks like when you jumble everything random into one post

Here comes the photos!

Carlos Junior!

The ad is not lying. lol. And it got even more messy if that person already find eating McD burger difficult. That person is me. lol. I eat McD burger also can eat until the burger out of shape one, whatsmore Carlos Juniors burger. lol

The sauce got all over my fingers and cheeks, mushrooms dropped everywhere on the table, the pasty and the bun got really out of shape.

Because it is this big!! No. The cup is not mini size. It's normal size. (oklah. I very suagu.. Never seen such a big burger before)

CP volunteered to be my model =P to show how big the burger is. But not very obvious la. It's actually almost the same size as my face.

This is half-eaten burger covering half of my face.

This explains the messiness. Told Aud I want to use fork and knife to eat this burger but received a cold eye from her. I was serious la. It was such a mess. Might as well use fork and knife cut it into pieces and eat.

When the next day I told Zhuang about this. She says "Oh, no wonder it's big. It's American size burger." She said she use fork and knife to cut burger into pieces before she eat back when she was in US. She cut it into quarters and hold it and eat OR take the pasty out and cut it into pieces like how we eat steak.

So, fork and knife for burger huh? hehe..


Saw some KungFu kids skating in Pyramid after my Carlos Junior dinner. I think this is a cool idea. Kung Fu performance on ice. Nice.


Finally got to upload the photo from Sushi Groove at Pyramid with GP and SY from last Wednesday. The environment there looks like a bar. Deco was nice. But felt very sleepy when dining in there. And the food are not nice.

(Can't upload mine, dunno why)


Recalled that day when going climbing Bukit Tabur with Adam and Keen, Keen told us that Andy Lau was voted to be the best looking actor. I heard from A levels friends last time that there's a mathematical method to tell whether a person is good-looking or not. It is by measuring how similar your left face and right face is. The more similar the more good-looking you are.

If this is the case I think I'm very very ugly then. I got one double eyelid eye and one single eyelid. My right cheek is bigger than left cheek. My left ear slightly lobed and my right ear no lobe at all.

Let me show you the difference and you will agree with me:

This is my right face (this is the more pretty side hehe... But more chubby)

This is my left face (my left face is so scary.. I got shocked by my own face after cropping out this picture. And for a moment I din dare to look into the mirror. lol.. Seriously)

These pictures actually come from this photo:


Suddenly recalled a funny conversation with Keen.

Me: Actually I'm very proud of you volunteering to hold the rope in the river during IW camp (the river level was high and the current was fast after the rain and we need someone to secure the rope and to ensure everyone's safety)

Keen: Whoa! Heay Heay proud of me! Suddenly I feel got power. Hahaha.... Can fly liao.

Me: Haha.. Wah.. I din know my name is Energizer.

Keen: No. It's Everyday. Energizer is very high class. Not suit u.

Kekdao. lol..


I really hate Indian guy drivers and motorcyclist! Especially those in their 40s.

Okay. There was once last time that I intended to cut queue and at the same time there's a motorcycle from behind which obviously din see my signal wanna pass by between me and the queue I wanted to cut. So, alright, I admit I was intending to cut queue. So it was my fault.

But yesterday and today? I got unreasonable stare and honks both from Indians!

Yesterday I was at a junction and there was a car just passed by at the main road which I'm planning to turn into. So, after the car pass by I change my gear and prepared to turn into the main road. When I was preparing to turn into the road the motorcyclist which was almost sticking onto my car at the side (because he's impatient) got really mad and honked me. What's your problem la ahnehneh, I'm just one second slow cannot ah. I use manual gear one le. Need to pijak the clutch pedal and then change the gear to 1st gear, then only can pijak the pedal la. Wait a while also cannot ah?

Today, it was a car which pissed me off. I was at the roundabout. This very very big truck is turning to the junction (say 12 o'clock) I wanted to turn. So I ma stop there and wait for the truck to turn lo. This crazy fella behind me honked me! Before this he wanted to cut me queue and was so close to my car and almost scratch my car when he wanted to cut queue. Now he honked me because I stopped there to wait for the truck to pass. Hello? The truck is blocking the whole junction already how am I going to turn into the junction? So initially I thought he wanted to turn to the 3 o'clock junction and I blocked his way. But no! He wanted to turn to the 12 o'clock junction as well. Urgh.. How impatient Indian guys are. So gangster.

This morning after the incident I had the urge to flip off already one. But flipping off is not my thing. So, duwan la. Haih. So pekcek (imitate Aries's tone) =P

Awaiting pictureful blog =P

The horoscope in Facebook says today "If you do some do-it-yourself work or precision work, expect a maximum of annoyances." Oh well. Too bad. What's been done had been done. Can't ask the E. coli to jump back into the broth. Can't ask the air to reverse back into their tanks as well. The conical flasks are sitting there with negligible amount of baby E. coli in them.

I'm to be blamed. And yes, I'm pretty annoyed by my own blurness.

Alright. At least I know which part I did wrong now. Tomorrow is another new start. =P

Actually no need to wait until tomorrow la. Later I'm going to do real time instead of RNA extraction which was ruined by me this morning. Hopefully no more 'annoyance' today.


Yesterday went to pyramid with CP and Aud. When we passed by the Mydin road in USJ near the big crossroad there, we saw few police cars and bomba cars, and one vehicle which I think I've never seen before--The Black Car. CP says The Black Car is what everyone call a police van used to carry dead bodies from accidents or murder etc by police.

The van was still empty when we passed by. I think the policemen and bomba were still trying to look for the dead body in the abandoned construction site. On our way back from Pyramid, they were still there and the van was still empty. Not sure whether they found it or not.


Indulging pictures coming up next from Carlos Junior Pyramid =) Nice and HUGE burger they have. I felt like I was eating the whole cow. It was that big! Finally some pictured post (I mean my pictures, not those I copy from the web). lol.. I'm bored with my previous picture-less blogs. =P

Friday, January 25, 2008

Palm or not palm?

Went to a seminar in UM yesterday. The two speakers are from Sime Darby talking about the prospect of biodiesel as an alternative for petrol.

I know this is a very hot topic in Malaysia now. But, I seriously doubt the viability of this so-called potential future fuel.

1. First of all, with such a space-occupying tree, imagine how the people are going to plant them in the future? With increasing demand of oil palm in the future it will not be sufficient land for cultivation. Unless scientists find a way to grow them in the sky or under the sea..lol.. Or maybe genetically modify the oil palm tree to as small as a banana plant with small fruits (so that the plant can carry the fruits) but with high oil percentage in the fruit carp?

2. How many years does an oil palm need to be fully matured and be able to fruit? 3 freaking years! How long does a fruit need to take to mature from pollination from maturity? 6 months. If bio-diesel from oil palm is going to be the sole fuel in the future, it's really gonna be a slow moving industry I would say. Have to wait for the trees to mature and to fruit. Unless, again, there's more land to plant them. But to support the whole world with oil palm? Even if we plant them everywhere we still can't supply enough for the whole world, right?

3. Currently the percentage of palm oil extracted from the fruit bunch is only around 20% of the bunch. It is impossible to depend on this small fraction of oil to supply the industry in the whole country. According to consultants acting for the UK government in relation to the introduction of the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO), there's an average reduction in emissions of 11% from bioethanol (compared to petrol) and 35% from biodiesel (compared to diesel). (Cited from http://www.ngvglobal.com/editorial-comment/weighing-up-the-options.html. lazy to write proper citation =P). This means out of 20% of the oil in one bunch, the combustion efficiency is only 65% of the diesel we have now. That means we need a lot more palm oil to generate energy. Not practical.

5. With higher demand of palm oil in the future (if palm oil is the sole fuel in the future) the price will sky rocket again. And we, the consumer, will be the victim of the fuel crisis all over again. “The question is not whether biofuels will play a major part in the global transportation fuel market, but when and at what price,” says Christopher Flavin, president of Worldwatch Institute. “The first priority should be to ensure that the industry develops sustainably — so that the problems of an oil-based economy are not replaced by another socially and ecologically bankrupt industry.” According to The Star, palm oil prices skyrocketed by around RM1,000 per tonne over the in 2006 and it is already RM3,000 per tonne now. Soon it will be having the same fate with the petrol we are having now. See my point? (It’s a good way to gain profit indeed. No wonder the Malaysia government and Sime Darby are really looking into this)

I would say oil palm biodiesel does not have the potential to supply the future human population unless people start converting the cellulose and hemicellulose in the agricultural waste materials (which is the remaining of the palm pulp) into ethanol. If the palm oil biodiesel can be coupled with ethanol, the possible problem of running out of palm oil biodiesel might be overcome (you think palm oil never deplete one ah? We have land issues here).

Instead of focusing only on palm oil and oil palm residue, why not conducting research on converting household, forestry, agricultural, and industrial wastes into ethanol in big scale? Isn’t it more economically viable and environmental friendly? And I think burning ethanol in our engine will produce less pollutants compared to burning palm oil biodiesel.

Think about it. And if I have any mistakes in my theory above please correct me. Thanks. =)

p/s: But I'm glad that Sime Darby sense the problem of land issue and is going into researching the conversion of oil palm residue into biofuel. But I really do hope that someone come out with the big scale application of converting cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin from wastes into ethanol.

p/p/s: I know this is very long-winded and might bring you to sleep. Haha. Thanks for reading my long-winded thoughts. =P

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Just now was very angry. Wanted to blog about this. But the connection suddenly failed. So, it took me 1 hour to log in to "Blogger create post" page.

Sigh.. Now not angry liao.. Balloon deflated. lol...

So the story is like this:

I don't have an access card for the apartment I'm staying. So, normally I park my car outside the apartment at the roadside (shhh.. dun tell the police =P) But hor, tonight I came back late after went shopping with GP, SY and CM. So, I couldn't find a parking at the roadside. So, I drove in and asked for overnight pass. Then, this stupid guard came to me and ask me whether I'm a visitor. I told him no, I'm a resident but because I'm having the third car, so I can't apply for access card. He started scolding me that I shouldn't waste their parking slots la, residents will complain la and all. Last time when I bluffed to them that I'm a visitor they didn't even give a damn whether I wasted their parking and let me in without scolding. What the hell la. (Balloon inflated again =P) So visitor has more privilege than resident now la? Dunno what they are thinking in their pea brains la. Damn pissed off. Arghhh!!

Ok. I'm done complaining. haha. Enough.

End of story. Wanna sleep already. RNA extraction tomorrow. Nights. =)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A bunch of funny things! kakakaka

It's a beautiful day!

Although I'm not Christian but I'm gonna say this--

God is really nice to me. Whenever I feel really moody He will let me taste the brightness of life the next day. =) I'm blessed.

Yesterday just couldn't smile and eventually feel like crying.

This morning still okay, but still moody a bit

Then chat up a bit with Val, New, WT and HL in lab. I felt better.

And there's one more bonus too. Long story.

Was asking for quotation from Chris, a sales person from Roche today. The first time I ask, she very fast sent me the quotation. Then, my boss suggested me to ask for discount. So I asked Chris to send me discounted price quotation again. She was still very efficiently sent another copy of discounted quotation. But, I received the soft copy but the fax didn't seem to reach. She kept patiently ask me whether I got the fax and if I didn't get it she will send again. Then after that I just realised that I should get a separate quotation for the ease of going through the account department. So, I asked Chris to send me another two more copy of separated quotation. She then called me up and told me she'd already calculated for me how to separate the price of the items for both quotation so that the amount looks even. Whoa.. I was so so so touched that time. That's so nice of her! =) Somemore her voice so sweet la. It's really hard to find such an efficient and patient salesperson.

So, this is my current mood:


Found a very funny website--Engrish.com

Share some nice ones here.

Oohh. French fly. My version is Fren fries. The 'ch' sound seems hard to pronounce =P

Wahahaha.. How to trim the foot? Use gardening scissors ah? Can trim to heart shape or not?

Haha.. I'll try fall into water gracefully too. lol

Huh? What does this mean? Totally no idea....

Whoa.. high-hand la.. Translate word by word also can. Wear clothes until five bodies touch the ground la (佩服得五體投地). hahaha....


Wanted to show this funny scene to everyone since very long time ago. But always cannot take the picture because it's at the junction. I think most of the people might have noticed this.

Mydin VS Giant

Mydin says "Why pay more" with a left arrow in the electronic board
Giant says "We lead others follow" with a right arrow
They pointing towards each other.. Damn funny...

When I was taking this photo I was actually waiting for the traffic police to let us go. There's a motorcyclist beside me, looking at me as if I'm a moron. I know it's weird to take photo of a signboard la. But, no need to look at me like this gua..

This reminds me of yesterday. Was listening to JJ and Rudy at the Morning Breakfast Show in Hitz.fm while driving to work. Then also at the same junction, there's an aunty driving another car next to me. I didn't notice she looking at me when I was laughing to what JJ and Rudy were talking about. Aiyo.. Cannot laugh one meh? It's funny what.. Maybe I looks like psycho to them.

Dear Diary..


I was doing this personality test online. It's about testing what is your age at heart. I've done this test for 3 times already. Last time when I was 20, the test said my age at heart was 16, which means I was very immature back then. Then when I was 23 (Around Jan 2007) I tested myself again and found I was 20 at heart. Still younger than my actual age.

Then yesterday out of boredom just play this test and found this:


Which means:

Test results
Your age at heart is 29 years old
The difference with your age at heart and actual age is 5 years
Childishness: 48%
Matureness: 46%
Aging percentage: 31%

Eh... Why suddenly so old one? Scary man...

But hor. As if I very matured like that. lol. If I matured then everyone around me are aunties and uncles already. Ngiak Ngiak Ngiak. =P


Was really moody yesterday. Mood-swing.

Feel like my heart was squashed. As usual, no particular reason. Just feeling really moody and couldn't even find a particular reason to tell people why I was moody. That's the worse part. So I tell different people different possible reason to my moodiness. I felt like I'm a moron. For a while I thought it was reason A that made me sad, suddenly thought it was reason B.

Yea. I'm a moron. keke..

I always have such low mood day once in a while (like 2-3 months once) where I don't really know why I'm sad and why I felt like there's some big stones sitting on my chest . Other than this particular day, I'm cheerful the rest of the days =) And normally few drops of tears can already chase the mouldy moody feeling away =D

So yea. I can say I cry only once every 2-3 months bringing a total to 4-6 cries a year or even lesser.. =P Not a cry baby. For those who saw me cry, I hope you guys made your wishes like what you do when you see a meteor. Maybe your wish can come true. lol... kakaka....

p/s: Of course, crying while watching sad dramas or reading sad books doesn't count =P


To Heng,

Last night was really sweet. Hehe. I think one day I'll die of diabetes. lol.

Thanks for listening and being there for me =)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Day-dream again....

I'm very surprised with my day-dream ability. lol.

All these dreams are not science-related at all. And all these dreams involving taking up lessons, which obviously need money.

I just realized that I've been visualizing these dreams of mine for more than 2 years already.

1. I've been thinking of taking up baking class since 2005. I even googled for baking lessons in Selangor area, found this Sugarcraft Baking Academy and emailed them regarding the course fees and time. Gosh! A part time course for 3 months need RM3500! I think I should just keep this dream aside first. lol.

First step to baking dream: - experiment at home =P (but I'm not at home now)

2. I've been thinking of surfing since 2003. When I heard Sunway Lagoon has the course for surfing. I almost wanted to go there to inquire about it. But because I chicken out after looking through the pictures on sunway's website where all surfers are Malay guys (no girls?!!) I quit the idea of learning surfing.

I also heard from Elaine last year that she learned surfing at Bali, Indonesia. I went to google for it. It's Rupiah 200,000 (around RM70) with board rentals and surfing courses. But the have to fly there. lol. Money money money is my issue...

First step to surfing dream: -Not enough info on this. Need to inquire more.

3. Have been thinking of rock climbing since 2002. But then heard from my friends that the equipments needed for rock climbing are very very expensive (around RM600 according to a rock climbing forum). Have to buy all these for regular climbing:

First step to rock climbing dream:

Either take up the basic course or just walk in. lol
**But obviously this is cheaper than the bakery course =P**

4. After the Kanching trip I realized that I like to take picture of nature. Like those trees in jungles (not beside the road), those croaked roots, small paths, water etc (That's why I like to see Yong's work). But dunno why when I try to take the picture of water, the pictures just don't come out like what I saw. Hmm.. Why ah?

So, initially I wanted to look for photography class to learn more about capturing scenes. But later found that for a normal people who just want to play around with photography as a hobby not for professional purpose, I should just stick to my bulky cute little Nikon Coolpix 3100

Forget about this even more bulky SLR camera:

First step to photography dream:
-Go more outings and practice to take more nice photo.

5. Korean language. Korean language initially sounds like Tamil to me. I enjoyed laughing at the slang of this language last time when I first heard it. But, I slowly grew interest towards this beautiful language. =) Although I can learn from Korean dramas and memorize words from the Korean dictionary I bought last month, I really hope I can learn proper grammar to build Korean sentences now that my Korean 'teacher' had vanished. lol.

First step to Korean language dream:
-Memorize the words from my Korean dictionary. Then try to translate Korean dramas without looking at subtitles. lol...

6. And Hip hop dance! For those who dunno how it looks like check out these videos in Youtube (Cannot copy their html code) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FX_NFOgQEU
Heard from Get Pei it was RM70 per month for a lesson per week. But, I'm not confident with myself because I think my body is not flexible enough.

First step to HipHop dance dream:
-No idea. Coz I don't know how to dance. Not even ballet (which most girls do when they were young)

7. Wanted to learn Wushu (as in Kungfu) since I was 14. But was not allowed. Now that I'm older and my body is not flexible anymore (same for HipHop dance) I'm pretty sure this dream is impossible to be achieved. End of story. No need to draw possible first step here. lol

Dunno la... Maybe I'm just more like a day-dreamer than a go-getter. That's why until now I didn't step out of my comfort zone to achieve these dreams. But I've reached some of my childhood dream last year. Camping, abseiling, more jungle trekking and hill climbing. I'm sure one day I will get these dreams realized.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Read this joke in Sinchew just now. I think it's funny. =P

Two persons are boasting about how tall the bridges in their countries are to each other.
A said "If a person jump from the bridge in my country to commit suicide, it will take him 10 minutes to drop into the water and drown."
B said "What so big deal? If a person is to jump from the bridge in my country to commit suicide, he'll die of hunger during the process of dropping."

Hahahahaha... Take that long to drop ah. lol...

Tomorrow is Monday =(

Went to Taipan for brunch with CP. Saw this at one of the shophouse.

Nice graffiti! Good font and striking colour.

But when compared with some I googled just now. The above graffiti is just too normal.


If you ask me what is good about IT technology, I would say I can webcam with Heng everyday.

If you ask me what is bad about IT technology, I would say I can't find a freaking letter paper sold in the market!

Ok, I was just exaggerating. There are letter papers.

But there's only very few styles of letter paper in each shop. And of all the styles there's only one nice one. And not all shops have letter paper. Till now I only found letter paper in Popular bookshop and Living Cabin in Pyramid. Worse still, the plastic that was wrapping the letter papers in Living Cabin ones are seriously dusted, like it's been neglected for thousand years. But since the style was quite cool and I had no choice at all, I chose the dusted papers.

For those who are not sure what I'm talking about, the letter papers are something like these la:

Googled these letter papers. Hmm. Maybe next time if I can't find any letter paper in the market I will just print these out in A4 la. Haha.. But will waste a lot of printer ink. =P

Was flipping through the letter papers I bought and found this sentence in the letter paper:

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.

This is not applicable to the society nowadays already especially in Malaysia. We girls should not simply smile at any guy stranger nowadays. Later kena culik how? Later kena rape how? I think it's really dangerous nowadays. It's better to prevent ourselves from giving wrong signals than sorry.

I think the world is going to get really dull and boring soon with unfriendly faces on the streets. But what to do? The security is so bad now we can't trust anyone especially those strangers walking by in those isolated tunnels...

I don't smile to strangers (especially guys) =P


Last week in lab I was singing Christmas song without myself noticing. Then Zhuang said "Are you kidding me?" I didn't know what she meant. Then only realized I was singing Christmas song. lol.

Yeah.. I celebrate Christmas plus and minus 2 months one. hehe. Really. I always sing Christmas songs 2 months before Christmas and 2 months after Christmas I still can't stop myself from singing Christmas song.